Asterisk Detailed Variable List
Asterisk standard channel variables
There are a number of variables that are defined or read
by Asterisk. Here is a list of them. More information is
available in each application's help text. All these variables
are in UPPER CASE only.
to diaplay all channel variable use this command
Variables marked with a * are builtin functions and can't be set,
only read in the dialplan. Writes to such variables are silently
${ACCOUNTCODE} * Account code (if specified) (Deprecated; use ${CDR(accountcode)})
${BLINDTRANSFER} The name of the channel on the other side of a blind transfer
${BRIDGEPEER} Bridged peer
${CALLERANI} * Caller ANI (PRI channels) (Deprecated; use ${CALLERID(ani)})
${CALLERID} * Caller ID (Deprecated; use ${CALLERID(all)})
${CALLERIDNAME} * Caller ID Name only (Deprecated; use ${CALLERID(name)})
${CALLERIDNUM} * Caller ID Number only (Deprecated; use ${CALLERID(num)})
${CALLINGANI2} * Caller ANI2 (PRI channels)
${CALLINGPRES} * Caller ID presentation for incoming calls (PRI channels)
${CALLINGTNS} * Transit Network Selector (PRI channels)
${CALLINGTON} * Caller Type of Number (PRI channels)
${CHANNEL} * Current channel name
${CONTEXT} * Current context
${DATETIME} * Current date time in the format: DDMMYYYY-HH:MM:SS (Deprecated; use ${STRFTIME(${EPOCH},,%d%m%Y-%H:%M:%S)})
${DB_RESULT} Result value of DB_EXISTS() dial plan function
${DNID} * Dialed Number Identifier (Deprecated; use ${CALLERID(dnid)})
${EPOCH} * Current unix style epoch
${EXTEN} * Current extension
${ENV(VAR)} Environmental variable VAR
${GOTO_ON_BLINDXFR} Transfer to the specified context/extension/priority
after a blind transfer (use ^ characters in place of
| to separate context/extension/priority when setting
this variable from the dialplan)
${HANGUPCAUSE} * Asterisk cause of hangup (inbound/outbound)
${HINT} * Channel hints for this extension
${HINTNAME} * Suggested Caller*ID name for this extension
${INVALID_EXTEN} The invalid called extension (used in the "i" extension)
${LANGUAGE} * Current language (Deprecated; use ${LANGUAGE()})
${LEN(VAR)} * String length of VAR (integer)
${PRIORITY} * Current priority in the dialplan
${PRIREDIRECTREASON} Reason for redirect on PRI, if a call was directed
${RDNIS} * Redirected Dial Number ID Service (Deprecated; use ${CALLERID(rdnis)})
${TIMESTAMP} * Current date time in the format: YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS (Deprecated; use ${STRFTIME(${EPOCH},,%Y%m%d-%H%M%S)})
${TRANSFER_CONTEXT} Context for transferred calls
${FORWARD_CONTEXT} Context for forwarded calls
${UNIQUEID} * Current call unique identifier
${SYSTEMNAME} * value of the systemname option of asterisk.conf
Application return values
In Asterisk 1.2, many applications return the result in a variable
instead of, as in Asterisk 1.0, changing the dial plan priority (+101).
For the various status values, see each application's help text.
${AGISTATUS} * agi()
${AQMSTATUS} * addqueuemember()
${AVAILSTATUS} * chanisavail()
${CHECKGROUPSTATUS} * checkgroup()
${CHECKMD5STATUS} * checkmd5()
${CPLAYBACKSTATUS} * controlplayback()
${DIALSTATUS} * dial() - see also ${HANGUPCAUSE}
${DBGETSTATUS} * dbget()
${ENUMSTATUS} * enumlookup()
${HASVMSTATUS} * hasnewvoicemail()
${LOOKUPBLSTATUS} * lookupblacklist()
${OSPAUTHSTATUS} * ospauth()
${OSPLOOKUPSTATUS} * osplookup()
${OSPNEXTSTATUS} * ospnext()
${OSPFINISHSTATUS} * ospfinish()
${PARKEDAT} * parkandannounce()
${PLAYBACKSTATUS} * playback()
${PQMSTATUS} * pausequeuemember()
${PRIVACYMGRSTATUS} * privacymanager()
${QUEUESTATUS} * queue()
${RQMSTATUS} * removequeuemember()
${SENDIMAGESTATUS} * sendimage()
${SENDTEXTSTATUS} * sendtext()
${SENDURLSTATUS} * sendurl()
${SYSTEMSTATUS} * system()
${TRANSFERSTATUS} * transfer()
${TXTCIDNAMESTATUS} * txtcidname()
${UPQMSTATUS} * unpausequeuemember()
${VMSTATUS} * voicmail()
${VMBOXEXISTSSTATUS} * vmboxexists()
${WAITSTATUS} * waitforsilence()
Various application variables
${CURL} * Resulting page content for curl()
${ENUM} * Result of application EnumLookup
${EXITCONTEXT} Context to exit to in IVR menu (app background())
or in the RetryDial() application
${MONITOR} * Set to "TRUE" if the channel is/has been monitored (app monitor())
${MONITOR_EXEC} Application to execute after monitoring a call
${MONITOR_EXEC_ARGS} Arguments to application
${MONITOR_FILENAME} File for monitoring (recording) calls in queue
${QUEUE_PRIO} Queue priority
${QUEUE_MAX_PENALTY} Maximum member penalty allowed to answer caller
${QUEUESTATUS} Status of the call, one of:
${RECORDED_FILE} * Recorded file in record()
${TALK_DETECTED} * Result from talkdetect()
${TOUCH_MONITOR} The filename base to use with Touch Monitor (auto record)
${TOUCH_MONITOR_FORMAT} The audio format to use with Touch Monitor (auto record)
${TOUCH_MONITOR_OUTPUT} * Recorded file from Touch Monitor (auto record)
${TXTCIDNAME} * Result of application TXTCIDName
${VPB_GETDTMF} chan_vpb
The MeetMe Conference Bridge uses the following variables:
${MEETME_RECORDINGFILE} Name of file for recording a conference with
the "r" option
${MEETME_RECORDINGFORMAT} Format of file to be recorded
${MEETME_EXIT_CONTEXT} Context for exit out of meetme meeting
${MEETME_AGI_BACKGROUND} AGI script for Meetme (zap only)
${MEETMESECS} * Number of seconds a user participated in a MeetMe conference
The VoiceMail() application uses the following variables:
${VM_CATEGORY} Sets voicemail category
${VM_NAME} * Full name in voicemail
${VM_DUR} * Voicemail duration
${VM_MSGNUM} * Number of voicemail message in mailbox
${VM_CALLERID} * Voicemail Caller ID (Person leaving vm)
${VM_CIDNAME} * Voicemail Caller ID Name
${VM_CIDNUM} * Voicemail Caller ID Number
${VM_DATE} * Voicemail Date
${VM_MESSAGEFILE} * Path to message left by caller
The VMAuthenticate() application uses the following variables:
${AUTH_MAILBOX} * Authenticated mailbox
${AUTH_CONTEXT} * Authenticated mailbox context
DUNDiLookup() uses the following variables
${DUNDTECH} * The Technology of the result from a call to DUNDiLookup()
${DUNDDEST} * The Destination of the result from a call to DUNDiLookup()
The Zaptel channel sets the following variables:
${ANI2} * The ANI2 Code provided by the network on the incoming call. (ie, Code 29 identifies call as a Prison/Inmate Call) See also:
NANPA ANI II Digits Assignments
${CALLTYPE} * Type of call (Speech, Digital, etc)
${CALLEDTON} * Dialplan for called number on PRI/BRI calls (17=international, 33=national, 65=local, 73=private, 0=unknown). Note: this is a misnomer, TON != dialplan.
${CALLINGSUBADDR} * Called PRI Subaddress
${FAXEXTEN} * The extension called before being redirected to "fax"
${PRIREDIRECTREASON} * Reason for redirect, if a call was directed
${SMDI_VM_TYPE} * When an call is received with an SMDI message, the 'type'
of message 'b' or 'u'
The SIP channel uses the following variables:
${SIPCALLID} * SIP Call-ID: header verbatim (for logging or CDR matching)
${SIPDOMAIN} * SIP destination domain of an inbound call (if appropriate)
${SIPUSERAGENT} * SIP user agent
${SIPURI} * SIP uri
${SIP_CODEC} Set the SIP codec for a call
${SIP_URI_OPTIONS} * additional options to add to the URI for an outgoing call
${RTPAUDIOQOS} RTCP QoS report for the audio of this call
${RTPVIDEOQOS} RTCP QoS report for the video of this call
The Agent channel uses the following variables:
${AGENTMAXLOGINTRIES} Set the maximum number of failed logins
${AGENTUPDATECDR} Whether to update the CDR record with Agent channel data
${AGENTGOODBYE} Sound file to use for "Good Bye" when agent logs out
${AGENTACKCALL} Whether the agent should acknowledge the incoming call
${AGENTAUTOLOGOFF} Auto logging off for an agent
${AGENTWRAPUPTIME} Setting the time for wrapup between incoming calls
${AGENTNUMBER} * Agent number (username) set at login
${AGENTSTATUS} * Status of login ( fail | on | off )
${AGENTEXTEN} * Extension for logged in agent
The Dial() application uses the following variables:
${DIALEDPEERNAME} * Dialed peer name
${DIALEDPEERNUMBER} * Dialed peer number
${DIALEDTIME} * Time for the call (seconds)
${ANSWEREDTIME} * Time from dial to answer (seconds)
${DIALSTATUS} * Status of the call, one of:
${DYNAMIC_FEATURES} * The list of features (from the
section of
features.conf) to activate during the call, with feature
names separated by '#' characters
${LIMIT_PLAYAUDIO_CALLER} Soundfile for call limits
${LIMIT_PLAYAUDIO_CALLEE} Soundfile for call limits
${LIMIT_WARNING_FILE} Soundfile for call limits
${LIMIT_TIMEOUT_FILE} Soundfile for call limits
${LIMIT_CONNECT_FILE} Soundfile for call limits
${OUTBOUND_GROUP} Default groups for peer channels (as in SetGroup)
- See "show application dial" for more information
The chanisavail() application sets the following variables:
${AVAILCHAN} * the name of the available channel if one was found
${AVAILORIGCHAN} * the canonical channel name that was used to create the channel
${AVAILSTATUS} * Status of requested channel
When using macros in the dialplan, these variables are available
${MACRO_EXTEN} * The calling extensions
${MACRO_CONTEXT} * The calling context
${MACRO_PRIORITY} * The calling priority
${MACRO_OFFSET} Offset to add to priority at return from macro
The ChanSpy() application uses the following variables:
${SPYGROUP} * A ':' (colon) separated list of group names.
(To be set on spied on channel and matched against the g(grp) option)
If you compile with OSP support, these variables are used:
${OSPINHANDLE} OSP handle of in_bound call
${OSPINTIMELIMIT} Duration limit for in_bound call
${OSPOUTHANDLE} OSP handle of out_bound call
${OSPTECH} OSP technology
${OSPDEST} OSP destination
${OSPCALLING} OSP calling number
${OSPOUTTOKEN} OSP token to use for out_bound call
${OSPOUTTIMELIMIT} Duration limit for out_bound call
${OSPRESULTS} Number of remained destinations
Call File extension variables:
${REASON} The reason why an auto-dialout call failed
CDR Variables
If the channel has a cdr, that cdr record has it's own set of variables which
can be accessed just like channel variables. The following builtin variables
are available and, unless specified, read-only.
${CDR(clid)} Caller ID
${CDR(src)} Source
${CDR(dst)} Destination
${CDR(dcontext)} Destination context
${CDR(channel)} Channel name
${CDR(dstchannel)} Destination channel
${CDR(lastapp)} Last app executed
${CDR(lastdata)} Last app's arguments
${CDR(start)} Time the call started.
${CDR(answer)} Time the call was answered.
${CDR(end)} Time the call ended.
${CDR(duration)} Duration of the call.
${CDR(billsec)} Duration of the call once it was answered.
${CDR(accountcode)} The channel's account code (read-write).
${CDR(uniqueid)} The channel's unique id.
${CDR(userfield)} The channels uses specified field (read-write).
In addition, you can set your own extra variables with a traditional
Set(CDR(var)=val) to anything you want.
Some CDR values (eg: duration & billsec) can't be accessed until the call has terminated. As of
91617, those values will be calculated on-demand if requested. Until that makes it into a stable release, you can set endbeforehexten=yes in cdr.conf, and then use the "hangup" context to wrap up your call.
Certain functional variables may be accessed with ${foo(<args>)}. A list
of these functional variables may be found by typing "show functions"
at the Asterisk CLI.