error: WatchKit App doesn't contain any WatchKit Extensions whose WKAppBundleIdentifier matches "***

error: WatchKit App doesn't contain any WatchKit Extensions whose WKAppBundleIdentifier matches "*****". Verify that the value if WKAppBundleIdentifier in your WatchKit Extension's Info.plist matches the value of CFBundleIndetifier in your WatchKit App's Info.plist.

这个错误是bundle ID 的问题.如果你改了iPhone, watch APP 或者 watch extension的Bundle ID ,很有可能出现这个问题.因为这三者是必须要遵循固定的格式的.解决方法如下:

error: WatchKit App doesn't contain any WatchKit Extensions whose WKAppBundleIdentifier matches "***_第1张图片

error: WatchKit App doesn't contain any WatchKit Extensions whose WKAppBundleIdentifier matches "***_第2张图片

