Common queries for MySQL 5

Common queries for MySQL 5
Extending Chapter 9

Aggregates Find child tables Group column statistics in rows
Cascading aggregates Find parent tables Pivot table with CONCAT
Cross-aggregates Find primary key of a table Pivot table without GROUP_CONCAT
Group by datetime period Find the size of all databases on the server Relational division
Per-group aggregate lists of specified size List differences between two databases All possible recipes with given ingredients
Per-group aggregates List users with access to a database Parties with candidates in all districts
Per-group aggregates across multiple joins Rename Database Who makes all the parts for a given assembly?
Show only one child row per parent row Show Create Trigger Schedules
Skip repeating values Show Tables Game schedule
Within-group aggregates Files Pivot table schedule
Within-group quotas (Top N per group) Exporting query result to a file Sequences
Aggregates and statistics Frequencies Find blocks of unused numbers
Average the top 50% of values per group Display column values which occur N times Find missing numbers in a sequence
Averages from bands of values Display every Nth row Find previous and next values in a sequence
Count unique values of one column Graphs and Hierarchies Find sequence starts and ends
Median Trees, networks and parts explosions in MySQL Find specific sequences
Mode JOIN Gaps in a time series
Rank order Approximate joins Make values of a column sequential
Data comparison Cascading JOINs Track stepwise project completion
Backslashes in data Data-driven joins Spherical geometry
Compare data in two tables Many-to-many joins Great circle distance
Date and time Parties who have contracts with one another Statistics without aggregates
Age in years Join or subquery? Moving average
Appointments available Parents without children Multiple sums across a join
Count business days between two dates The unbearable slowness of IN() Percentiles
Count Tuesdays between two dates The [Not] Exists query pattern Random row selection
Date of first Friday of next month What exams did a student not register for? Running Sum
Datetime difference NULLs Sum across categories
Find available reservation periods List NULLs at end of query output Top ten
Find sequenced duplicates Show NULLs as blank cells Stored procedures
Is a given booking period available? Ordering resultsets A cursor if necessary, but not necessarily a cursor
Last business day before a reference date Next row Emulate sp_exec
Make a calendar table Order by month name Variable-length arguments for query IN() clause
Sum time periods Suppress repeating ordering values Strings
Sum time values Pagination Count substrings
DDL Pagination Proper case
Add auto-incrementing primary key to a table Pivot tables Strip HTML tags
Auto-increment: reset next value Automate the writing of pivot table queries
Compare structures of two tables Column value associations

Cascading aggregates

When you have parent-child-grandchild tables, eg companies, users, actions, and your query requirement is for per-parent aggregates from the child table and per-child aggregates from the grandchild table, then cascading joins yield spuriously multiplied counts, and correlated subqueries fail because the second correlated subquery cannot find a visible joining column.

One solution is to use derived tables. Assuming ...

CREATE TABLE companies (id int, name char(10));
CREATE TABLE users (id INT,companyid INT);
CREATE TABLE actions (id INT, userid INT, date DATE);

  • Join companies & users once to establish a derived company-user table.
  • Join them a second time, this time aggregating on to generate user counts per company.
  • Join the first derived table to the actions table, aggregating on to report actions per user per company:
Here is the SQL:

SELECT cu1.cid, cu1.cname, cu2.cid, cu2.uCnt, ua.aCnt
  SELECT AS cid, AS cname, AS uid 
  FROM companies c
  INNER JOIN users u1 ON
) AS cu1
  FROM companies c
  INNER JOIN users u2 ON
) AS cu2 ON cu1.cid=cu2.cid
  FROM users u3
  INNER JOIN actions a ON
) AS ua ON ua.uid=cu1.uid;

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Given the table authorbook(authid INT, bookid INT), what query finds the books who have authors with more than one book in the table?

Even one level of recursion can induce a mild trance. Escape the trance by taking the problem one step at a time. First write the query that finds the authors with multiple books. Then join an outer query to that on authorid, and have the outer query select bookid:

SELECT a1.bookid
FROM authorbook a1
  SELECT authid,count(bookid)
  FROM authorbook a2
  GROUP BY authid
  HAVING COUNT(bookid)>1
) AS a3 ON a1.authid=a3.authid;

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Group by datetime period

To group rows by a time period whose length in minutes divides evenly into 60, use this formula:

GROUP BY ((60/periodLen) * HOUR( thistime ) + FLOOR( MINUTE( thistime ) / periodlen ))

where thistime is the TIME column and periodLen is the period length. So to group by 15-min periods ...

GROUP BY ( 4 * HOUR( thistime ) + FLOOR( MINUTE( thistime ) / 15 ))

When the desired grouping period is a value returned by a MySQL date-time function, matters become simpler: just group by the desired value. Thus to group by weeks, write ..

GROUP BY WEEK( datecol)

If there is no MySQL date-time function that returns the desired grouping period, you will need to write your own stored function.

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Per-group aggregate lists of specified size

Find the values of a table column c1 for which there are a specified number of listed values in another column c2.

To get an overview of the values of c2 for each value of c1:

  GROUP_CONCAT(c2 ORDER BY c2) AS 'C2 values
FROM table

To retrieve a list of c1 values for which there exist specific values in another column c2, you need an IN clause specifying the c2 values and a HAVING clause specifying the required number of items in the list ...

FROM table
WHERE c2 IN (1,2,3,4)

This is easy to generalise to multiple column expressions, and a HAVING clause specifying any number of items from the IN list.

To list c1 values that have exactly one instance of each c2 value, add DISTINCT to the count:

FROM table
WHERE c2 IN (1,2,3,4)

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Per-group aggregates

This is the simplest grouping query pattern. For column foo, display the first (smallest), last (largest) or average value of column bar.

SELECT foo, MIN(bar) AS bar
FROM tbl

To return the highest value, and order top to bottom by that value:

SELECT foo, MAX(bar) AS Count
FROM tbl

Ditto for AVG(), COUNT() etc. It is easily extended for multiple grouping column expressions.

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Per-group aggregates across multiple joins

Given a parent table and two child tables, a query which sums values in both child tables,
grouping on a parent table column, returns sums which are exactly twice as large as they
should be. In this recent example from the MySQL General Discussion list:

CREATE TABLE packageItem (
 packageItemID INT, 
 packageItemName CHAR(20), 
 packageItemPrice DECIMAL(10,2)
INSERT INTO packageItem VALUES(1,'Delta Hotel',100.00);

CREATE TABLE packageCredit (
 packageCreditID INT, 
 packageCreditItemID INT, 
 packageItemType CHAR(10), 
 packageCreditAmount DECIMAL(10,2)

CREATE TABLE packageItemTax (
 packageItemTaxID INT, 
 packageItemTaxItemID INT, 
 packageItemTaxName CHAR(5), 
 packageItemTaxAmount DECIMAL(10,2)

The query ...

, packageItemName
, packageItemPrice
, SUM(packageItemTaxAmount) as Tax
, SUM(packageCreditAmount) as Credit
FROM packageItem
LEFT JOIN packageCredit ON packageItemID=packageCreditItemID
LEFT JOIN packageItemTax ON packageItemTaxItemID=packageItemID
GROUP BY packageItemID
ORDER BY packageItemID

returns ...

| packageItemID | packageItemName | packageItemPrice | Tax   | Credit |
|             1 | Delta Hotel     |           100.00 | 34.00 | 234.00 |

With three child tables, the sums are tripled. Why? Because the query aggregates across
each join.How then to get the correct results? With correlated subqueries:

  ( SELECT SUM(c.packageCreditAmount) 
    FROM packageCredit c 
    WHERE c.packageCreditItemID = packageItemID
  ) AS CreditSum,
  ( SELECT SUM(t.packageItemTaxAmount) 
    FROM packageItemTax t 
    WHERE t.packageItemTaxItemID = packageItemID
  ) AS TaxSum
FROM packageItem
GROUP BY packageItemID;

| packageItemID | SUM(packageItemPrice) | CreditSum | TaxSum |
|             1 |                100.00 |    117.00 |  17.00 |

If subqueries are unavailable or too slow, replace them with temp tables.

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Show only one child row per parent row

Given tables parent(id int not null primary key, etc...) and child (id int not null primary key, pid int not null references parent (id), etc...), how do we write a query that retrieves only one child row per pid even when the child table has multiple matching rows? MySQL permits use of GROUP BY even when the SELECT list specifies no aggregate function, so this will work:

from parent p 
join child c on
group by;

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Skip repeating values

You want to report all unique values of a column and skip all rows repeating any of these values.

SELECT col, ...
FROM foo

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Within-group aggregates

You have a products table with columns item, supplier, price. Multiple suppliers offer various prices for the same item. You need to find the supplier with the lowest price for each item.

Your first thought may be to GROUP BY item, but that is not guaranteed to return the correct supplier value for each minimum item price. Grouping by both item and supplier will return more information than you want. Nor can you write WHERE price=MIN(...) because the query engine will evaluate the WHERE clause before it knows the MIN value.

This is the problem of aggregating within aggregates. It is sometimes called the 'groupwise aggregates' problem, but the term 'groupwise' is ambiguous at best, so we think better names for it are subaggregates, inner aggregates, or within-group aggregates.

It's easy to show that the within-group aggregates problem is a form of the problem of returning values from non-grouping columns in an aggregate query. Suppose you write ...

SELECT item,supplier,MIN(price)
FROM products
GROUP BY item;

Will this tell you which supplier offers the minimum price per item? No. Unless there is exactly one supplier per item, the supplier value returned will be arbitrary.

The simplest and often best-performing solution to the within-aggregates problem is an outer self exclusion join...

SELECT p1.item,p1.supplier,p1.price
FROM products AS p1
LEFT JOIN products AS p2 ON p1.item  = p2.item AND p1.price > p2.price

...because in the resultset built by joining on left item=right item and left price larger than right price, the left-sided rows for which there is no greater right-sided price are precisely the per-item rows with the smallest prices.

You can also accomplish this by building a table of aggregated minimum prices. Before MySQL 4.1, it has to be a temporary table:

  item INT,
  minprice DECIMAL DEFAULT 0.0
  SELECT item, MIN(price) 
  FROM products 
  GROUP BY item;

to which you then join the products table:

SELECT products.item, supplier, products.price 
FROM products 
JOIN tmp ON products.item = tmp.item
WHERE products.price=tmp.minprice;

From MySQL 4.1 on, the temporary table can be a correlated subquery. This is the most intuitively obvious syntax for the problem. Often it's also the slowest solution:

SELECT item, supplier, price
FROM products AS p1
WHERE price = (
  SELECT MIN(p2.price)
  FROM products AS p2
  WHERE p1.item = p2.item

Another solution, sometimes the fastest of all, is to move the aggregating subquery from the WHERE clause to the FROM clause:

SELECT p.item, p.supplier, p.price
FROM products AS p
  SELECT item, MIN(price) AS minprice
  FROM products
  GROUP BY item
) AS pm ON p.item = pm.item AND p.price = pm.minprice;

Try all solutions to find which is fastest for your version of the problem.

To find more than one value per group, you might think the LIMIT clause would work, but LIMIT is limited in subqueries. See Within-group quotas.

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Within-group quotas (Top N per group)

A table has multiple rows per key value, and you need to retrieve, say, the first or earliest two rows per key.

If the groups are fairly small, this can be done efficiently with a self-join and counts. For example the following table (based on a tip by Rudy Limeback) has three small data groups:

  id INT, 
  entrydate DATE 
( 1, '2007-5-01' ),
( 1, '2007-5-02' ),
( 1, '2007-5-03' ),
( 1, '2007-5-04' ),
( 1, '2007-5-05' ),
( 1, '2007-5-06' ),
( 2, '2007-6-01' ),
( 2, '2007-6-02' ),
( 2, '2007-6-03' ),
( 2, '2007-6-04' ),
( 3, '2007-7-01' ),
( 3, '2007-7-02' ),
( 3, '2007-7-03' );

The first two rows per ID are the rows which, for a given ID, have two or fewer rows with earlier dates. If we use an inequality join with the COUNT(*) function to find the earlier rows per ID ...

SELECT, t1.entrydate, COUNT(*) AS earlier
FROM test AS t1
JOIN test AS t2 ON AND t1.entrydate >= t2.entrydate
GROUP BY, t1.entrydate
| id   | entrydate  | earlier |
|    1 | 2007-05-01 |       1 |
|    1 | 2007-05-02 |       2 |
|    1 | 2007-05-03 |       3 |
|    1 | 2007-05-04 |       4 |
|    1 | 2007-05-05 |       5 |
|    1 | 2007-05-06 |       6 |
|    2 | 2007-06-01 |       1 |
|    2 | 2007-06-02 |       2 |
|    2 | 2007-06-03 |       3 |
|    2 | 2007-06-04 |       4 |
|    3 | 2007-07-01 |       1 |
|    3 | 2007-07-02 |       2 |
|    3 | 2007-07-03 |       3 |

... then we get our result immediately by removing rows where the 'earlier' count exceeds 2:

SELECT, t1.entrydate, count(*) AS earlier
FROM test AS t1
JOIN test AS t2 ON AND t1.entrydate >= t2.entrydate
GROUP BY, t1.entrydate
HAVING earlier <= 2;
| id   | entrydate  | earlier |
|    1 | 2007-05-01 |       1 |
|    1 | 2007-05-02 |       2 |
|    2 | 2007-06-01 |       1 |
|    2 | 2007-06-02 |       2 |
|    3 | 2007-07-01 |       1 |
|    3 | 2007-07-02 |       2 |

This works beautifully with smallish aggregates. But the query algorithm compares every within-group row to every other within-group row. As the size N of a group increases, execution time increases by N*N. If the query takes one minute for groups of 1,000, it will take 16 minutes for groups of 4,000, and more than four hours for groups for 16,000. The solution does not scale.

What to do? Forget GROUP BY! Manually assemble the desired query results in a temporary table from simple indexed queries, in this case, two rows per ID:

CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE earliers( id INT, entrydate DATE);
INSERT INTO earliers 
  SELECT id,entrydate FROM test WHERE id=1 ORDER BY entrydate LIMIT 2;
INSERT INTO earliers 
  SELECT id,entrydate FROM test WHERE id=2 ORDER BY entrydate LIMIT 2;
INSERT INTO earliers 
  SELECT id,entrydate FROM test WHERE id=3 ORDER BY entrydate LIMIT 2;

You need one INSERT statement per grouping value. To print the result, just query the earliers table:

SELECT * FROM earliers
ORDER BY id, entrydate;
| id   | entrydate  |
|    1 | 2007-05-01 |
|    1 | 2007-05-02 |
|    2 | 2007-06-01 |
|    2 | 2007-06-02 |
|    3 | 2007-07-01 |
|    3 | 2007-07-02 |

Most useful reports run again and again. If that's the case for yours, automate it in a stored procedure: using a cursor and a prepared statement, auto-generate an INSERT statement for every grouping value, and return the result:

CREATE PROCEDURE listearliers()
  DECLARE curdone, vid INT DEFAULT 0;
  CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE earliers( id INT, entrydate DATE);
  SET @sql = 'INSERT INTO earliers SELECT id,entrydate FROM test WHERE id=? ORDER BY  entrydate LIMIT 2';
  OPEN idcur;
    FETCH idcur INTO vid;
    IF NOT curdone THEN
        SET @vid = vid;
        PREPARE stmt FROM @sql;
        EXECUTE stmt USING @vid;
        DROP PREPARE stmt;
    END IF;
  CLOSE idcur;
  SELECT * FROM earliers ORDER BY id,entrydate;
CALL listearliers();

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Average the top 50% of values per group

Each row of a games table records one game score for a team:

CREATE TABLE games(id INT, teamID INT, score INT);

How would we write a query that returns the average of the top 50% of scores per team?

The per-team median value is its middle value--lower than the highest 50% and higher than the lowest 50% of values for that team--so a shortcut is to query the team medians, then aggregate on a join that selects per-team scores above the medians.

How to find per-team medians? If a resultset has an odd number of rows, at least one row has the true median score. If it has an even number of rows, the median score is an average of two central values. The following query adapts Joe Celko's formula in "SQL for Smarties" averaging "low" and "high" medians:

SELECT p1.teamid, AVG(P1.score) AS median
FROM games AS P1, games AS P2
WHERE p1.teamid=p2.teamid
GROUP BY p1.teamid
  SUM(CASE WHEN P2.score <= P1.score THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) >= ((COUNT(*) + 1) / 2)
  SUM(CASE WHEN P2.score >= P1.score THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) >= (COUNT(*)/2 + 1)
OR (
  SUM(CASE WHEN P2.score >= P1.score THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) >= ((COUNT(*) + 1) / 2)
  SUM(CASE WHEN P2.score <= P1.score THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) >= (COUNT(*)/2 + 1)
| teamid | median |
|      1 | 4.5000 |
|      2 | 6.8333 |

Now join games to medians accepting only top-half values:

SELECT g.teamid, AVG(g.score) AS Top50Avg
FROM games g
JOIN medians m ON g.teamid = m.teamid AND g.score >= m.median
GROUP BY g.teamid
| teamid | Top50Avg |
|      2 |   7.2500 |
|      1 |   5.5000 |
DROP TABLE medians;

Yes, all the logic can be moved into one query:

SELECT g.teamid, AVG(g.score) AS Top50Avg
FROM games g
  SELECT p1.teamid, AVG(P1.score) AS median
  FROM games AS P1, games AS P2
  WHERE p1.teamid=p2.teamid
  GROUP BY p1.teamid
    SUM(CASE WHEN P2.score <= P1.score THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) >= ((COUNT(*) + 1) / 2)
    SUM(CASE WHEN P2.score >= P1.score THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) >= (COUNT(*)/2 + 1)
  OR (
    SUM(CASE WHEN P2.score >= P1.score THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) >= ((COUNT(*) + 1) / 2)
    SUM(CASE WHEN P2.score <= P1.score THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) >= (COUNT(*)/2 + 1)
) AS m ON g.teamid = m.teamid AND g.score >= m.median
GROUP BY g.teamid

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Averages from bands of values

To count and average scores in bands of 10:

SELECT 10  * FLOOR( score / 10  ) AS  Bottom,
       10  * FLOOR( score / 10  )   9 AS Top, 
       Count( score ),
       Avg( score ) 
FROM scores
GROUP BY 10  * FLOOR( score / 10  );

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Count unique values of one column

SELECT col_name, COUNT(*) AS frequency 
FROM tbl_name
GROUP by col_name
ORDER BY frequency DESC;

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Statistically, the median is the middle value--the value that is smaller than that found in half of all remaining rows, and larger than that found in the other half:

SELECT l1.hours As Median
FROM BulbLife As l1, bulbLife AS l2
GROUP BY l1.Hours
HAVING SUM(CASE WHEN l2.hours <= l1.hours THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) >= (COUNT(*)+1) / 2 
   AND SUM(CASE WHEN l2.hours >= l1.hours THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) >= (COUNT(*)/2) + 1;

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Statistically, the mode is the most frequently occurring value. Given tables parent(id int) and child(pid int, cid int), where references as a foreign key, what query finds the most often represented in the child id, that is, the modal count of

SELECT pid, COUNT(*) AS frequency
FROM child
ORDER BY frequency DESC

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Rank order

Without MSSQL's RANK() aggregate function, how do we display rank order in a MySQL query, for example from a table like this?

CREATE TABLE votes( name CHAR(10), votes INT );

The query is a two-step:
1. Join the table to itself on the value to be ranked, handling ties
2. Group and order the result of the self-join on rank:

SELECT, v1.votes, COUNT(v2.votes) AS Rank
FROM votes v1
JOIN votes v2 ON v1.votes < v2.votes OR (v1.votes=v2.votes and =
GROUP BY, v1.votes
| name  | votes | Rank |
| Green |    50 |    1 |
| Black |    40 |    2 |
| White |    20 |    3 |
| Brown |    20 |    3 |
| Jones |    15 |    5 |
| Smith |    10 |    6 |

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Backslashes in data

Backslashes multiply weirdly:

SELECT 'a\b' RLIKE 'a\b'; 

returns 1, as does...

SELECT 'a\\b' RLIKE 'a\\\\b'; 

because in a pair of backslashes, the second is not escaped by the first, so to compare two literals you double each backslash in the RLIKE argument. But if you are querying a table for such a string from the MySQL client, this doubling happens twice--once in the client, and once in the database--so to find a column value matching 'a\\b', you need to write...

SELECT desc FROM xxx WHERE desc RLIKE 'aa\\\\\\\\bb';

That's eight backslashes to match two!

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Compare data in two tables

This query UNIONs queries for matching column names from two tables, and keeps just those rows which occur once in the union. Those are the rows unique to one table or the other. Customise your column list { id, col1, col2, col3 ...} as desired.

  MIN(TableName) as TableName, id, col1, col2, col3, ...
  SELECT 'Table a' as TableName,, a.col1, a.col2, a.col3, ...
  FROM a
  SELECT 'Table b' as TableName,, b.col1, b.col2, b.col3, ...
  FROM b
) AS tmp
GROUP BY id, col1, col2, col3, ...

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Age in years

Computing age in years is a natural job for a stored function:

 RETURN DATE_FORMAT(FROM_DAYS(TO_DAYS(today) - TO_DAYS(dob)), '%Y') &#43; 0;

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Appointments available

Given a clinic of physicians, patients and appointments, how to find an available appointment time for a given physician?

This is a variant of the [Not] Exists query pattern. Though we can write it with subqueries, performance will be crisper with a join. But finding data that is not there requires a join to data which is there. So in addition to tables for appointments, doctors and patients, we need a table of all possible appointment datetimes. Here's a schema illustrating the idea ...

  d DATE,
  t TIME
CREATE TABLE a_drs (        -- DOCTORS
  did INT                   -- doctor id
CREATE TABLE a_pts (        -- PATIENTS
  pid INT
  aid INT,                  -- appt id
  did INT,                  -- doctor id
  pid INT,                  -- patient id
  d DATE,
  t TIME

Now we can apply the [Not] Exists query pattern. To find free appointment datetimes for a given doctor in a given datetime range, we left join possible appointments to existing appointments on date and time and doctor, add Where conditions for desired appointment datetimes, and finally add a Where condition that the appointment slot be null, i.e. free...

SELECT d.did, a.d, a.t
FROM a_dt AS a
LEFT JOIN a_appts AS ap USING (d,t) 
LEFT JOIN a_drs AS d 
   ON a.d = ap.d 
  AND a.t = ap.t 
  AND ap.did = d.did 
  AND ap.did = 1
WHERE a.d BETWEEN desired_start_date AND desired_end_date
  AND a.t BETWEEN desired_start_time AND desired_end_time
  AND ap.aid IS NULL;

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Count business days between two dates

Given a table named dates with date columns d1,d2, if the two dates are in the same year, the solution is simply the date difference in days minus the date difference in weeks:

SELECT d1, d2, DATEDIFF(d2, d1) - (WEEK(d2) - WEEK(d1)) * 2 AS BizDays
FROM dates
ORDER BY d1, d2;

For dates that span different years, week numbers won't work. The answer is the number of raw days, minus twice the number of whole weeks (because there are two weekend days/week), minus the number of weekend days in any remainder part-week. This algorithm works when the start and stop dates are themselves business days (but needs refinement to work when passed weekend dates--anybody want to try?):

SET @d1='2007-1-1';
SET @d2='2007-3-31';
SET @dow1 = DAYOFWEEK(@d1);
SET @dow2 = DAYOFWEEK(@d2);
SET @days = DATEDIFF(@d2,@d1);
SET @wknddays = 2 * FLOOR( @days / 7 ) +
                IF( @dow1 = 1 AND @dow2 > 1, 1,                               
                    IF( @dow1 = 7 AND @dow2 = 1, 1,               
                        IF( @dow1 > 1 AND @dow1 > @dow2, 2,       
                            IF( @dow1 < 7 AND @dow2 = 7, 1, 0 )   
SELECT FLOOR(@days-@wkndDays) AS BizDays;

The algorithm is easily encapsulated in a function:

  DECLARE dow1, dow2, days, wknddays INT;
  SET dow1 = DAYOFWEEK(d1);
  SET dow2 = 
