Video of Nanjing receives millions of hits


panoramic :adj. [摄] 全景的


condesense:[kən'dɛns]vi. 浓缩;凝结 vt. 使浓缩;使压缩

hydrological[,haɪdrə'lɑdʒɪkəl] adj 水文学的

squat[skwɑt] vi. 蹲,蹲下;蹲坐;蹲伏vt. 使蹲坐,使蹲下n. 蹲坐,蜷伏adj. 蹲着的;矮胖的
time-lapse  ['taimlæps]  
adj. 延时的;定时的

A 5-minute video clip "The Best of Nanking" which covers almost all landmarks and famous attractions of Nanjing, had over one million views on WeChat and 5 million views on Weibo.

The five members of the production team are all born after 1990. Li Zitao is the director. He andPengXuchu, another team member, were once colleagues. They like to travel around and take photos. "As a native of Nanjing, I have a deep affection for the city. I want to make a film so the world can come and see her rapid changes," Li Zitao said. Later they began to build the team. "We all have fulltimejobs. All filming are completed in our spare time. The shooting started in early 2015 and the whole process lasted 13 months,"saidPengXuchu. 

Li Zitao bought a drone in order to have the panoramic view of Nanjing. The editing is also a lot of work. Li Zitao introduced that 300,000 photos are condensed into 5 minutes. For one month, he startedto work at 22 o'clock and finished at 6 o'clock in the morning.

Another team member, Zhang Ningbo, even studied climate and hydrological knowledge in order to show the beauty of river under the stars. He squatted in the river all night and took thousands of photos. "For four seconds on the screen, we need to stack together thousands of photos to make the time-lapse effect,” said Zhang.


你可能感兴趣的:(Video of Nanjing receives millions of hits)