from django.conf import settings class XFrameOptionsMiddleware(object): """ Middleware that sets the X-Frame-Options HTTP header in HTTP responses. Does not set the header if it's already set or if the response contains a xframe_options_exempt value set to True. By default, sets the X-Frame-Options header to 'SAMEORIGIN', meaning the response can only be loaded on a frame within the same site. To prevent the response from being loaded in a frame in any site, set X_FRAME_OPTIONS in your project's Django settings to 'DENY'. Note: older browsers will quietly ignore this header, thus other clickjacking protection techniques should be used if protection in those browsers is required. """ def process_response(self, request, response): # Don't set it if it's already in the response if response.get('X-Frame-Options', None) is not None: return response # Don't set it if they used @xframe_options_exempt if getattr(response, 'xframe_options_exempt', False): return response response['X-Frame-Options'] = self.get_xframe_options_value(request, response) return response def get_xframe_options_value(self, request, response): """ Gets the value to set for the X_FRAME_OPTIONS header. By default this uses the value from the X_FRAME_OPTIONS Django settings. If not found in settings, defaults to 'SAMEORIGIN'. This method can be overridden if needed, allowing it to vary based on the request or response. """ return getattr(settings, 'X_FRAME_OPTIONS', 'SAMEORIGIN').upper()
以上为XFrameOptionsMiddleware代码, 是在response添加X-Frame-Options属性.
下面讲一下 X-Frame-Options的作用:
DENY: 浏览器拒绝当前页面加载任何frame页面
SAMEORIGIN: frame页面的地址只能为同源域名下的页面
ALLOW-FROM: 允许frame加载的页面地址
结合自己需求, 在settings里配置X_FRAME_OPTIONS, 还需要在settings MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES加入django.middleware.clickjacking.XFrameOptionsMiddleware