
PHP开发也有几个月了,感觉php缓存是很重要的一块,无论是页面级的(主要指smarty)还是dao级的。使用上还不怎么熟,但还是记录下笔记。本篇讲述的缓存是写到磁盘文件,这是看piwik源码时看到的,感觉思想很好,这也得益于PHP的var_export 方法。主要把要保存的内容(int,string,也可以使array)保存为php文件,这样当include这个php文件后,保存的内容就自动当做变量被include进来了。



class Piwik_CacheFile
    protected $cachePath;
    protected $cachePrefix;
    function __construct($directory)
    	$this->cachePath = PIWIK_USER_PATH . '/tmp/cache/' . $directory . '/';
	function get($id) 
	    $cache_complete = false;
	    $content = '';
	    // We are assuming that most of the time cache will exists
	    $ok = @include($this->cachePath . $id . '.php');
	    if ($ok && $cache_complete == true) {
	        return $content;

	    return false;
	function set($id, $content)
		if( !is_dir($this->cachePath))
	    if (!is_writable($this->cachePath)) {
	        return false;
	    $id = $this->cachePath . $id . '.php';
	    $cache_literal  = "<"."?php\n\n";
	    $cache_literal .= "$"."content   = ".var_export($content, true).";\n\n";
	    $cache_literal .= "$"."cache_complete   = true;\n\n";
	    $cache_literal .= "?".">";
	    // Write cache to a temp file, then rename it, overwritng the old cache
	    // On *nix systems this should guarantee atomicity
	    $tmp_filename = tempnam($this->cachePath, 'tmp_');
	    if ($fp = @fopen($tmp_filename, 'wb')) {
	        @fwrite ($fp, $cache_literal, strlen($cache_literal));
	        @fclose ($fp);
	        if (!@rename($tmp_filename, $id)) {
	            // On some systems rename() doesn't overwrite destination
	            if (!@rename($tmp_filename, $id)) {
	                // Make sure that no temporary file is left over
	                // if the destination is not writable
	        return true;
	    return false;

    function delete($id)
        $filename = $this->cachePath . $id . '.php';
        if (file_exists($filename)) {
            @unlink ($filename);
            return true;
        return false;
