Debug : 在单独运行时,往往需要编译器提供一些库文件
Release : 可以在没有安装visual c++的computer上正常运行
在共享DLL中使用MFC : 表示把程序中用到的MFC类库作为动态链接库,这样编译生成器的程序比较小,但是在运行的时候,需要操作系统提供额外的动态库支持。
在静态库中使用MFC : 表示把用到的MFC类的内容作为静态库加到程序中,这样编译产生的程序可以在任何Windwos环境下运行,但是程序的体积比较大。
使用标准Windows库 : 表示不适用MFC类库,仅使用标准的Windows类库。
#define and const
- enum Weekday
- {
- mon,
- tue,
- wed,
- thu,
- fri,
- sat,
- sun
- };
enum Weekday
- cout << "use transpose operator :" << endl;
- int iValue = 1;
- iValue = iValue << 34;
- cout << "iValue value is : " << iValue << endl;
cout << "use transpose operator :" << endl;
int iValue = 1;
// iValue = iValue * 4;
iValue = iValue << 34; // 34 % 32 = 2左移 因为超过了int的大小空间
cout << "iValue value is : " << iValue << endl;
内联函数 :
函数重载 :
面向对象的知识 :
想想 : 如何在面向对象程序设计思想上,考虑扩展、复用、可维护问题
new :
拷贝构造函数 :
p163 拷贝构造函数
- namespace Zeng
- {
- class CTest_A
- {
- public:
- CTest_A( int iValue, char* cName )
- {
- this->m_iValue = iValue;
- this->m_pName = new char[ strlen( cName ) + 1 ];
- strcpy( m_pName, cName );
- }
- CTest_A( const CTest_A& rCG )
- {
- this->m_iValue = rCG.m_iValue;
- this->m_pName = new char[ strlen( rCG.m_pName ) + 1 ];
- strcpy( m_pName, rCG.m_pName );
- }
- void print()
- {
- cout << "CTest_G m_iValue value is : " << this->m_iValue << endl;
- cout << "CTest_G m_pName value is : " << this->m_pName << endl;
- cout << "CTest_G m_pName address is : " << *this->m_pName << endl;
- }
- public:
- int m_iValue;
- char* m_pName;
- };
- }
- int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
- {
- Zeng::CTest_A CA( 10, "Zengraoli" );
- Zeng::CTest_A CA2( 10, "Zengraoli" );
- Zeng::CTest_A CA3( CG );
- cout << "CA print" << endl;
- CA.print();
- cout << "\n";
- cout << "CA2 print" << endl;
- CA2.print();
- cout << "\n";
- cout << "CA3 print" << endl;
- CA3.print();
- cout << "class CTest_A size is : " << sizeof( Zeng::CTest_A ) << endl;
- return 0;
- }
namespace Zeng
class CTest_A
CTest_A( int iValue, char* cName )
this->m_iValue = iValue;
this->m_pName = new char[ strlen( cName ) + 1 ];
strcpy( m_pName, cName );
// 拷贝构造函数
CTest_A( const CTest_A& rCG )
this->m_iValue = rCG.m_iValue;
this->m_pName = new char[ strlen( rCG.m_pName ) + 1 ];
strcpy( m_pName, rCG.m_pName );
void print()
cout << "CTest_G m_iValue value is : " << this->m_iValue << endl;
cout << "CTest_G m_pName value is : " << this->m_pName << endl;
cout << "CTest_G m_pName address is : " << *this->m_pName << endl;
int m_iValue;
char* m_pName;
}; // 试试拷贝构造函数
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
Zeng::CTest_A CA( 10, "Zengraoli" );
Zeng::CTest_A CA2( 10, "Zengraoli" );
Zeng::CTest_A CA3( CG );
cout << "CA print" << endl;
cout << "\n";
cout << "CA2 print" << endl;
cout << "\n";
cout << "CA3 print" << endl;
cout << "class CTest_A size is : " << sizeof( Zeng::CTest_A ) << endl;
return 0;
P166 操作符重载
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "iostream"
using namespace std;
namespace Zeng
class CTest_A
void print()
cout << "this is CTest_A print()" << endl;
}; // 占1个字节的大小
class CTest_B : virtual CTest_A
CTest_B( int iValue ) : m_iValue( iValue )
void print()
cout << "m_iValue value is : " << m_iValue << endl;
int m_iValue;
}; // 占8个字节的大小
class CTest_C : virtual CTest_A
}; // 占4个字节的大小
class CTest_D : virtual CTest_B
CTest_D( int iValue ) : CTest_B( iValue )
this->m_iValue = iValue + 89;
void print()
cout << "m_iValue value is : " << this->m_iValue << endl;
int m_iValue;
}; // 占16个字节的大小
class CTest_E : public CTest_A
CTest_E( int iValue )
this->m_iValue = iValue + 89;
void print()
cout << "this is CTest_E not parameter's print()" << endl;
void print( int iValue )
cout << "this is CTest_E has parameter's print()" << endl;
int print( int iValue )
cout << "this is CTest_E has parameter's print()" << endl;
return 0;
} // c++可以忽略函数的返回值,所以只能靠参数不同来进行函数重载
int m_iValue;
}; // 试试函数重载
class CTest_F
CTest_F( int iValue )
this->m_iValue = iValue;
void print()
cout << "CTest_F m_iValue value is : " << this->m_iValue << endl;
const CTest_F& operator+ ( const CTest_F& rCF )
this->m_iValue += rCF.m_iValue;
return *this;
const CTest_F& operator= ( const CTest_F& rCF )
this->m_iValue = rCF.m_iValue;
return *this;
int m_iValue;
}; // 试试操作符重载
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
Zeng::CTest_A CA;
cout << "class CTest_A size is : " << sizeof( Zeng::CTest_A ) << endl;
cout << "class CTest_B size is : " << sizeof( Zeng::CTest_B ) << endl;
cout << "class CTest_C size is : " << sizeof( Zeng::CTest_C ) << endl;
cout << "\n";
Zeng::CTest_D CD( 10 );
cout << "class CTest_D size is : " << sizeof( Zeng::CTest_D ) << endl;
cout << "\n";
Zeng::CTest_E CE( 10 );
cout << "class CTest_E size is : " << sizeof( Zeng::CTest_E ) << endl;
cout << "\n";
Zeng::CTest_F CF( 10 );
Zeng::CTest_F CF2( 89 );
CF = CF + CF2;
cout << "in class CTest_F override add after : " << sizeof( Zeng::CTest_F ) << endl;
CF = CF2;
cout << "in class CTest_F override equal after : " << sizeof( Zeng::CTest_F ) << endl;
cout << "class CTest_F size is : " << sizeof( Zeng::CTest_F ) << endl;
return 0;
- namespace Rao
- {
- class CTest
- {
- public:
- static CTest* makeAnObject()
- {
- static CTest instance;
- return &instance;
- }
- ~CTest()
- {
- cout << "CTest Destructor...." << endl;
- }
- static int m_nValue;
- private:
- CTest()
- {
- m_nValue++;
- cout << "CTest Constructor...." << endl;
- }
- CTest( const CTest& CopyCTest )
- {
- m_nValue++;
- cout << "CopyCTest Constructor...." << endl;
- }
- const CTest& operator= ( const CTest& );
- };
- }
- main:
- int Rao::CTest::m_nValue;
- cout << "\n";
- cout << "use Constructor privatization :" << endl;
- Rao::CTest* RaoCTest = Rao::CTest::makeAnObject();
- cout << "m_nValue :" << Rao::CTest::m_nValue << endl;
- Rao::CTest* RaoCTest2 = Rao::CTest::makeAnObject();
- cout << "m_nValue :" << Rao::CTest::m_nValue << endl;
- Rao::CTest sg = *Rao::CTest::makeAnObject();
- cout << "m_nValue :" << Rao::CTest::m_nValue << endl;
namespace Rao
class CTest
static CTest* makeAnObject()
// 程序结束的时候 自动释放
static CTest instance;
return &instance;
cout << "CTest Destructor...." << endl;
static int m_nValue;
cout << "CTest Constructor...." << endl;
CTest( const CTest& CopyCTest )
cout << "CopyCTest Constructor...." << endl;
const CTest& operator= ( const CTest& );
int Rao::CTest::m_nValue;
cout << "\n";
cout << "use Constructor privatization :" << endl;
Rao::CTest* RaoCTest = Rao::CTest::makeAnObject();
cout << "m_nValue :" << Rao::CTest::m_nValue << endl;
Rao::CTest* RaoCTest2 = Rao::CTest::makeAnObject();
cout << "m_nValue :" << Rao::CTest::m_nValue << endl;
// 调用拷贝构造函数
Rao::CTest sg = *Rao::CTest::makeAnObject();
cout << "m_nValue :" << Rao::CTest::m_nValue << endl;
public : 公有访问接口
protected : 1)可以供类自身访问的成员 2)可以供下级子类访问的成员
private : 仅供类自身访问的成员
简单理解为 : 由于类成员的访问控制机制,很好地实现了数据的隐藏与封装,类的成员变量一般定义为私有成员,成员函数一般定义为公有成员,以此来提供类与外界间的通信接口;但有特殊的情况,比如需要定义某个函数/某个类,这个函数/类不是类CA的一部分,但又需要频繁地访问类CA的隐藏信息,所以C++提供了一个"friend"关键字来完成这个任务。
但需要记住的一点 :
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "iostream"
- using namespace std;
- namespace Zeng
- {
- class CTest_A
- {
- public:
- CTest_A( int iValue )
- {
- this->m_iValue = iValue;
- }
- void print()
- {
- cout << "CTest_A's m_iValue current value is : " << this->m_iValue << endl;
- }
- friend void firendFunction( const CTest_A& CA );
- friend class CTest_B;
- private:
- int m_iValue;
- };
- class CTest_B
- {
- public:
- CTest_B()
- {
- }
- void print( const CTest_A& CA )
- {
- cout << "this's firend class CTest_B print : " << CA.m_iValue << endl;
- }
- private:
- };
- void firendFunction( const CTest_A& CA )
- {
- cout << "this's firend function print : " << CA.m_iValue << endl;
- }
- }
- int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
- {
- Zeng::CTest_A CA( 100 );
- firendFunction( CA );
- cout << "\n";
- Zeng::CTest_B CB;
- CB.print( CA );
- return 0;
- }
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "iostream"
- using namespace std;
- namespace Zeng
- {
- class CTest_A
- {
- public:
- CTest_A( int iValue )
- {
- this->m_iValue = iValue;
- }
- void print()
- {
- cout << "CTest_A's m_iValue current value is : " << this->m_iValue << endl;
- }
- private:
- int m_iValue;
- };
- class CTest_B : public CTest_A
- {
- public:
- CTest_B( int iValue ) : CTest_A( iValue )
- {
- this->m_iValue = iValue;
- }
- void print()
- {
- cout << "CTest_B's m_iValue current value is : " << this->m_iValue << endl;
- }
- private:
- int m_iValue;
- };
- }
- int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
- {
- Zeng::CTest_A* CB2 = new Zeng::CTest_B( 8 );
- CB2->print();
- cout << "class CTest_A size is : " << sizeof( Zeng::CTest_A ) << endl;
- cout << "class CTest_B size is : " << sizeof( Zeng::CTest_B ) << endl;
- return 0;
- }
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "iostream"
using namespace std;
namespace Zeng
class CTest_A
CTest_A( int iValue )
this->m_iValue = iValue;
void print()
cout << "CTest_A's m_iValue current value is : " << this->m_iValue << endl;
int m_iValue;
class CTest_B : public CTest_A
CTest_B( int iValue ) : CTest_A( iValue )
this->m_iValue = iValue;
void print()
cout << "CTest_B's m_iValue current value is : " << this->m_iValue << endl;
int m_iValue;
}; // virtual CTest_A比普通的public CTest_A多了一个指向父类的指针
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
Zeng::CTest_A* CB2 = new Zeng::CTest_B( 8 ); // 构造函数的执行顺序是先父类在子类
CB2->print(); // 此时调用的是父类的print函数,因为指针时指向CTest_A的,如果在CTest_B的print前面加virtual还调用CTest_B的
cout << "class CTest_A size is : " << sizeof( Zeng::CTest_A ) << endl;
cout << "class CTest_B size is : " << sizeof( Zeng::CTest_B ) << endl;
return 0;
this指针 :
- class Base
- {
- public:
- void SetValue( int nVal )
- {
- m_nVal = nVal;
- }
- private:
- int m_nVal;
- }
class Base
void SetValue( int nVal )
m_nVal = nVal;
int m_nVal;
SetValue函数中并没有指明m_nVal成员变量到底属于哪一个对象类似的问题...其实编译器隐藏掉了,应该是this->m_nVal = nVal;当然在使用的时候,可以直接在这个变量前面显示的加上去。
- class Point
- {
- public:
- Point( int x, int y ) : m_nX( x ), m_nY( y )
- {};
- void operator = (Point& pt)
- {
- if( &pt == this )
- {
- m_nX = pt.m_nX;
- m_nY = pt.m_nY;
- }
- }
- Point& Move( int x, int y )
- {
- m_nX += x;
- m_nY += y;
- return *this;
- }
- private:
- int m_nX;
- int m_nY;
- };
- Point pt1(2, 4);
- Point pt2(0, 0);
- pt1 = pt1;
- pt1.Move( 1, 1 ).Move( 2, 4 );
class Point
Point( int x, int y ) : m_nX( x ), m_nY( y )
void operator = (Point& pt)
// 判断传递进来而定参数是否是这个对象本身,是,则不进行赋值操作
if( &pt == this )
m_nX = pt.m_nX;
m_nY = pt.m_nY;
// 移动点的位置
Point& Move( int x, int y )
m_nX += x;
m_nY += y;
// 返回对象本身,这样可以利用函数返回值进行链式引用
return *this;
int m_nX;
int m_nY;
Point pt1(2, 4);
Point pt2(0, 0);
// 自己给自己赋值 试试
pt1 = pt1;
// 移动一下,再移动一下 看看什么是返回对象的链式引用------------------------
pt1.Move( 1, 1 ).Move( 2, 4 );
指针* :
- int* pInt;
- float* pFloat = ( float* )pInt;
int* pInt;
float* pFloat = ( float* )pInt;
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "iostream"
using namespace std;
namespace Zeng
class CTest_A
virtual void Print()
cout << "this's CTest_A's Print :" << endl;
class CTest_B : public CTest_A
void Print()
cout << "this's CTest_B's Print :" << endl;
class CTest_C
void Print()
cout << "this's CTest_C's Print :" << endl;
class CTest_D
CTest_D() : m_iNum(14)
void ConstPrint() const
cout << "ConstPrint print CTest_D m_iNum current value is :" << m_iNum << endl;
void Print()
cout << "Print print CTest_D m_iNum current value is :" << m_iNum << endl;
int m_iNum;
}; // 用来测试const_cast转换操作符
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
cout << "CTest_B convert to CTest_A :" << endl;
Zeng::CTest_B* B = new Zeng::CTest_B();
Zeng::CTest_A* A = static_cast< Zeng::CTest_A* >( B );
cout << "\n";
cout << "CTest_A convert to CTest_B :" << endl;
Zeng::CTest_A* A2 = new Zeng::CTest_A();
Zeng::CTest_B* B2 = static_cast< Zeng::CTest_B* >( A2 );
cout << "\n";
cout << "CTest_B convert to CTest_C :" << endl;
Zeng::CTest_B* B3 = new Zeng::CTest_B();
Zeng::CTest_C* C = static_cast< Zeng::CTest_C* >( B3 );
// the CTest_B has nothing to do with CTest_C, so this convert been an error !
cout << "\n";
cout << "CTest_B convert to CTest_C :" << endl;
Zeng::CTest_B* B3 = new Zeng::CTest_B();
Zeng::CTest_C* C = reinterpret_cast< Zeng::CTest_C* >( B3 );
// reinterpret_cast should be convert CTest_B to CTest_C,
cout << "\n";
cout << "CTest_A dynamic_cast to CTest_B :" << endl;
Zeng::CTest_A* A4 = new Zeng::CTest_A();
Zeng::CTest_B* B4 = dynamic_cast< Zeng::CTest_B* >( A4 ); // dynamic_cast要求CTest_B必须要有虚函数
// B4->Print(); // 就算是有虚函数,dynamic_cast在处理向下转行的时候,得到的也是NULL
cout << "\n";
cout << "CTest_B dynamic_cast to CTest_A :" << endl;
Zeng::CTest_B* A5 = new Zeng::CTest_B();
Zeng::CTest_A* B5 = dynamic_cast< Zeng::CTest_A* >( A5 ); // dynamic_cast要求CTest_B必须要有虚函数
B5->Print(); // 就算是有虚函数,dynamic_cast在处理向上转行的时候,得到的是和static_cast一样的结果
int iNum = 14;
int* pINum = &iNum;
char* pCTest = "a";
/* pCTest = reinterpret_cast< int* >( pINum );*/
cout << "pINum point value is : " << *pINum << endl;
// reinterpret_cast可以在任意指针中转换,即使这两者之间没什么关系
pINum = reinterpret_cast< int* >( pCTest );
cout << "pINum point value is : " << *pINum << endl;
cout << "\n";
const int iNum2 = 14;
const int* piNum = &iNum2;
int* piValue = const_cast< int* >( piNum );
*piValue = 70;
cout << "use operator const_cast current *piValue value is : " << *piValue << endl;
cout << "use operator const_cast current *piNum value is : " << *piNum << endl;
cout << "use operator const_cast current iNum value is : " << iNum2 << endl;
cout << "\n";
const Zeng::CTest_D CD;
// CD.m_iNum = 70; // error C3892: “CD”: 不能给常量赋值
const Zeng::CTest_D* pCD = &CD;
Zeng::CTest_D* pCD2 = const_cast< Zeng::CTest_D * >( pCD );
pCD2->m_iNum = 70;
cout << "use const_cast operator as object :" << endl;
cout << "pCD2 is not's const point, this point m_iNum value is" << endl;
cout << "CD is a class object, this object m_iNum value is" << endl;
CD.ConstPrint(); // const 对象只能访问class里面带有const的函数
cout << "pCD is a const point, this point m_iNum value is" << endl;
return 0;
二级指针的使用** :
- char* arrMouth[] = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" };
- char** pMouth = arrMouth;
- int nIndex;
- cout << "请输入月份对应的数字 : " << endl;
- cin >> nIndex;
- char* pCurMonth = *( pMouth + ( nIndex - 1 ) );
- cout << "对应的月份是 : " << pCurMonth << endl;
- cout << "对应的月份是 : " << *pCurMonth << endl;
char* arrMouth[] = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" };
char** pMouth = arrMouth;
int nIndex;
cout << "请输入月份对应的数字 : " << endl;
cin >> nIndex;
// 之所以是char*是因为每一个月份都是字符串类型的
char* pCurMonth = *( pMouth + ( nIndex - 1 ) );
cout << "对应的月份是 : " << pCurMonth << endl;
cout << "对应的月份是 : " << *pCurMonth << endl;
指针在函数中的作用 :
- void SumArray( const int* pArray, int nArrayCount, int* nSum )
- {
- *nSum = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < nArrayCount; i++)
- {
- *nSum += *pArray;
- pArray++;
- }
- }
- int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
- {
- cout << "指针作为函数参数:" << endl;
- int nArraySum;
- int iArray[5] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
- SumArray( iArray, 5, &nArraySum );
- cout << "运算的和为:" << nArraySum << endl;
- return 0;
- }
void SumArray( const int* pArray, int nArrayCount, int* nSum )
*nSum = 0;
// 遍历整个数组
for (int i = 0; i < nArrayCount; i++)
*nSum += *pArray;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
cout << "指针作为函数参数:" << endl;
int nArraySum;
int iArray[5] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
SumArray( iArray, 5, &nArraySum );
cout << "运算的和为:" << nArraySum << endl;
return 0;
- char* GetName()
- {
- return m_pName;
- }
char* GetName()
return m_pName;
引用& :
- cout << "use reference:" << endl;
- int nIntValue = 99999;
- int& rIntValue = nIntValue;
- cout << "rIntValue:" << rIntValue << endl;
- cout << "rIntValue memory address:" << &rIntValue << endl;
- cout << "nIntValue:" << nIntValue << endl;
- cout << "nIntValue memory address:" << &nIntValue << endl;
- rIntValue = 1;
- cout << "modify rIntValue after:" << rIntValue << endl;
- cout << "rIntValue memory address:" << &rIntValue << endl;
- cout << "current nIntValue:" << nIntValue << endl;
- cout << "nIntValue memory address:" << &nIntValue << endl;
- nIntValue = 8888;
- cout << "modify nIntValue after:" << nIntValue << endl;
- cout << "nIntValue memory address:" << &nIntValue << endl;
- cout << "current rIntValue:" << rIntValue << endl;
- cout << "rIntValue memory address:" << &rIntValue << endl;
cout << "use reference:" << endl;
int nIntValue = 99999;
int& rIntValue = nIntValue;
cout << "rIntValue:" << rIntValue << endl;
cout << "rIntValue memory address:" << &rIntValue << endl;
cout << "nIntValue:" << nIntValue << endl;
cout << "nIntValue memory address:" << &nIntValue << endl;
rIntValue = 1;
cout << "modify rIntValue after:" << rIntValue << endl;
cout << "rIntValue memory address:" << &rIntValue << endl;
cout << "current nIntValue:" << nIntValue << endl;
cout << "nIntValue memory address:" << &nIntValue << endl;
nIntValue = 8888;
cout << "modify nIntValue after:" << nIntValue << endl;
cout << "nIntValue memory address:" << &nIntValue << endl;
cout << "current rIntValue:" << rIntValue << endl;
cout << "rIntValue memory address:" << &rIntValue << endl;
- void Increase( int& nVal )
- {
- nVal += 1;
- }
void Increase( int& nVal )
nVal += 1;
三种函数参数和返回值的方法 :
传值 是指直接将实际参数的值复制给形参,完成参数的传递
传指针 是指将需要传递的数据的指针作为参数进行传递
传引用 将需要传递的数据的引用作为参数进行传递
- double Divede( int a, int b )
- {
- if ( 0 == b )
- {
- throw "除数不能为 0 ";
- }
- return ( double )a / b;
- }
- cout << "use exception deal : " << endl;
- try
- {
- Divede( 2, 0 );
- cout << "throw a exception : " << endl;
- }
- catch ( char* pMsg )
- {
- cout << "catch a exception : " << pMsg << endl;
- }
- catch (...)
- {
- cout << "catch a exception : " << endl;
- }
- cout << "is this appcation exit ? : " << endl;
double Divede( int a, int b )
if ( 0 == b )
throw "除数不能为 0 ";
return ( double )a / b;
cout << "use exception deal : " << endl;
Divede( 2, 0 );
cout << "throw a exception : " << endl;
catch ( char* pMsg )
cout << "catch a exception : " << pMsg << endl;
catch (...)
cout << "catch a exception : " << endl;
cout << "is this appcation exit ? : " << endl;
名字空间namespace :
- namespace Zeng
- {
- class CTest
- {
- public:
- void Print()
- {
- cout << "this is namespace Zeng's Print" << endl;
- }
- };
- }
- cout << "use namespace Zeng ? : " << endl;
- Zeng::CTest CZengText;
- CZengText.Print();
namespace Zeng
class CTest
void Print()
cout << "this is namespace Zeng's Print" << endl;
cout << "use namespace Zeng ? : " << endl;
Zeng::CTest CZengText;
自定义类型的使用typedef :
后代前,以后使用byte就相当于使用了unsigned char
- typedef unsigned char byte;
typedef unsigned char byte;
#define MAXSIZE 100
- #define myInitArray(ArrayName, ArraySize, InitValue) byte ArrayName[ArraySize + 1] = InitValue
#define myInitArray(ArrayName, ArraySize, InitValue) byte ArrayName[ArraySize + 1] = InitValue
- #ifndef SAFE_DELETE
- #define SAFE_DELETE( p ) { \
- if( NULL != p ) \
- { \
- delete p; p = NULL; \
- cout << "safe delete..." << endl; \
- } }
- #endif
- #define SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY( p ) { \
- if( NULL != p ) \
- { \
- delete[] p; p = NULL; \
- cout << "safe delete[]..." << endl; \
- } }
- #endif
- Zeng::CTest* CZengText2 = new Zeng::CTest;
- SAFE_DELETE( CZengText2 );
#define SAFE_DELETE( p ) { \
if( NULL != p ) \
{ \
delete p; p = NULL; \
cout << "safe delete..." << endl; \
} }
#define SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY( p ) { \
if( NULL != p ) \
{ \
delete[] p; p = NULL; \
cout << "safe delete[]..." << endl; \
} }
Zeng::CTest* CZengText2 = new Zeng::CTest;
SAFE_DELETE( CZengText2 );
- const int number = 1;
- const int* pNumber;
- int const* pNumber;
- int* const pNumber = &number;
- const int* const pNumber = &number;
- const int& number = number;
const int number = 1; // 声明一个整形常量并复制为1
const int* pNumber; // 声明一个常量型指针,指针所指向的变量的值不能改变,也就是一个常量
int const* pNumber; // 声明一个常量整型指针,意义同上
int* const pNumber = &number; // 声明一个整型常量指针,指针不能修改
const int* const pNumber = &number;// 声明一个常量整型常量指针,指针和指针所指向的变量值都不能改变
const int& number = number; // 声明一个常量整型引用
2)根据const实在*的位置判断 :
- namespace Zeng
- {
- class CTest
- {
- public:
- void Print() const
- {
- m_nValue = 1;
- cout << "this is namespace Zeng's Print" << endl;
- }
- private:
- int m_nValue;
- };
- }
namespace Zeng
class CTest
void Print() const
m_nValue = 1;
cout << "this is namespace Zeng's Print" << endl;
int m_nValue;
// 提示error : error C2166: 左值指定 const 对象
算法(algorithm)+容器(container)+迭代器(iterator) = STL
主要含有deque(双端队列)、queue(队列)、stack(堆栈容器)、vector(动态数组容器)、map multimap unordered_map unorderd_multimap(映射容器 由{键, 值}对组成)、set multiset unordered_set
unordered_multiset(集合容器)、algorithm(通用算法, 包括比较、交换、查找、排序等)、functional(模板类)、string(字符串类)、regex(正则表达式)、memory(定义了跟内存操作相关的组件, 例如智能指针等)
temple<typename 标识符>
返回值类型 函数名(形参表)
temple<typename 标识符>
class 类名
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include<vector>
- #include<string>
- #include<iostream>
- #include<algorithm>
- using namespace std;
- template <typename T>
- T compare( const T a, const T b)
- {
- return ( a > b ? a : b );
- }
- template <>
- string compare( const string a, const string b)
- {
- return ( a.size() > b.size() ? a : b );
- }
- int main()
- {
- const int ii = 10;
- const int ij = 20;
- cout << "return the max value is : " << compare<int>( ii, ij ) << endl;
- const float fi = 0.7f;
- const float fj = 1.2f;
- cout << "return the max value is : " << compare<float>( fi, fj ) << endl;
- const string strN = "aaaaaaaaaaa";
- const string strM = "zengraoli";
- cout << "return the max value is : " << compare<string>( strN, strM ) << endl;
- return 0;
- }
#include "stdafx.h"
using namespace std;
template <typename T>
T compare( const T a, const T b)
return ( a > b ? a : b );
template <>
string compare( const string a, const string b)
return ( a.size() > b.size() ? a : b );
int main()
const int ii = 10;
const int ij = 20;
cout << "return the max value is : " << compare<int>( ii, ij ) << endl;
const float fi = 0.7f;
const float fj = 1.2f;
cout << "return the max value is : " << compare<float>( fi, fj ) << endl;
const string strN = "aaaaaaaaaaa";
const string strM = "zengraoli";
cout << "return the max value is : " << compare<string>( strN, strM ) << endl;
return 0;
compare<int> intcompare(2, 3)
template int compare<int> intcompare( int, int );
actioncontainer 有一个撤销和恢复的通用功能
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "iostream"
- using namespace std;
- template<typename T>
- class CActionContainer
- {
- public:
- CActionContainer()
- : m_nRedoPos( 0 ), m_nUndoPos( 0 )
- {
- }
- void add( T value );
- T redo();
- T undo();
- private:
- int m_nRedoPos;
- int m_nUndoPos;
- const static int ActionContainerSize = 5;
- T m_RedoAction[ ActionContainerSize ];
- T m_UndoAction[ ActionContainerSize ];
- };
- template<typename T>
- void CActionContainer<T>::add( T value )
- {
- if ( m_nUndoPos > ActionContainerSize )
- {
- m_nUndoPos = m_nUndoPos - 1;
- for ( int i = 0; i < ActionContainerSize; i++ )
- {
- m_UndoAction[i] = m_UndoAction[ i + 1];
- }
- }
- m_UndoAction[ m_nUndoPos++ ] = value;
- }
- template <typename T>
- T CActionContainer<T>::undo()
- {
- m_RedoAction[ m_nRedoPos++ ] = m_UndoAction[ --m_nUndoPos ];
- return m_UndoAction[ m_nUndoPos ];
- }
- template <typename T>
- T CActionContainer<T>::redo()
- {
- m_UndoAction[ m_nUndoPos++ ] = m_RedoAction[ --m_nRedoPos ];
- return m_RedoAction[ m_nRedoPos ];
- }
- int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
- {
- CActionContainer<int> intaction;
- intaction.add( 1 );
- intaction.add( 2 );
- intaction.add( 3 );
- intaction.add( 4 );
- intaction.add( 5 );
- int iUndo = intaction.undo();
- cout << "pass undo current value is : " << iUndo << endl;
- iUndo = intaction.undo();
- cout << "second pass undo current value is : " << iUndo << endl;
- int iRedo = intaction.redo();
- cout << "pass redo current value is : " << iRedo << endl;
- iRedo = intaction.redo();
- cout << "second pass redo current value is : " << iRedo << endl;
- return 0;
- }
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "iostream"
using namespace std;
template<typename T>
class CActionContainer
: m_nRedoPos( 0 ), m_nUndoPos( 0 )
void add( T value );
T redo();
T undo();
int m_nRedoPos;
int m_nUndoPos;
// Container size
const static int ActionContainerSize = 5;
// record array
T m_RedoAction[ ActionContainerSize ];
T m_UndoAction[ ActionContainerSize ];
template<typename T>
void CActionContainer<T>::add( T value )
// if the container is full, adjust the pos of the container to add
if ( m_nUndoPos > ActionContainerSize )
m_nUndoPos = m_nUndoPos - 1;
for ( int i = 0; i < ActionContainerSize; i++ )
m_UndoAction[i] = m_UndoAction[ i + 1];
m_UndoAction[ m_nUndoPos++ ] = value;
// undo operator
template <typename T>
T CActionContainer<T>::undo()
// copy the revocation action to restore of the array
m_RedoAction[ m_nRedoPos++ ] = m_UndoAction[ --m_nUndoPos ];
return m_UndoAction[ m_nUndoPos ];
// redo operaor
template <typename T>
T CActionContainer<T>::redo()
// copy recovery action to the revocation of the array
m_UndoAction[ m_nUndoPos++ ] = m_RedoAction[ --m_nRedoPos ];
return m_RedoAction[ m_nRedoPos ];
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
CActionContainer<int> intaction;
intaction.add( 1 );
intaction.add( 2 );
intaction.add( 3 );
intaction.add( 4 );
intaction.add( 5 );
int iUndo = intaction.undo();
cout << "pass undo current value is : " << iUndo << endl;
iUndo = intaction.undo();
cout << "second pass undo current value is : " << iUndo << endl;
int iRedo = intaction.redo();
cout << "pass redo current value is : " << iRedo << endl;
iRedo = intaction.redo();
cout << "second pass redo current value is : " << iRedo << endl;
return 0;
基于这三种基本的顺序容器又可以构造出一些专门的容器,用于比较特殊的数据结构,包括heap(堆)、stack(栈)、queue(队列)、priority queue(优先队列)
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include<vector>
- #include<string>
- #include<iostream>
- #include<algorithm>
- using namespace std;
- void vecDisplay( const float fValue )
- {
- cout << "current value is : " << fValue << endl;
- }
- int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
- {
- vector<float> vecScore;
- float fi = 0.0f;
- for ( int i = 0; i < 5; i++ )
- {
- cin >> fi;
- vecScore.push_back(fi);
- }
- cout << "input the value : " << endl;
- for_each( vecScore.begin(), vecScore.end(), vecDisplay );
- const float fj = 0.02f;
- vecScore.insert( vecScore.begin(), fj );
- cout << "\n";
- cout << "in the begin insert a number 0.02 : " << endl;
- for_each( vecScore.begin(), vecScore.end(), vecDisplay );
- vecScore.erase( vecScore.begin() );
- vecScore.erase( vecScore.begin() );
- vecScore.erase( vecScore.begin() );
- cout << "\n";
- cout << "delete vec in the before three number : " << endl;
- for_each( vecScore.begin(), vecScore.end(), vecDisplay );
- vecScore.clear();
- cout << "\n";
- cout << "clear vec : " << endl;
- for_each( vecScore.begin(), vecScore.end(), vecDisplay );
- return 0;
- }
#include "stdafx.h"
using namespace std;
void vecDisplay( const float fValue )
cout << "current value is : " << fValue << endl;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
vector<float> vecScore;
float fi = 0.0f;
for ( int i = 0; i < 5; i++ )
cin >> fi;
cout << "input the value : " << endl;
for_each( vecScore.begin(), vecScore.end(), vecDisplay );
const float fj = 0.02f;
vecScore.insert( vecScore.begin(), fj );
cout << "\n";
cout << "in the begin insert a number 0.02 : " << endl;
for_each( vecScore.begin(), vecScore.end(), vecDisplay );
vecScore.erase( vecScore.begin() );
vecScore.erase( vecScore.begin() );
vecScore.erase( vecScore.begin() );
cout << "\n";
cout << "delete vec in the before three number : " << endl;
for_each( vecScore.begin(), vecScore.end(), vecDisplay );
cout << "\n";
cout << "clear vec : " << endl;
for_each( vecScore.begin(), vecScore.end(), vecDisplay );
return 0;
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include<vector>
- #include<string>
- #include<iostream>
- #include<algorithm>
- using namespace std;
- int main()
- {
- vector<int> vecScore;
- vecScore.push_back( 50 );
- vecScore.push_back( 60 );
- vecScore.push_back( 70 );
- vecScore.push_back( 80 );
- vecScore.push_back( 90 );
- vector<int>::iterator it;
- for ( it = vecScore.begin(); it != vecScore.end(); it++ )
- {
- cout << "print current value : " << ( *it ) << endl;
- }
- return 0;
- }
#include "stdafx.h"
using namespace std;
int main()
vector<int> vecScore;
vecScore.push_back( 50 );
vecScore.push_back( 60 );
vecScore.push_back( 70 );
vecScore.push_back( 80 );
vecScore.push_back( 90 );
vector<int>::iterator it;
for ( it = vecScore.begin(); it != vecScore.end(); it++ )
cout << "print current value : " << ( *it ) << endl;
return 0;
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "vector"
- #include "string"
- #include "algorithm"
- #include "iostream"
- using namespace std;
- class CStudent
- {
- public:
- CStudent( int iHeight ) : m_nHeight( iHeight )
- {
- }
- int GetHeight() const
- {
- return m_nHeight;
- }
- private:
- int m_nHeight;
- };
- void vecDisplay( CStudent* pSt )
- {
- cout << "current value is : " << pSt->GetHeight() << endl;
- }
- int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
- {
- vector<CStudent *> vecStudent;
- CStudent* CTest_A = new CStudent( 165 );
- CStudent* CTest_B = new CStudent( 175 );
- CStudent* CTest_C = new CStudent( 185 );
- vecStudent.push_back( CTest_A );
- vecStudent.push_back( CTest_B );
- vecStudent.push_back( CTest_C );
- cout << "Init vector : " << endl;
- for_each( vecStudent.begin(), vecStudent.end(), vecDisplay );
- vector<CStudent *>::iterator it;
- for ( it = vecStudent.begin(); it != vecStudent.end(); it++ )
- {
- if ( NULL != ( *it ))
- {
- delete ( *it );
- }
- ( *it ) = NULL;
- }
- cout << "clear this point vector" << endl;
- vecStudent.clear();
- return 0;
- }
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "vector"
#include "string"
#include "algorithm"
#include "iostream"
using namespace std;
class CStudent
CStudent( int iHeight ) : m_nHeight( iHeight )
int GetHeight() const
return m_nHeight;
int m_nHeight;
void vecDisplay( CStudent* pSt )
cout << "current value is : " << pSt->GetHeight() << endl;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
vector<CStudent *> vecStudent;
CStudent* CTest_A = new CStudent( 165 );
CStudent* CTest_B = new CStudent( 175 );
CStudent* CTest_C = new CStudent( 185 );
vecStudent.push_back( CTest_A );
vecStudent.push_back( CTest_B );
vecStudent.push_back( CTest_C );
cout << "Init vector : " << endl;
for_each( vecStudent.begin(), vecStudent.end(), vecDisplay );
vector<CStudent *>::iterator it;
for ( it = vecStudent.begin(); it != vecStudent.end(); it++ )
if ( NULL != ( *it ))
delete ( *it );
( *it ) = NULL;
cout << "clear this point vector" << endl;
return 0;
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "vector"
- #include "string"
- #include "algorithm"
- #include "iostream"
- using namespace std;
- class CStudent
- {
- public:
- CStudent( const char* strName, const int iHeight)
- {
- m_nHeight = iHeight;
- m_strName = new char[ strlen( strName + 1 ) ];
- strcpy( m_strName, strName );
- }
- CStudent( const CStudent& st )
- {
- m_nHeight = st.m_nHeight;
- m_strName = new char[ strlen( st.m_strName ) ];
- strcpy( m_strName, st.m_strName );
- }
- CStudent& operator= ( const CStudent& st )
- {
- if ( this == &st )
- {
- return *this;
- }
- m_nHeight = st.m_nHeight;
- m_strName = new char[ strlen( st.m_strName ) ];
- strcpy( m_strName, st.m_strName );
- return *this;
- }
- ~CStudent()
- {
- if ( NULL != m_strName )
- {
- delete[] m_strName;
- m_strName = NULL;
- }
- }
- char* GetName() const
- {
- return m_strName;
- }
- int GetHeight() const
- {
- return m_nHeight;
- }
- private:
- int m_nHeight;
- char* m_strName;
- };
- void vecDisplay( const CStudent st )
- {
- cout << "the student name is : " << st.GetName()<< endl;
- }
- int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
- {
- vector<CStudent> vecStudent;
- CStudent Test_A( "zengraoli1", 155 );
- CStudent Test_B( "zengraoli2", 165 );
- CStudent Test_C( "zengraoli3", 175 );
- Test_A = Test_B;
- CStudent Test_D = Test_C;
- vecStudent.push_back(Test_A);
- vecStudent.push_back(Test_B);
- vecStudent.push_back(Test_C);
- cout << "output vector element : " << endl;
- for_each( vecStudent.begin(), vecStudent.end(), vecDisplay );
- return 0;
- }
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "vector"
#include "string"
#include "algorithm"
#include "iostream"
using namespace std;
class CStudent
CStudent( const char* strName, const int iHeight)
m_nHeight = iHeight;
m_strName = new char[ strlen( strName + 1 ) ];
strcpy( m_strName, strName );
CStudent( const CStudent& st )
m_nHeight = st.m_nHeight;
m_strName = new char[ strlen( st.m_strName ) ];
strcpy( m_strName, st.m_strName );
CStudent& operator= ( const CStudent& st )
// to prevent self assignment
if ( this == &st )
return *this;
m_nHeight = st.m_nHeight;
m_strName = new char[ strlen( st.m_strName ) ];
strcpy( m_strName, st.m_strName );
return *this;
if ( NULL != m_strName )
delete[] m_strName;
m_strName = NULL;
char* GetName() const
return m_strName;
int GetHeight() const
return m_nHeight;
int m_nHeight;
char* m_strName;
void vecDisplay( const CStudent st )
cout << "the student name is : " << st.GetName()<< endl;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
// Init
vector<CStudent> vecStudent;
CStudent Test_A( "zengraoli1", 155 );
CStudent Test_B( "zengraoli2", 165 );
CStudent Test_C( "zengraoli3", 175 );
Test_A = Test_B; // Test_A已经构造过了,所以这时进入的事重载的=操作符
CStudent Test_D = Test_C; // Test_D没构造过,所以这时进入拷贝构造函数
cout << "output vector element : " << endl;
for_each( vecStudent.begin(), vecStudent.end(), vecDisplay );
return 0;
删除一个数的时候,不能仅仅是vecStudent.erase( it );必须要it = vecStudent.erase( it );记录,这是因为STL里的所有容器类中的erase实现都会返回一个迭代器,这个迭代器指向"当前删除
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "vector"
- #include "string"
- #include "algorithm"
- #include "iostream"
- using namespace std;
- class CStudent
- {
- public:
- CStudent( int iHeight ) : m_nHeight( iHeight )
- {
- }
- int GetHeight() const
- {
- return m_nHeight;
- }
- private:
- int m_nHeight;
- };
- void vecDisplay( CStudent* pSt )
- {
- cout << "current value is : " << pSt->GetHeight() << endl;
- }
- int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
- {
- vector<CStudent *> vecStudent;
- CStudent* CTest_A = new CStudent( 165 );
- CStudent* CTest_B = new CStudent( 175 );
- CStudent* CTest_C = new CStudent( 185 );
- vecStudent.push_back( CTest_A );
- vecStudent.push_back( CTest_B );
- vecStudent.push_back( CTest_C );
- cout << "Init vector : " << endl;
- for_each( vecStudent.begin(), vecStudent.end(), vecDisplay );
- vector<CStudent *>::iterator it;
- for ( it = vecStudent.begin(); it != vecStudent.end(); )
- {
- if ( ( *it )->GetHeight() < 180 )
- {
- delete ( *it );
- ( *it ) = NULL;
- it = vecStudent.erase( it );
- }
- else
- {
- it++;
- }
- }
- cout << "\n";
- cout << "delete smaller then 180 : " << endl;
- for_each( vecStudent.begin(), vecStudent.end(), vecDisplay );
- return 0;
- }
vector : 需要保存大量数据的时候
map : 用来实现查找表,或者用来存储稀疏数组或稀疏矩阵
list : 频繁地对序列的中部进行插入和删除操作
deque : 当大部分插入和删除发生在序列的头部或尾部时
array : 固定长度的数组
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "iostream"
- using namespace std;
- #include "vector"
- #include "algorithm"
- void vecDisplay( const int iValue )
- {
- cout << "current value add 10 : " << iValue + 10 << endl;
- }
- int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
- {
- vector<int> vecSalary;
- vecSalary.push_back( 10 );
- vecSalary.push_back( 20 );
- vecSalary.push_back( 30 );
- vecSalary.push_back( 40 );
- vecSalary.push_back( 50 );
- cout << "display the value:" << endl;
- for_each( vecSalary.begin(), vecSalary.end(), vecDisplay );
- return 0;
- }
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "iostream"
using namespace std;
#include "vector"
#include "algorithm"
void vecDisplay( const int iValue )
cout << "current value add 10 : " << iValue + 10 << endl;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
vector<int> vecSalary;
vecSalary.push_back( 10 );
vecSalary.push_back( 20 );
vecSalary.push_back( 30 );
vecSalary.push_back( 40 );
vecSalary.push_back( 50 );
cout << "display the value:" << endl;
for_each( vecSalary.begin(), vecSalary.end(), vecDisplay );
return 0;
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "vector"
- #include "algorithm"
- #include "string"
- #include "iostream"
- using namespace std;
- int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
- {
- vector<string> vecStudentName;
- vecStudentName.push_back( "zengraoli" );
- vecStudentName.push_back( "125308501" );
- vecStudentName.push_back( "test" );
- vecStudentName.push_back( "find" );
- const string strFindName = "125308501";
- vector<string>::iterator it = find( vecStudentName.begin(), vecStudentName.end(), strFindName );
- if (vecStudentName.end() != it)
- {
- cout << "vecStudentName is exist this string 125308501 !" << endl;
- }
- it = find( vecStudentName.begin(), vecStudentName.end(), "125308502" );
- if ( vecStudentName.end() == it )
- {
- cout << "vecStudentName isn't exist this string 125308502 !" << endl;
- }
- return 0;
- }
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "vector"
#include "algorithm"
#include "string"
#include "iostream"
using namespace std;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
vector<string> vecStudentName;
vecStudentName.push_back( "zengraoli" );
vecStudentName.push_back( "125308501" );
vecStudentName.push_back( "test" );
vecStudentName.push_back( "find" );
const string strFindName = "125308501";
vector<string>::iterator it = find( vecStudentName.begin(), vecStudentName.end(), strFindName );
if (vecStudentName.end() != it)
cout << "vecStudentName is exist this string 125308501 !" << endl;
it = find( vecStudentName.begin(), vecStudentName.end(), "125308502" );
if ( vecStudentName.end() == it )
cout << "vecStudentName isn't exist this string 125308502 !" << endl;
return 0;
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "iostream"
- using namespace std;
- #include "algorithm"
- #include "vector"
- #define FIND_VALUE_TERMS 6
- bool isPass( int n )
- {
- return n >= FIND_VALUE_TERMS;
- }
- void vecDisplay( int iValue )
- {
- cout << "current container value is : " << iValue << endl;
- }
- int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
- {
- vector<int> vecScores;
- for ( int i = 1; i <= 10; i++ )
- {
- vecScores.push_back( i );
- }
- vector< int >::iterator it = vecScores.begin();
- do
- {
- it = find_if( it, vecScores.end(), isPass );
- if (it != vecScores.end())
- {
- cout << "meet the conditions : " << ( *it ) << endl;
- it++;
- }
- else
- {
- break;
- }
- } while (true);
- return 0;
- }
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "iostream"
using namespace std;
#include "algorithm"
#include "vector"
bool isPass( int n )
return n >= FIND_VALUE_TERMS;
void vecDisplay( int iValue )
cout << "current container value is : " << iValue << endl;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
vector<int> vecScores;
for ( int i = 1; i <= 10; i++ )
vecScores.push_back( i );
vector< int >::iterator it = vecScores.begin();
it = find_if( it, vecScores.end(), isPass );
if (it != vecScores.end())
cout << "meet the conditions : " << ( *it ) << endl;
it++; // this iterator point next
} while (true);
return 0;
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "iostream"
- using namespace std;
- #include "algorithm"
- #include "vector"
- #define FIND_VALUE_TERMS 6
- void vecDisplay( int iValue )
- {
- cout << "current container value is : " << iValue << endl;
- }
- int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
- {
- vector<int> vecScores;
- for ( int i = 1; i <= 10; i++ )
- {
- vecScores.push_back( i );
- }
- cout << "used function remove" << endl;
- const int removeValue = 8;
- remove( vecScores.begin(), vecScores.end(), removeValue );
- for_each( vecScores.begin(), vecScores.end(), vecDisplay );
- cout << "\n";
- cout << "used function replace" << endl;
- const int replaceValue = 9;
- const int newValue = 999;
- replace( vecScores.begin(), vecScores.end(),replaceValue, newValue );
- for_each( vecScores.begin(), vecScores.end(), vecDisplay );
- return 0;
- }
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "iostream"
using namespace std;
#include "algorithm"
#include "vector"
void vecDisplay( int iValue )
cout << "current container value is : " << iValue << endl;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
vector<int> vecScores;
for ( int i = 1; i <= 10; i++ )
vecScores.push_back( i );
// vecScores.push_back( 9 );
cout << "used function remove" << endl;
const int removeValue = 8;
remove( vecScores.begin(), vecScores.end(), removeValue );
for_each( vecScores.begin(), vecScores.end(), vecDisplay );
cout << "\n";
cout << "used function replace" << endl;
const int replaceValue = 9;
const int newValue = 999;
replace( vecScores.begin(), vecScores.end(),replaceValue, newValue );
for_each( vecScores.begin(), vecScores.end(), vecDisplay );
return 0;
5)复制容器元素 : copy()
vector<float>::iterator lastPos在使用的时候,指向的是某个具体的数据而不是该数据的pos。
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "iostream"
- using namespace std;
- #include "vector"
- #include "algorithm"
- void vecDisplay( const int iValue )
- {
- cout << "current container value is: " << iValue << endl;
- }
- int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
- {
- vector<float> vecScoreFirst;
- vector<float> vecScoreSecond;
- vector<float> vecScore;
- for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
- {
- vecScoreFirst.push_back( 60.0f + i );
- }
- cout << "vecScoreFirst current value:" << endl;
- for_each( vecScoreFirst.begin(), vecScoreFirst.end(), vecDisplay );
- for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
- {
- vecScoreSecond.push_back( 80.0f + i );
- }
- cout << "\n" << endl;
- cout << "vecScoreSecond current value:" << endl;
- for_each( vecScoreSecond.begin(), vecScoreSecond.end(), vecDisplay );
- vecScore.resize( vecScoreFirst.size() + vecScoreSecond.size() );
- vector< float >::iterator lastPos = copy( vecScoreFirst.begin(), vecScoreFirst.end(), vecScore.begin() );
- copy( vecScoreSecond.begin(), vecScoreSecond.end(), lastPos );
- cout << "\n" << endl;
- cout << "vecScore current value:" << endl;
- for_each( vecScore.begin(), vecScore.end(), vecDisplay );
- return 0;
- }
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "iostream"
using namespace std;
#include "vector"
#include "algorithm"
void vecDisplay( const int iValue )
cout << "current container value is: " << iValue << endl;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
vector<float> vecScoreFirst;
vector<float> vecScoreSecond;
vector<float> vecScore;
for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
vecScoreFirst.push_back( 60.0f + i );
cout << "vecScoreFirst current value:" << endl;
for_each( vecScoreFirst.begin(), vecScoreFirst.end(), vecDisplay );
for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
vecScoreSecond.push_back( 80.0f + i );
cout << "\n" << endl;
cout << "vecScoreSecond current value:" << endl;
for_each( vecScoreSecond.begin(), vecScoreSecond.end(), vecDisplay );
vecScore.resize( vecScoreFirst.size() + vecScoreSecond.size() ); // resize vecScore
vector< float >::iterator lastPos = copy( vecScoreFirst.begin(), vecScoreFirst.end(), vecScore.begin() );
copy( vecScoreSecond.begin(), vecScoreSecond.end(), lastPos );
cout << "\n" << endl;
cout << "vecScore current value:" << endl;
for_each( vecScore.begin(), vecScore.end(), vecDisplay );
return 0;
6)复制容器元素 : copy_backward()
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "iostream"
- using namespace std;
- #include "vector"
- #include "algorithm"
- void vecDisplay( const int iValue )
- {
- cout << "current container value is: " << iValue << endl;
- }
- int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
- {
- vector<float> vecScoreFirst;
- vector<float> vecScoreSecond;
- vector<float> vecScore;
- for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
- {
- vecScoreFirst.push_back( 60.0f + i );
- }
- cout << "vecScoreFirst current value:" << endl;
- for_each( vecScoreFirst.begin(), vecScoreFirst.end(), vecDisplay );
- for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
- {
- vecScoreSecond.push_back( 80.0f + i );
- }
- cout << "\n" << endl;
- cout << "vecScoreSecond current value:" << endl;
- for_each( vecScoreSecond.begin(), vecScoreSecond.end(), vecDisplay );
- cout << "\n" << endl;
- vecScore.resize( vecScoreFirst.size() + vecScoreSecond.size() );
- cout << "vecScore size is : " << vecScore.size() << endl;
- copy( vecScoreFirst.begin(), vecScoreFirst.end(), vecScore.begin() );
- copy_backward( vecScoreSecond.begin(), vecScoreSecond.end(), vecScore.end() );
- cout << "\n" << endl;
- cout << "vecScore current value:" << endl;
- for_each( vecScore.begin(), vecScore.end(), vecDisplay );
- return 0;
- }
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "iostream"
using namespace std;
#include "vector"
#include "algorithm"
void vecDisplay( const int iValue )
cout << "current container value is: " << iValue << endl;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
vector<float> vecScoreFirst;
vector<float> vecScoreSecond;
vector<float> vecScore;
for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
vecScoreFirst.push_back( 60.0f + i );
cout << "vecScoreFirst current value:" << endl;
for_each( vecScoreFirst.begin(), vecScoreFirst.end(), vecDisplay );
for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
vecScoreSecond.push_back( 80.0f + i );
cout << "\n" << endl;
cout << "vecScoreSecond current value:" << endl;
for_each( vecScoreSecond.begin(), vecScoreSecond.end(), vecDisplay );
cout << "\n" << endl;
vecScore.resize( vecScoreFirst.size() + vecScoreSecond.size() ); // resize vecScore
cout << "vecScore size is : " << vecScore.size() << endl;
copy( vecScoreFirst.begin(), vecScoreFirst.end(), vecScore.begin() );
copy_backward( vecScoreSecond.begin(), vecScoreSecond.end(), vecScore.end() );
cout << "\n" << endl;
cout << "vecScore current value:" << endl;
for_each( vecScore.begin(), vecScore.end(), vecDisplay );
return 0;
7)合并容器元素 : merge()
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "iostream"
- using namespace std;
- #include "vector"
- #include "algorithm"
- void vecDisplay( const int iValue )
- {
- cout << "current container value is: " << iValue << endl;
- }
- int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
- {
- vector<float> vecScoreFirst;
- vector<float> vecScoreSecond;
- vector<float> vecResutl;
- for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
- {
- vecScoreFirst.push_back( 60.0f + i );
- }
- cout << "vecScoreFirst current value:" << endl;
- for_each( vecScoreFirst.begin(), vecScoreFirst.end(), vecDisplay );
- for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
- {
- vecScoreSecond.push_back( 60.0f + i );
- }
- cout << "\n" << endl;
- cout << "vecScoreSecond current value:" << endl;
- for_each( vecScoreSecond.begin(), vecScoreSecond.end(), vecDisplay );
- vecResutl.resize( vecScoreFirst.size() + vecScoreSecond.size() );
- merge( vecScoreFirst.begin(), vecScoreFirst.end(), vecScoreSecond.begin(), vecScoreSecond.end(), vecResutl.begin() );
- cout << "\n" << endl;
- cout << "vecScore current value:" << endl;
- for_each( vecResutl.begin(), vecResutl.end(), vecDisplay );
- return 0;
- }
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "iostream"
using namespace std;
#include "vector"
#include "algorithm"
void vecDisplay( const int iValue )
cout << "current container value is: " << iValue << endl;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
vector<float> vecScoreFirst;
vector<float> vecScoreSecond;
vector<float> vecResutl;
for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
vecScoreFirst.push_back( 60.0f + i );
cout << "vecScoreFirst current value:" << endl;
for_each( vecScoreFirst.begin(), vecScoreFirst.end(), vecDisplay );
for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
vecScoreSecond.push_back( 60.0f + i );
cout << "\n" << endl;
cout << "vecScoreSecond current value:" << endl;
for_each( vecScoreSecond.begin(), vecScoreSecond.end(), vecDisplay );
// used merge the two container must to pass through sort, otherwise error
vecResutl.resize( vecScoreFirst.size() + vecScoreSecond.size() );
merge( vecScoreFirst.begin(), vecScoreFirst.end(), vecScoreSecond.begin(), vecScoreSecond.end(), vecResutl.begin() );
cout << "\n" << endl;
cout << "vecScore current value:" << endl;
for_each( vecResutl.begin(), vecResutl.end(), vecDisplay );
return 0;
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "iostream"
- using namespace std;
- #include "vector"
- #include "algorithm"
- void vecDisplay( const int iValue )
- {
- cout << "current container value is: " << iValue << endl;
- }
- int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
- {
- vector<float> vecScoreFirst;
- vector<float> vecScoreSecond;
- vector<float> vecResutl;
- for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
- {
- vecScoreFirst.push_back( 60.0f + i );
- }
- cout << "vecScoreFirst current value:" << endl;
- for_each( vecScoreFirst.begin(), vecScoreFirst.end(), vecDisplay );
- for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
- {
- vecScoreSecond.push_back( 60.0f + i );
- }
- cout << "\n" << endl;
- cout << "vecScoreSecond current value:" << endl;
- for_each( vecScoreSecond.begin(), vecScoreSecond.end(), vecDisplay );
- vecResutl.resize( vecScoreFirst.size() + vecScoreSecond.size() );
- set_union( vecScoreFirst.begin(), vecScoreFirst.end(), vecScoreSecond.begin(), vecScoreSecond.end(), vecResutl.begin() );
- cout << "\n" << endl;
- cout << "vecScore current value:" << endl;
- for_each( vecResutl.begin(), vecResutl.end(), vecDisplay );
- return 0;
- }
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "iostream"
using namespace std;
#include "vector"
#include "algorithm"
void vecDisplay( const int iValue )
cout << "current container value is: " << iValue << endl;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
vector<float> vecScoreFirst;
vector<float> vecScoreSecond;
vector<float> vecResutl;
for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
vecScoreFirst.push_back( 60.0f + i );
cout << "vecScoreFirst current value:" << endl;
for_each( vecScoreFirst.begin(), vecScoreFirst.end(), vecDisplay );
for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
vecScoreSecond.push_back( 60.0f + i );
cout << "\n" << endl;
cout << "vecScoreSecond current value:" << endl;
for_each( vecScoreSecond.begin(), vecScoreSecond.end(), vecDisplay );
// used merge the two container must to pass through sort, otherwise error
vecResutl.resize( vecScoreFirst.size() + vecScoreSecond.size() );
set_union( vecScoreFirst.begin(), vecScoreFirst.end(), vecScoreSecond.begin(), vecScoreSecond.end(), vecResutl.begin() );
cout << "\n" << endl;
cout << "vecScore current value:" << endl;
for_each( vecResutl.begin(), vecResutl.end(), vecDisplay );
return 0;
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "iostream"
- using namespace std;
- #include "vector"
- #include "algorithm"
- #define ADD_VALUE 10
- int firstAddFunc( int iValue )
- {
- return iValue + ADD_VALUE;
- }
- int secondAddFunc( int iLeftValue, int iRightValue )
- {
- return iLeftValue + iRightValue;
- }
- void vecDisplay( int iValue )
- {
- cout << "current container value is: " << iValue << endl;
- }
- int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
- {
- vector<float> vecScoreFirst;
- vector<float> vecScoreSecond;
- vector<float> vecResutl;
- for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
- {
- vecScoreFirst.push_back( 60.0f + i );
- }
- cout << "vecScoreFirst current value:" << endl;
- for_each( vecScoreFirst.begin(), vecScoreFirst.end(), vecDisplay );
- for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
- {
- vecScoreSecond.push_back( 80.0f + i );
- }
- cout << "\n" << endl;
- cout << "vecScoreSecond current value:" << endl;
- for_each( vecScoreSecond.begin(), vecScoreSecond.end(), vecDisplay );
- vecResutl.resize( vecScoreFirst.size() );
- transform( vecScoreFirst.begin(), vecScoreFirst.end(), vecResutl.begin(), firstAddFunc );
- cout << "\n" << endl;
- cout << "transform the first form vecScore current value:" << endl;
- for_each( vecResutl.begin(), vecResutl.end(), vecDisplay );
- vecResutl.clear();
- vecResutl.resize( vecScoreFirst.size() );
- transform( vecScoreFirst.begin(), vecScoreFirst.end(), vecScoreSecond.begin(), vecResutl.begin(), secondAddFunc );
- cout << "\n" << endl;
- cout << "transform the second form vecScore current value:" << endl;
- for_each( vecResutl.begin(), vecResutl.end(), vecDisplay );
- return 0;
- }
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "iostream"
using namespace std;
#include "vector"
#include "algorithm"
#define ADD_VALUE 10
// used transform the first form
int firstAddFunc( int iValue )
return iValue + ADD_VALUE;
// used transform the first form
int secondAddFunc( int iLeftValue, int iRightValue )
return iLeftValue + iRightValue;
void vecDisplay( int iValue )
cout << "current container value is: " << iValue << endl;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
vector<float> vecScoreFirst;
vector<float> vecScoreSecond;
vector<float> vecResutl;
for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
vecScoreFirst.push_back( 60.0f + i );
cout << "vecScoreFirst current value:" << endl;
for_each( vecScoreFirst.begin(), vecScoreFirst.end(), vecDisplay );
for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
vecScoreSecond.push_back( 80.0f + i );
cout << "\n" << endl;
cout << "vecScoreSecond current value:" << endl;
for_each( vecScoreSecond.begin(), vecScoreSecond.end(), vecDisplay );
// used transform the first form
vecResutl.resize( vecScoreFirst.size() );
transform( vecScoreFirst.begin(), vecScoreFirst.end(), vecResutl.begin(), firstAddFunc );
cout << "\n" << endl;
cout << "transform the first form vecScore current value:" << endl;
for_each( vecResutl.begin(), vecResutl.end(), vecDisplay );
// used transform the second form
vecResutl.resize( vecScoreFirst.size() );
transform( vecScoreFirst.begin(), vecScoreFirst.end(), vecScoreSecond.begin(), vecResutl.begin(), secondAddFunc );
cout << "\n" << endl;
cout << "transform the second form vecScore current value:" << endl;
for_each( vecResutl.begin(), vecResutl.end(), vecDisplay );
return 0;
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "string"
- #include "iostream"
- using namespace std;
- #include "vector"
- #include "algorithm"
- void vecDisplay( const string iValue )
- {
- cout << "current container value is: " << iValue << endl;
- }
- int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
- {
- vector<string> vecStudentName;
- vector<string>::iterator it;
- vecStudentName.push_back( "zeng" );
- vecStudentName.push_back( "zengraoli" );
- vecStudentName.push_back( "zengRaoli" );
- vecStudentName.push_back( "test" );
- vecStudentName.push_back( "125308501" );
- vecStudentName.push_back( "zengRaoli2" );
- vecStudentName.push_back( "1zeng" );
- cout << "vecStudentName current value:" << endl;
- for( it = vecStudentName.begin(); it != vecStudentName.end(); it++ )
- {
- cout << "vecScore current value:" << ( *it ) << endl;
- }
- sort( vecStudentName.begin(), vecStudentName.end() );
- cout << "\n" << endl;
- cout << "pass sort vecStudentName current value:" << endl;
- for_each( vecStudentName.begin(), vecStudentName.end(), vecDisplay );
- reverse( vecStudentName.begin(), vecStudentName.end() );
- cout << "\n" << endl;
- cout << "pass reverse vecStudentName current value:" << endl;
- for_each( vecStudentName.begin(), vecStudentName.end(), vecDisplay );
- return 0;
- }
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "string"
#include "iostream"
using namespace std;
#include "vector"
#include "algorithm"
void vecDisplay( const string iValue )
cout << "current container value is: " << iValue << endl;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
vector<string> vecStudentName;
vector<string>::iterator it;
vecStudentName.push_back( "zeng" );
vecStudentName.push_back( "zengraoli" );
vecStudentName.push_back( "zengRaoli" );
vecStudentName.push_back( "test" );
vecStudentName.push_back( "125308501" );
vecStudentName.push_back( "zengRaoli2" );
vecStudentName.push_back( "1zeng" );
cout << "vecStudentName current value:" << endl;
for( it = vecStudentName.begin(); it != vecStudentName.end(); it++ )
cout << "vecScore current value:" << ( *it ) << endl;
// used sort algorithm
sort( vecStudentName.begin(), vecStudentName.end() );
cout << "\n" << endl;
cout << "pass sort vecStudentName current value:" << endl;
for_each( vecStudentName.begin(), vecStudentName.end(), vecDisplay );
// used reverse algorithm
reverse( vecStudentName.begin(), vecStudentName.end() );
cout << "\n" << endl;
cout << "pass reverse vecStudentName current value:" << endl;
for_each( vecStudentName.begin(), vecStudentName.end(), vecDisplay );
return 0;
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "string"
- #include "vector"
- #include "algorithm"
- #include "assert.h"
- #include "iostream"
- using namespace std;
- void vecDisplay( const int iValue )
- {
- cout << "current value is " << iValue << endl;
- }
- bool defineSort( const int iLeftValue, const int iRightValue )
- {
- return ( iLeftValue > iRightValue );
- }
- int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
- {
- vector<int> vecIValue;
- vecIValue.push_back( 9 );
- vecIValue.push_back( 1 );
- vecIValue.push_back( 3 );
- vecIValue.push_back( 5 );
- vecIValue.push_back( 8 );
- vecIValue.push_back( 7 );
- vecIValue.push_back( 2 );
- sort( vecIValue.begin(), vecIValue.end(), defineSort );
- cout << "pass sort : " << endl;
- for_each( vecIValue.begin(), vecIValue.end(), vecDisplay );
- return 0;
- }
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "string"
#include "vector"
#include "algorithm"
#include "assert.h"
#include "iostream"
using namespace std;
void vecDisplay( const int iValue )
cout << "current value is " << iValue << endl;
// my sort algorithm
bool defineSort( const int iLeftValue, const int iRightValue )
return ( iLeftValue > iRightValue );
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
vector<int> vecIValue;
vecIValue.push_back( 9 );
vecIValue.push_back( 1 );
vecIValue.push_back( 3 );
vecIValue.push_back( 5 );
vecIValue.push_back( 8 );
vecIValue.push_back( 7 );
vecIValue.push_back( 2 );
sort( vecIValue.begin(), vecIValue.end() );
cout << "pass sort : " << endl;
for_each( vecIValue.begin(), vecIValue.end(), vecDisplay );
sort( vecIValue.begin(), vecIValue.end(), defineSort );
cout << "pass sort : " << endl;
for_each( vecIValue.begin(), vecIValue.end(), vecDisplay );
return 0;
需要重写 < 号,暂时类里面不带有指针变量,否则还要重写拷贝构造
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "string"
- #include "vector"
- #include "algorithm"
- #include "assert.h"
- #include "iostream"
- using namespace std;
- namespace Zeng
- {
- class CTest_Rectang
- {
- public:
- CTest_Rectang( int iLong, int iWidth, int iHeight )
- : m_iLong( iLong ), m_iWidth( iWidth ), m_iHeight( iHeight )
- {
- }
- bool operator < ( const CTest_Rectang& rCTest_Rectang )
- {
- assert( rCTest_Rectang.m_iLong );
- if ( rCTest_Rectang.m_iLong > this->m_iLong )
- {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- friend void vecDisplay( const CTest_Rectang& rCTest_Rectang );
- private:
- int m_iLong;
- int m_iWidth;
- int m_iHeight;
- };
- void vecDisplay( const Zeng::CTest_Rectang& rCTest_Rectang )
- {
- cout << "current container Zeng::CTest_Rectang m_iLong is: " << rCTest_Rectang.m_iLong << endl;
- }
- }
- int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
- {
- vector<Zeng::CTest_Rectang> vecCTestRectang;
- for ( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
- {
- vecCTestRectang.push_back( Zeng::CTest_Rectang( 14 + i, 14, 14 ) );
- }
- sort( vecCTestRectang.begin(), vecCTestRectang.end() );
- cout << "\n" << endl;
- cout << "pass sort vecStudentName current value:" << endl;
- for_each( vecCTestRectang.begin(), vecCTestRectang.end(), Zeng::vecDisplay );
- reverse( vecCTestRectang.begin(), vecCTestRectang.end() );
- cout << "\n" << endl;
- cout << "pass reverse vecStudentName current value:" << endl;
- for_each( vecCTestRectang.begin(), vecCTestRectang.end(), Zeng::vecDisplay );
- return 0;
- }
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "string"
#include "vector"
#include "algorithm"
#include "assert.h"
#include "iostream"
using namespace std;
namespace Zeng
class CTest_Rectang
CTest_Rectang( int iLong, int iWidth, int iHeight )
: m_iLong( iLong ), m_iWidth( iWidth ), m_iHeight( iHeight )
bool operator < ( const CTest_Rectang& rCTest_Rectang )
assert( rCTest_Rectang.m_iLong );
if ( rCTest_Rectang.m_iLong > this->m_iLong )
return true;
return false;
friend void vecDisplay( const CTest_Rectang& rCTest_Rectang );
int m_iLong;
int m_iWidth;
int m_iHeight;
void vecDisplay( const Zeng::CTest_Rectang& rCTest_Rectang )
cout << "current container Zeng::CTest_Rectang m_iLong is: " << rCTest_Rectang.m_iLong << endl;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
vector<Zeng::CTest_Rectang> vecCTestRectang;
for ( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
vecCTestRectang.push_back( Zeng::CTest_Rectang( 14 + i, 14, 14 ) );
// used sort algorithm
sort( vecCTestRectang.begin(), vecCTestRectang.end() );
cout << "\n" << endl;
cout << "pass sort vecStudentName current value:" << endl;
for_each( vecCTestRectang.begin(), vecCTestRectang.end(), Zeng::vecDisplay );
// used reverse algorithm
reverse( vecCTestRectang.begin(), vecCTestRectang.end() );
cout << "\n" << endl;
cout << "pass reverse vecStudentName current value:" << endl;
for_each( vecCTestRectang.begin(), vecCTestRectang.end(), Zeng::vecDisplay );
return 0;
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "string"
- #include "vector"
- #include "algorithm"
- #include "assert.h"
- #include "iostream"
- using namespace std;
- void vecDisplay( const int iValue )
- {
- cout << "current value is " << iValue << endl;
- }
- bool defineSort( const int iLeftValue, const int iRightValue )
- {
- return ( iLeftValue > iRightValue );
- }
- int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
- {
- vector<int> vecIValue;
- vecIValue.push_back( 7 );
- vecIValue.push_back( 8 );
- vecIValue.push_back( 3 );
- vecIValue.push_back( 1 );
- vecIValue.push_back( 9 );
- vecIValue.push_back( 5 );
- vecIValue.push_back( 2 );
- vector<int>::iterator it;
- it = max_element( vecIValue.begin(), vecIValue.end() );
- for ( ; it != vecIValue.end(); it++ )
- {
- cout << "max_element current value is : " << ( *it ) << endl;
- }
- cout << "\n" << endl;
- it = min_element( vecIValue.begin(), vecIValue.end() );
- for ( ; it != vecIValue.end(); it++ )
- {
- cout << "min_element current value is : " << ( *it ) << endl;
- }
- return 0;
- }
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "string"
#include "vector"
#include "algorithm"
#include "assert.h"
#include "iostream"
using namespace std;
void vecDisplay( const int iValue )
cout << "current value is " << iValue << endl;
// my sort algorithm
bool defineSort( const int iLeftValue, const int iRightValue )
return ( iLeftValue > iRightValue );
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
vector<int> vecIValue;
vecIValue.push_back( 7 );
vecIValue.push_back( 8 );
vecIValue.push_back( 3 );
vecIValue.push_back( 1 );
vecIValue.push_back( 9 );
vecIValue.push_back( 5 );
vecIValue.push_back( 2 );
vector<int>::iterator it;
it = max_element( vecIValue.begin(), vecIValue.end() );
for ( ; it != vecIValue.end(); it++ )
cout << "max_element current value is : " << ( *it ) << endl;
cout << "\n" << endl;
it = min_element( vecIValue.begin(), vecIValue.end() );
for ( ; it != vecIValue.end(); it++ )
cout << "min_element current value is : " << ( *it ) << endl;
return 0;
函数返回值类型标识符 ( 指针变量名 )( 形参列表 );
void PrintPass( int iLeft, int iRightValue );
void ( *pFunc )( int iLeft, int iRightValue );
void ( *pFunc )( int, int );
// 定义一种新的函数指针的数据类型
typedef bool ( *pFunc )( int, int );
// 使用新的数据类型定义函数指针
pFunc pMax;
// 直接指向函数
pMax = Max;
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "iostream"
- using namespace std;
- typedef bool ( *pFunc )( int, int );
- bool Max( const int iLeftValue, const int iRightValue )
- {
- return ( iLeftValue > iRightValue );
- }
- int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
- {
- pFunc pMax;
- pMax = Max;
- cout << "pMax( 5, 6 ) this return bool value is : " << pMax( 5, 6 ) << endl;
- cout << "pMax( 6, 5 ) this return bool value is : " << pMax( 6, 5 ) << endl;
- return 0;
- }
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "iostream"
using namespace std;
typedef bool ( *pFunc )( int, int );
bool Max( const int iLeftValue, const int iRightValue )
return ( iLeftValue > iRightValue );
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
pFunc pMax;
pMax = Max;
cout << "pMax( 5, 6 ) this return bool value is : " << pMax( 5, 6 ) << endl;
cout << "pMax( 6, 5 ) this return bool value is : " << pMax( 6, 5 ) << endl;
return 0;
auto pMax = Max; // 只能在vs2010上面才使用有效
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "iostream"
- using namespace std;
- int Max( const int iLeftValue, const int iRightValue )
- {
- return ( iLeftValue > iRightValue );
- }
- int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
- {
- auto pMaxSendcont = Max;
- cout << "pMaxSendcont( 5, 6 ) this return bool value is : " << pMaxSendcont( 5, 6 ) << endl;
- cout << "pMaxSendcont( 6, 5 ) this return bool value is : " << pMaxSendcont( 6, 5 ) << endl;
- return 0;
- }
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "iostream"
using namespace std;
int Max( const int iLeftValue, const int iRightValue )
return ( iLeftValue > iRightValue );
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
auto pMaxSendcont = Max;
cout << "pMaxSendcont( 5, 6 ) this return bool value is : " << pMaxSendcont( 5, 6 ) << endl;
cout << "pMaxSendcont( 6, 5 ) this return bool value is : " << pMaxSendcont( 6, 5 ) << endl;
return 0;
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "iostream"
- using namespace std;
- typedef bool ( *PMAXFUNC )( int, int );
- void PrintMessage( int iLeftValue, int iRightValue, PMAXFUNC pMax )
- {
- cout << "Print Header :" << endl;
- cout << "====================================================" << endl;
- cout << "pMax LeftValue is : " << iLeftValue << endl;
- cout << "pMax RightValue is : " << iRightValue << endl;
- cout << "pMax function return is : " << pMax( iLeftValue, iRightValue ) << endl;
- cout << "====================================================" << endl;
- cout << "Print ender :" << endl;
- }
- bool Max( const int iLeftValue, const int iRightValue )
- {
- return ( iLeftValue > iRightValue );
- }
- int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
- {
- PMAXFUNC pMax = Max;
- PrintMessage( 5, 6, pMax );
- return 0;
- }
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "iostream"
using namespace std;
typedef bool ( *PMAXFUNC )( int, int );
void PrintMessage( int iLeftValue, int iRightValue, PMAXFUNC pMax )
cout << "Print Header :" << endl;
cout << "====================================================" << endl;
cout << "pMax LeftValue is : " << iLeftValue << endl;
cout << "pMax RightValue is : " << iRightValue << endl;
cout << "pMax function return is : " << pMax( iLeftValue, iRightValue ) << endl;
cout << "====================================================" << endl;
cout << "Print ender :" << endl;
bool Max( const int iLeftValue, const int iRightValue )
return ( iLeftValue > iRightValue );
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
PMAXFUNC pMax = Max;
PrintMessage( 5, 6, pMax );
return 0;
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "vector"
- #include "string"
- #include "algorithm"
- #include "functional"
- #include "iostream"
- using namespace std;
- #define STANDARHEIGHT 165
- #define STUDENTNUM 5
- class CStudent
- {
- public:
- CStudent( int iHeight ) : m_iHeight( iHeight )
- {
- }
- int GetHeight() const
- {
- return m_iHeight;
- }
- private:
- int m_iHeight;
- };
- bool countHeight( int iHeight, const CStudent st)
- {
- return st.GetHeight() > iHeight;
- }
- int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
- {
- vector<CStudent> vecStudent;
- for (int i = 0; i < STUDENTNUM; i++)
- {
- vecStudent.push_back( CStudent( STANDARHEIGHT - 10 + i * 10 ) );
- }
- const int nStandarHeight = STANDARHEIGHT;
- int iCount = count_if( vecStudent.begin(), vecStudent.end(), bind1st( ptr_fun( countHeight ), nStandarHeight ) );
- cout << "the student height greater than Standar Number is : " << iCount << endl;
- return 0;
- }
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "vector"
#include "string"
#include "algorithm"
#include "functional"
#include "iostream"
using namespace std;
#define STUDENTNUM 5
class CStudent
CStudent( int iHeight ) : m_iHeight( iHeight )
int GetHeight() const
return m_iHeight;
int m_iHeight;
bool countHeight( int iHeight, const CStudent st)
return st.GetHeight() > iHeight;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
vector<CStudent> vecStudent;
for (int i = 0; i < STUDENTNUM; i++)
vecStudent.push_back( CStudent( STANDARHEIGHT - 10 + i * 10 ) );
const int nStandarHeight = STANDARHEIGHT;
int iCount = count_if( vecStudent.begin(), vecStudent.end(), bind1st( ptr_fun( countHeight ), nStandarHeight ) );
cout << "the student height greater than Standar Number is : " << iCount << endl;
return 0;
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "vector"
- #include "string"
- #include "algorithm"
- #include "functional"
- #include "iostream"
- using namespace std;
- class CStudent
- {
- public:
- CStudent( string strName )
- {
- m_strName = strName;
- }
- bool isNamed( string strName )
- {
- return strName == m_strName;
- }
- private:
- string m_strName;
- };
- int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
- {
- vector<CStudent> vecStudent;
- vecStudent.push_back( CStudent( "zengraoli1" ) );
- vecStudent.push_back( CStudent( "zengraoli2" ) );
- vecStudent.push_back( CStudent( "zengraoli3" ) );
- string strFindName = "zengraoli2";
- vector<CStudent>::iterator it = find_if( vecStudent.begin(), vecStudent.end(),
- bind2nd( mem_fun_ref( &CStudent::isNamed ), strFindName ) );
- if ( it != vecStudent.end() )
- {
- cout << "找到了对应的vecStudent!" << endl;
- }
- return 0;
- }
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "vector"
#include "string"
#include "algorithm"
#include "functional"
#include "iostream"
using namespace std;
class CStudent
CStudent( string strName )
m_strName = strName;
bool isNamed( string strName )
return strName == m_strName;
string m_strName;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
vector<CStudent> vecStudent;
vecStudent.push_back( CStudent( "zengraoli1" ) );
vecStudent.push_back( CStudent( "zengraoli2" ) );
vecStudent.push_back( CStudent( "zengraoli3" ) );
string strFindName = "zengraoli2";
vector<CStudent>::iterator it = find_if( vecStudent.begin(), vecStudent.end(),
bind2nd( mem_fun_ref( &CStudent::isNamed ), strFindName ) );
if ( it != vecStudent.end() )
cout << "找到了对应的vecStudent!" << endl;
return 0;
1)所谓函数对象,就是定义了函数调用操作符(function-call operator),即operator()的普通类的对象。在重载的函数调用操作符中,可以实现函数的所有功能。同事,因为类具有属性,可以将每次
- template <typename T>
- class myMax
- {
- T operator()(T a, T b)
- {
- return ( a > b ? a : b );
- }
- };
template <typename T>
class myMax
T operator()(T a, T b)
return ( a > b ? a : b );
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "vector"
- #include "algorithm"
- #include "iostream"
- using namespace std;
- namespace Zeng
- {
- class CStudent
- {
- public:
- CStudent( int nHeight ) : m_nHieght( nHeight )
- {
- }
- int GetHeight()
- {
- return m_nHieght;
- }
- private:
- int m_nHieght;
- };
- class CAverageHeight
- {
- public:
- CAverageHeight() : m_nCount( 0 ), m_nTotalHeight( 0 )
- {
- }
- void operator ()( CStudent st )
- {
- m_nTotalHeight += st.GetHeight();
- m_nCount++;
- }
- int GetCount()
- {
- return m_nCount;
- }
- int GetTotalHeight()
- {
- return m_nTotalHeight;
- }
- float GetAverageHeight()
- {
- if ( 0 != m_nCount )
- {
- return static_cast<float>( GetTotalHeight() / GetCount() );
- }
- return 0;
- }
- private:
- int m_nCount;
- int m_nTotalHeight;
- };
- }
- int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
- {
- vector<Zeng::CStudent> vecStudent;
- vecStudent.push_back( Zeng::CStudent( 155 ) );
- vecStudent.push_back( Zeng::CStudent( 165 ) );
- vecStudent.push_back( Zeng::CStudent( 175 ) );
- vecStudent.push_back( Zeng::CStudent( 185 ) );
- vecStudent.push_back( Zeng::CStudent( 195 ) );
- Zeng::CAverageHeight ah;
- ah = for_each( vecStudent.begin(), vecStudent.end(), ah);
- cout << "average height is : " << ah.GetAverageHeight() << endl;
- cout << "the student count is : " << ah.GetCount() << endl;
- return 0;
- }
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "vector"
#include "algorithm"
#include "iostream"
using namespace std;
namespace Zeng
class CStudent
CStudent( int nHeight ) : m_nHieght( nHeight )
int GetHeight()
return m_nHieght;
int m_nHieght;
class CAverageHeight
CAverageHeight() : m_nCount( 0 ), m_nTotalHeight( 0 )
void operator ()( CStudent st )
m_nTotalHeight += st.GetHeight();
int GetCount()
return m_nCount;
int GetTotalHeight()
return m_nTotalHeight;
float GetAverageHeight()
if ( 0 != m_nCount )
return static_cast<float>( GetTotalHeight() / GetCount() );
return 0;
int m_nCount;
int m_nTotalHeight;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
vector<Zeng::CStudent> vecStudent;
vecStudent.push_back( Zeng::CStudent( 155 ) );
vecStudent.push_back( Zeng::CStudent( 165 ) );
vecStudent.push_back( Zeng::CStudent( 175 ) );
vecStudent.push_back( Zeng::CStudent( 185 ) );
vecStudent.push_back( Zeng::CStudent( 195 ) );
// use function object
Zeng::CAverageHeight ah;
// use function object in the stl algorithm
ah = for_each( vecStudent.begin(), vecStudent.end(), ah);
cout << "average height is : " << ah.GetAverageHeight() << endl;
cout << "the student count is : " << ah.GetCount() << endl;
return 0;
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "vector"
- #include "algorithm"
- #include "iostream"
- using namespace std;
- namespace Zeng
- {
- class CStudent
- {
- public:
- CStudent( int nHeight ) : m_nHieght( nHeight )
- {
- }
- int GetHeight()
- {
- return m_nHieght;
- }
- private:
- int m_nHieght;
- };
- class CAverageHeight
- {
- public:
- CAverageHeight() : m_nCount( 0 ), m_nTotalHeight( 0 )
- {
- }
- void operator ()( CStudent st )
- {
- m_nTotalHeight += st.GetHeight();
- m_nCount++;
- }
- operator float()
- {
- return GetAverageHeight();
- }
- operator int()
- {
- return GetCount();
- }
- int GetCount()
- {
- return m_nCount;
- }
- int GetTotalHeight()
- {
- return m_nTotalHeight;
- }
- float GetAverageHeight()
- {
- if ( 0 != m_nCount )
- {
- return static_cast<float>( GetTotalHeight() / GetCount() );
- }
- return 0;
- }
- private:
- int m_nCount;
- int m_nTotalHeight;
- };
- }
- int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
- {
- vector<Zeng::CStudent> vecStudent;
- vecStudent.push_back( Zeng::CStudent( 155 ) );
- vecStudent.push_back( Zeng::CStudent( 165 ) );
- vecStudent.push_back( Zeng::CStudent( 175 ) );
- vecStudent.push_back( Zeng::CStudent( 185 ) );
- vecStudent.push_back( Zeng::CStudent( 195 ) );
- float fAverHeight = for_each( vecStudent.begin(), vecStudent.end(), Zeng::CAverageHeight() );
- cout << "average height is : " << fAverHeight << endl;
- int iCount = for_each( vecStudent.begin(), vecStudent.end(), Zeng::CAverageHeight() );
- cout << "average height is : " << iCount << endl;
- return 0;
- }