#include <linux/module.h> #include <linux/moduleparam.h> #include <linux/init.h> #include <linux/kernel.h> /* printk() */ #include <linux/fs.h> #include <linux/errno.h> /* error codes */ #include <linux/types.h> /* size_t */ #include <linux/cdev.h> #include <asm/uaccess.h> /* copy_to_user() */ /* function prototypes */ static int hello_open( struct inode *inode, struct file *filp ); static int hello_release( struct inode *inode, struct file *filp ); ssize_t hello_read( struct file *flip, char __user *buf, size_t count,loff_t *f_pos); ssize_t hello_write( struct file *filp, const char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t *f_pos ); static int hello_major = 0; /* major device number */ MODULE_AUTHOR( "xiaobenzhu" ); MODULE_LICENSE( "Dual BSD/GPL" ); static struct cdev helloDev; /* hello device structure */ /* file operations for hello device */ static struct file_operations hello_ops = { .owner = THIS_MODULE, .open = hello_open, .read = hello_read, .write = hello_write, .release = hello_release, }; /* Open the device */ static int hello_open( struct inode *inode, struct file *filp ){ printk( KERN_NOTICE"Hello device open!\n" ); return 0; } /* Close hello_device */ static int hello_release( struct inode *inode, struct file *filp ){ printk( KERN_NOTICE"Hello device close!\n" ); return 0; } /* set up the cdev stucture for a device */ static void hello_setup_cdev( struct cdev *dev, int minor, struct file_operations *fops ){ int err; int devno = MKDEV( hello_major, minor ); /* initialize the cdev struct */ cdev_init( dev,fops ); dev->owner = THIS_MODULE; dev->ops = fops; /* why not do it in cdev_init ? */ err = cdev_add( dev, devno, 1 ); /* register the cdev in the kernel */ if( err ) printk( KERN_NOTICE"Error %d adding hello%d\n",err ,minor ); } /* Module housekeeping */ static int hello_init(void){ int result; dev_t dev = MKDEV( hello_major, 0 ); /* alloc the major device number dynamicly */ result = alloc_chrdev_region(&dev, 0 ,1, "hello" ); if( result < 0 ){ printk( KERN_NOTICE"Hello: unable to get major %d\n",hello_major ); return result; } hello_major = MAJOR(dev); /* set up devices, in this case, there is only one device */ printk( KERN_NOTICE"hello init: %d, %d\n",hello_major,0 ); //printk( KERN_ALERT"hello init: %d, %d\n",hello_major,0 ); hello_setup_cdev(&helloDev, 0 , &hello_ops ); return 0; } /* Exit routine */ static void hello_exit(void){ /* remove the cdev from kernel */ cdev_del(&helloDev ); /* release the device numble alloced earlier */ unregister_chrdev_region( MKDEV( hello_major, 0 ), 1 ); printk( KERN_NOTICE"hello exit. major:%d,minor %d\n",hello_major,0 ); } /* user read from hello device*/ ssize_t hello_read( struct file *flip, char __user *buf, size_t count,loff_t *f_pos){ ssize_t retval = 0; char *bank; bank = kmalloc(count+1, GFP_KERNEL ); if( bank == NULL ) return -1; memset( bank, 'A',count ); if( copy_to_user( buf, bank, count ) ){ retval = -EFAULT; goto out; } retval += count; *(bank+count)=0; printk( KERN_NOTICE"hello: user read %d bytes from me. %s\n",count,bank ); out: kfree(bank); return retval; } /* write to hello device */ ssize_t hello_write( struct file *filp, const char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t *f_pos ){ ssize_t retval = 0; char *bank = kmalloc( count ,GFP_KERNEL ); if( bank == NULL ) return retval; if( copy_from_user(bank, buf, count ) ){ retval = -EFAULT; printk( KERN_NOTICE"hello: write error\n" ); goto out; } retval += count; printk( KERN_NOTICE"hello: user has written %d bytes to me: %s\n",count, bank ); out: kfree(bank ); return retval; } /* register the init and exit routine of the module */ module_init( hello_init ); module_exit( hello_exit );
1. MODULE_LICENSE( "Dual BSD/GPL" ); 指定模块使用的许可证
能被内核识别的许可证有GPL、GPL v2、 Dual BSD/GPL、 Dual MPL/GPL、Proprietary(专有)等,如果模块没有显式标记许可证,则会被认定为“专有”,内核加载这样的模块会被“污染”。
2.最后两句module_init( hello_init ); module_exit( hello_exit );指定了模块初始化和关闭函数
# cat /proc/kmsg
1.模块被加载伊始,进入hello_init 函数,在这个函数中,动态的为我们的驱动申请了主设备号。设备号是干什么吃的?据LDD记载,对字符设备的访问是通过文件系统内的设备名称进行的。那些被称为特殊文件、设备文件的节点,通常位于/dev目录,如果ls -l 查看该目录,第一列中带有c标志的即为字符设备,有b标志的为块设备。而第5、6列所示的两个数字分别为设备的主、次设备号。通常,主设备号标识设备所用的驱动程序(现在大多设备仍然采用“一个主设备号对应一个驱动程序”的规则),次设备号用于确定设备,比如你有两块网卡,使用同一驱动,主设备号相同,那么他们将由次设备号区分。
这里主设备号的分配由alloc_chrdev_region(第一个参数为dev_t 指针,用来存放设备编号,第二个参数为要使用的第一个次设备号,通常为0,第三个参数为请求的连续设备编号个数)动态分配,当然也可以静态指定一个未被使用的主设备号,相应函数为register_chrdev_region,但不推荐这样做。在模块被卸载时(hello_exit),通过unregister_chrdev_region释放设备号。MKDEV宏将给出的主、次设备号转换成dev_t类型,MAJOR,MINOR分别从dev_t中析取主次设备号。
int register_chrdev_region(dev_t first, unsigned int count, char *name);
int alloc_chrdev_region(dev_t *dev, unsigned int firstminor, unsigned int count, char *name);
void unregister_chrdev_region(dev_t first, unsigned int count);
这里cdev结构体是内核内部使用来表示字符设备的。在内核调用设备操作之前,必须分配并注册一个或多个这样的结构。猪为了方便,没有动态使用cdev_alloc函数分配空间,而是定义了一个全局静态cdev变量。通常你可以将你的cdev嵌入到自定义的结构体中(猪这个驱动很naive,没有这么做),通过cdev_init 函数初始化。这里注意第二个参数,这就是传说中的file_operations, 用来挂载你的设备操作,他是一个函数指针集合,结构大致为
struct file_operations { struct module *owner; loff_t (*llseek) (struct file *, loff_t, int); ssize_t (*read) (struct file *, char __user *, size_t, loff_t *); ssize_t (*write) (struct file *, const char __user *, size_t, loff_t *); ssize_t (*aio_read) (struct kiocb *, const struct iovec *, unsigned long, loff_t); ssize_t (*aio_write) (struct kiocb *, const struct iovec *, unsigned long, loff_t); int (*readdir) (struct file *, void *, filldir_t); unsigned int (*poll) (struct file *, struct poll_table_struct *); int (*ioctl) (struct inode *, struct file *, unsigned int, unsigned long); long (*unlocked_ioctl) (struct file *, unsigned int, unsigned long); long (*compat_ioctl) (struct file *, unsigned int, unsigned long); int (*mmap) (struct file *, struct vm_area_struct *); int (*open) (struct inode *, struct file *); int (*flush) (struct file *, fl_owner_t id); int (*release) (struct inode *, struct file *); int (*fsync) (struct file *, struct dentry *, int datasync); int (*aio_fsync) (struct kiocb *, int datasync); int (*fasync) (int, struct file *, int); ... };
static struct file_operations hello_ops = { .owner = THIS_MODULE, .open = hello_open, .read = hello_read, .write = hello_write, .release = hello_release, };
在cdev_init 之后,还需要对cdev中的类似的owner字段进行初始化。之后调用cdev_add函数在内核注册设备。(第二个参数为该设备对应的第一个设备编号,第三个参数是关联设备编号数量),注册之后设备的操作就可以被内核调用了。在模块卸载时,调用cdev_del注销设备。
void cdev_init(struct cdev *dev, struct file_operations *fops);
int cdev_add(struct cdev *dev, dev_t num, unsigned int count);
void cdev_del(struct cdev *dev);
这里要注意的是,内核空间中不能使用用户态的malloc,而是使用kmalloc/kfree。而且,用户read/write提供的buf地址也是用户态的,内核自然不能直接访问,需要通过copy_to_user/copy_from_user 进行数据拷贝。
#DEBUG = y # Add your debugging flag (or not) to EXTRA_CFLAGS ifeq ($(DEBUG),y) DEBFLAGS = -O -g # "-O" is needed to expand inlines else DEBFLAGS = -O2 endif EXTRA_CFLAGS += $(DEBFLAGS)
# 如果已经定义KERNELRELEASE,则说明是从内核构造系统调用的
# 因此可以利用其内建语句
# call from kernel build system
obj-m := hello.o
# 否则,是直接从命令行调用的
# 这时要调用内核构造系统 else KERNELDIR ?= /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build PWD := $(shell pwd) default: $(MAKE) -C $(KERNELDIR) M=$(PWD) modules endif clean: rm -rf *.o *~ core .depend .*.cmd *.ko *.mod.c .tmp_versions depend .depend dep: $(CC) $(EXTRA_CFLAGS) -M *.c > .depend TEST_SOURCES = test_hello.c .PHONY: test test:$(TEST_SOURCES) $(CC) $< -o $@ ifeq (.depend,$(wildcard .depend)) include .depend endif
这里真正有用的只有一句,obj-m := hello.o ,若你的模块有多个.o文件组成,应该写成
obj-m := hello.o hello-objs := file1.o file2.o
上面的makefile之所以看上去比较麻烦,是因为他应对在内核树之外构造模块,当makefilel从命令行调用时,KERNELRELEASE尚未设置,那么设定KERNELDIR 为 当前模块目录中的build,这其实是一个符号链接,指向对应的内核构造树,这样一来就可以定位内核源码目录,然后调用default:目标,这使得make命令第二次被调用,这时,会检测KERNELRELEASE已然设置,那么设置obj-m, 然后内核的makefile真正负责构造模块。 具体过程请阅读LDD第二章内容
1. 编译成功后,会得到hello.ko, 这时你就可以通过insmod命令加载模块
# insmod hello.ko
2.要想使用驱动,你需要在/dev 目录下建立设备文件节点,语法是
mknod [options] name {bc} major minor
这里需要知道设备的主、次设备号,何以知之?使用cat /proc/devices | grep hello 你就会得到其主设备号
# mknod /dev/hello0 c 250 0
# chmod 664 /dev/hello0 # chgrp benzhu /dev/hello0
#!/bin/sh module="hello" device="hello" mode="664" # Group: since distributions do it differently, look for wheel or use staff if grep '^staff:' /etc/group > /dev/null; then group="staff" else group="benzhu" fi # invoke insmod with all arguments we got # and use a pathname, as newer modutils don't look in . by default /sbin/insmod -f ./$module.ko $* || exit 1 major=$(awk "\$2==\"$module\" {print \$1}" /proc/devices) # Remove stale nodes and replace them, then give gid and perms # Usually the script is shorter, it's simple that has several devices in it. echo $major rm -f /dev/${device}0 mknod /dev/${device}0 c $major 0 chgrp $group /dev/${device}0 chmod $mode /dev/${device}0
/* test_hello.c */ #include <fcntl.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #define READ_SIZE 10 int main(int argc, char **argv){ int fd,count; char buf[READ_SIZE+1]; if( argc<2 ){ printf( "[Usage: test device_name ]\n" ); exit(0); } if(( fd = open(argv[1],O_RDWR ))<0){ printf( "Error:can not open the device: %s\n",argv[1] ); exit(1); } printf("%s has been opened: (fd:%d).\n",argv[1],fd ); if( (count = read(fd,buf,READ_SIZE ))<0 ){ perror("read error.\n"); exit(1); } printf( "read %d bytes from %s:%s\n",count,argv[1],buf ); memcpy( buf,"Hello",6 ); if( (count = write( fd, buf ,6 ))<0 ){ perror("write error.\n"); exit(1); } printf( "write %d bytes to %s:%s\n",count,argv[1],buf ); close(fd); printf("close device %s\n",argv[1] ); return 0; }
2.Python 测试
#!/usr/bin/python import sys,getopt def usage(): print "[Usage: python_test dev_name]" def getopts(): try: opts,args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],"ho:",["help","output="]) except getopt.GetoptError: print "Bad options." usage() sys.exit() for o,a in opts: if o in ("-h","--help"): usage() sys.exit() if o in ("-o","--output"): output = a def test_read(filename): #open the given file try: file = open(filename,"r") except IOError,message: print >> sys.stderr, "File could not be opened",message sys.exit(1) print "file opened." msg = file.read(10); print "get message from:",filename,":",msg file.close() print "file closed." def test_write(filename): #open the given file try: file = open(filename,"w") except IOError,message: print >> sys.stderr, "File could not be opened",message sys.exit(1) print "file opened." msg = "Hello!I am tomsheep!\0" file.write(msg) print "wrote to device:",filename , ":",msg file.close() print "file closed." def main(): if len(sys.argv) < 2: usage() sys.exit() #deal with the options getopts() filename = sys.argv[1] #test I/O test_read(filename) test_write(filename) #main routine main()
通过rmmod卸载模块, rm移除设备文件节点
#!/bin/sh module="hello" device="hello" # invoke rmmod with all arguments we got /sbin/rmmod $module $* || exit 1 # Remove stale nodes rm -f /dev/${device}0