Adaptive Layout

Adaptive Layout: Size classes, trait collections and universal storyboards let you design one layout that works on every iOS device.

Transition Coordinators: The demise of orientation and rotation methods introduces a new paradigm to the concept of rotation. In an adaptive world,rotation is nothing more than a simple bounds change. You’ll find out how thisaffects your apps along with some examples of how to create amazing custom rotation effects.

Adaptive View Controller Hierarchies: The iPhone rolls out the red carpet for UISplitViewController. View controller hierarchies can adapt to their surroundings just as layouts do. You can now represent the same complex viewcontroller with different hierarchies on different device configurations.

Presentation Controllers. Popovers, alerts and search controllers are brought closer than ever before. When a new view controller appears on screen it’s now said to be presented; you can use presentation controllers to completelycustomize this whole process.
