function varargout = leadlag(P,N,M,scaling,cost) %LEADLAG returns a trading signal for a simple lead/lag ema indicator %Leadlag函数返回一组交易信号,这组信号分别是以lead、lag为移动均线指标。ema:Exponential Moving Average,即指数平均数指标。 % LEADLAG returns a trading signal for a simple lead/lag exponential % moving-average technical indicator. % % S = LEADLAG(PRICE) returns a trading signal based upon a 12-period % lead and a 26-period lag. This is the default value used in a MACD % indicator. S is the trading signal of values -1, 0, 1 where -1 denotes % a sell (short), 0 is neutral, and 1 is buy (long). %S返回一组基于12日的交易日的lead和一个26日lag均线,这是空缺值时应用的MACD指标。S是一组交易信号,它由-1,0,1组成,-1代表卖出,0代表中性,1代表买入。 % S = LEADLAG(PRICE,N,M) returns a trading signal for a N-period lead and % a M-period lag. %PRICE输入数据,N、M分别为两个周期,前者小于后者。 % [S,R,SH,LEAD,LAG] = LEADLAG(...) returns the trading signal S, the % absolute return in R, the Sharpe Ratio in SH calcualted using R, and % the LEAD or LAG series. %LEADLAG函数返回交易信号S、绝对收益R、夏普收益SH、LEAD和LAG % EXAMPLE: % % IBM % load ibm.dat % [s,~,~,lead,lag] = leadlag(ibm(:,4)); % ax(1) = subplot(2,1,1); % plot([ibm(:,4),lead,lag]); % title('IBM Price Series') % legend('Close','Lead','Lag','Location','Best') % ax(2) = subplot(2,1,2); % plot(s) % title('Trading Signal') % set(gca,'YLim',[-1.2 1.2]) % linkaxes(ax,'x') %例子:载入IBM数据 %求解:交易信号S、lead、lag %第一幅图:数据、lead、lag %第二幅图:交易信号 %set函数:绘图,详细请见set函数 %linkaxes函数:同比例调整大小 % % Disney % load disney % dis_CLOSE(isnan(dis_CLOSE)) = []; % [s,~,~,lead,lag] = leadlag(dis_CLOSE); % ax(1) = subplot(2,1,1); % plot([dis_CLOSE,lead,lag]); % title('Disney Price Series') % legend('Close','Lead','Lag','Location','Best') % ax(2) = subplot(2,1,2); % plot(s) % title('Trading Signal') % set(gca,'YLim',[-1.2 1.2]) % linkaxes(ax,'x') % % See also movavg, sharpe, macd %% % Copyright 2010, The MathWorks, Inc. % All rights reserved. %% Process input args if ~exist('scaling','var') scaling = 1; end %如果不存在scaling,给其赋值1 if ~exist('cost','var') cost = 0; end %如果不存在cost,给其赋值0 if nargin < 2 % defualt values M = 26; N = 12; elseif nargin < 3 error('LEADLAG:NoLagWindowDefined',... 'When defining a leading window, the lag must be defined too') end %if %nargin用来判断变量个数,详细请见: %如果变量小于2,则M=26,N=12 %如果变量等于2,报错 %% Simple lead/lag ema calculation if nargin > 0 s = zeros(size(P)); [lead,lag] = movavg(P,N,M,'e'); s(lead>lag) = 1; s(lag>lead) = -1; r = [0; s(1:end-1).*diff(P)-abs(diff(s))*cost/2]; sh = scaling*sharpe(r,0); %如果变量大于0,s为维度与P(带入值)相同的元素全部为0的矩阵 %lead,lag日线值分别求出并保存变量,这里用到了movavg函数,详细请见movavg函数 %短期大于长期为1,反之为-1,r为实际收益减去成本 %sh为年化夏普变量,scaling为日期值 if nargout == 0 % Plot %% Plot results ax(1) = subplot(2,1,1); plot([P,lead,lag]); grid on legend('Close',['Lead ',num2str(N)],['Lag ',num2str(M)],'Location','Best') title(['Lead/Lag EMA Results, Annual Sharpe Ratio = ',num2str(sh,3)]) ax(2) = subplot(2,1,2); plot([s,cumsum(r)]); grid on legend('Position','Cumulative Return','Location','Best') title(['Final Return = ',num2str(sum(r),3),' (',num2str(sum(r)/P(1)*100,3),'%)']) linkaxes(ax,'x') %nargout:返回函数输出参数的数量,详细请见: else for i = 1:nargout switch i case 1 varargout{1} = s; case 2 varargout{2} = r; case 3 varargout{3} = sh; case 4 varargout{4} = lead; case 5 varargout{5} = lag; otherwise warning('LEADLAG:OutputArg',... 'Too many output arguments requested, ignoring last ones'); end %switch end %for end %if else %输出5个位置的变量,第一个为交易信号、第二个为收益、第三个为夏普收益率、第四第五为lead、lag %% Run Example example(1:2) end %if %% Examples function example(ex) for e = 1:length(ex) for e = 1:length(ex) switch ex(e) case 1 figure(1), clf load ibm.dat [s,~,~,lead,lag] = leadlag(ibm(:,4)); ax(1) = subplot(2,1,1); plot([ibm(:,4),lead,lag]); title('IBM Price Series') legend('Close','Lead','Lag','Location','Best') ax(2) = subplot(2,1,2); plot(s) title('Trading Signal') set(gca,'YLim',[-1.2 1.2]) linkaxes(ax,'x') case 2 figure(2),clf load disney dis_CLOSE(isnan(dis_CLOSE)) = []; [s,~,~,lead,lag] = leadlag(dis_CLOSE); ax(1) = subplot(2,1,1); plot([dis_CLOSE,lead,lag]); title('Disney Price Series') legend('Close','Lead','Lag','Location','Best') ax(2) = subplot(2,1,2); plot(s) title('Trading Signal') set(gca,'YLim',[-1.2 1.2]) linkaxes(ax,'x') end %switch end %for end %for