VPython - example - Hello World!

本作品采用知识共享署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享 3.0 Unported许可协议进行许可。允许非商业转载,但应注明作者及出处。




#!/usr/bin/env # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from visual.text import * # At present, VPython supports only numbers and uppercase characters. Other characters will be displayed as * # Specifying the Title of the window scene.title = "Hello World" # Here goes the hello world text text(pos=(0,3,0), string='HELLO WORLD', color=color.orange, depth=-1, justify='center') text(pos=(0,0,0), string='HELLO WORLD', color=color.orange, depth=0, justify='center') text(pos=(0,-3,0), string='HELLO WORLD', color=color.orange, depth=1, justify='center')  


VPython - example - Hello World!_第1张图片



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