Using vs2015 64-bit compiler to build up CGAL-4.7 on window 7

Based on previous blog:, 

1.  download CGAL4.7


2. install CGAL4.7

here, we choose 64-bits

Using vs2015 64-bit compiler to build up CGAL-4.7 on window 7_第1张图片

set the environment

Using vs2015 64-bit compiler to build up CGAL-4.7 on window 7_第2张图片

3. install 64-bit boost 1.6.0


here, boost_build.bat I used is like:

b2 toolset=msvc-14.0 address-model=64 variant=release threading=multi link=shared define=_SECURE_SCL=0 define=_HAS_ITERATOR_DEBUGGING=0    
b2 toolset=msvc-14.0 address-model=64 variant=debug threading=multi link=shared  

then set environment variable:

BOOST_INCLUDEDIR = C:\work_files\boost_1_60_0

BOOST_LIBRARYDIR = C:\work_files\boost_1_60_0\stage\lib

4. config QT5.6.0

at this time, only beta version is provided.

download qt-opensource-windows-x86-msvc2015_64-5.6.0-beta.exe


then set environment variables:

QTDIR = C:\Qt\Qt5.6.0

add C:\Qt\Qt5.6.0\5.6\msvc2015_64\bin to path

5. config libQGLViewer

download from:

extract to: C:\work_files\libQGLViewer-2.6.3

open vs2015 x64 native tools command prompt

Using vs2015 64-bit compiler to build up CGAL-4.7 on window 7_第3张图片

change your current work directory to 


then type:



After compiling, set environment variable:

QGLVIEWERROOT = C:\work_files\libQGLViewer-2.6.3

add  C:\work_files\libQGLViewer-2.6.3\QGLViewer to path

6. config CGAL-4.7

via cmake

source code :C:\work_files\CGAL-4.7

binaries code:C:\work_files\CGAL-4.7\build_vs2015_x64

then compile

add C:\work_files\CGAL-4.7\build_vs2015_x64\bin to path

7. compile example

Using vs2015 64-bit compiler to build up CGAL-4.7 on window 7_第4张图片

8.compile demo

some demos build on TBB of intel, so we compile TBB first:

download from:

extract to:


set environment variable:

TBBROOT = C:\work_files\tbb44_20151115oss

TBB_ARCH_PLATFORM = intel64/vc14

add C:\work_files\tbb44_20151115oss\bin\intel64\vc14 to path

some demos need Eigen library, after downloading we set environment variable:

EIGEN3_DIR =  C:\work_files\eigen-eigen-c58038c56923

note: every time you change the environment variables, you'd better to relaunch cmake to make the change effective.

config demo in cmake

Using vs2015 64-bit compiler to build up CGAL-4.7 on window 7_第5张图片

At last, compile the projects in VS15, the result after running T3_demo project is like:

Using vs2015 64-bit compiler to build up CGAL-4.7 on window 7_第6张图片

At last, compile the project in VS15, the result after running is like:
At last, compile the project in VS15, the result after running is like:

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