SDL与MFC的混合 .

    SDL的设计并没有考虑到要和MFC相结合,但是既然它要在windows的系统上运行,必然需要使用Windows提供的API。为了在MFC SDI中使用SDL,首先想到的就是替换SDL创建的窗口,改为使用MFC提供的窗口。


  int DIB_CreateWindow(_THIS) 


    char *windowid = SDL_getenv("SDL_WINDOWID");

    SDL_RegisterApp(NULL, 0, 0);

    SDL_windowid = (windowid != NULL);

     if ( SDL_windowid )


#if defined(_WIN32_WCE) && (_WIN32_WCE < 300)

     /* wince 2.1 does not have strtol */

        wchar_t *windowid_t = SDL_malloc((SDL_strlen(windowid) + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t));

        MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, windowid, -1, windowid_t, SDL_strlen(windowid) + 1);

        SDL_Window = (HWND)wcstol(windowid_t, NULL, 0); SDL_free(windowid_t);


        SDL_Window = (HWND)SDL_strtoull(windowid, NULL, 0);


         if ( SDL_Window == NULL )


             SDL_SetError("Couldn't get user specified window");



         /* DJM: we want all event's for the user specified window to be handled by SDL. */

         userWindowProc = (WNDPROCTYPE)GetWindowLongPtr(SDL_Window, GWLP_WNDPROC);

         SetWindowLongPtr(SDL_Window, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR)WinMessage);

    } else {

        SDL_Window = CreateWindow(SDL_Appname, SDL_Appname,


                                             CW_USEDEFAULT,                 CW_USEDEFAULT, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, SDL_Instance, NULL);

         if ( SDL_Window == NULL )


               SDL_SetError("Couldn't create window");



         ShowWindow(SDL_Window, SW_HIDE);


     /* JC 14 Mar 2006 Flush the message loop or this can cause big problems later

       Especially if the user decides to use dialog boxes or assert()! */               





   下面修改SDL提供的testwin示例,使之在MFC SDI环境下运行。

   1.1 工程创建  


  1.2 抛弃SDLmain.lib

      在SDL提供的测试用例中,都要使用SDLmain.lib,这个lib文件实现了Winmain和main这两个入口函数,在这两个函数中进行了一些SDL的初始化工作。而在MFC下,我们不需要自己写WinMain,因此直接抛弃SDLmain.lib,将相关的代码转移到Csdi_sdlView的OnCreate函数中。之所以选择Csdi_sdlView::OnCreate是因为此时窗口已经创建,可以取到这个窗口的Handle,从而可以在SDL初始化之前设置好Window id。

 int Csdi_sdlView::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)


if (CView::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1)

return -1;

char variable[256];

sprintf(variable, "SDL_WINDOWID=0x%lx", this->GetSafeHwnd());


SDL_WinMain(AfxGetApp()->m_hInstance, NULL, AfxGetApp()->m_lpCmdLine, SW_MAXIMIZE); return 0;



1.3 SDL_WinMain


 /* This is where execution begins [windowed apps] */

 int Csdi_sdlView::SDL_WinMain(HINSTANCE hInst, HINSTANCE hPrev, LPSTR szCmdLine, int sw)


 HINSTANCE handle;

char **argv; int argc;

char *cmdline;

char *bufp;

size_t nLen;

 /* Start up DDHELP.EXE before opening any files, so DDHELP doesn't

keep them open. This is a hack.. hopefully it will be fixed

someday. DDHELP.EXE starts up the first time DDRAW.DLL is loaded. */

handle = LoadLibrary(TEXT("DDRAW.DLL"));

if ( handle != NULL )




 /* Grab the command line */

bufp = GetCommandLine();

nLen = SDL_strlen(bufp)+1;

cmdline = SDL_stack_alloc(char, nLen);

SDL_strlcpy(cmdline, bufp, nLen);

/* Parse it into argv and argc */

argc = ParseCommandLine(cmdline, NULL);

argv = SDL_stack_alloc(char*, argc+1);

ParseCommandLine(cmdline, argv);

/* Run the main program (after a little SDL initialization) */

SDL_PreMain(argc, argv);

/* Hush little compiler, don't you cry... */

return 0;



1.4 SDL_PreMain


/* This is where execution begins [console apps] */

int Csdi_sdlView::SDL_PreMain(int argc, char *argv[])


size_t n;

char *bufp, *appname;

int status;

/* Get the class name from argv[0] */

appname = argv[0];

if ( (bufp=SDL_strrchr(argv[0], '//')) != NULL )


appname = bufp+1;

} else if ( (bufp=SDL_strrchr(argv[0], '/')) != NULL )


 appname = bufp+1;


if ( (bufp=SDL_strrchr(appname, '.')) == NULL )

n = SDL_strlen(appname);

else n = (bufp-appname);

bufp = SDL_stack_alloc(char, n+1);

SDL_strlcpy(bufp, appname, n+1);

appname = bufp;

///* Load SDL dynamic link library */

//if ( SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_NOPARACHUTE) < 0 ) {

 // ShowError("WinMain() error", SDL_GetError());

// return(FALSE);


/* Sam: We still need to pass in the application handle so that DirectInput will initialize properly when SDL_RegisterApp() is called later in the video initialization. */


/* Run the application main() code */

status = SDL_main(argc, argv);

/* Hush little compiler, don't you cry... */

return 0;



1.5 SDL_main


int Csdi_sdlView::SDL_main(int argc, char *argv[])


SDL_Surface *screen;

/* Options */

 int speedy, flip, nofade; int delay;

int w, h; int desired_bpp;

Uint32 video_flags;

/* Set default options and check command-line */

speedy = 0;

flip = 0;

nofade = 0;

delay = 1;

RECT rc;


w = rc.right;

h = rc.bottom;

desired_bpp = 0;

video_flags = 0;



ShowError("Couldn't initialize SDL", SDL_GetError()); return(1);

} /

* Initialize the display */

screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(w, h, desired_bpp, video_flags);

if ( screen == NULL )


ShowError("Couldn't set %dx%dx%d video mode: %s/n", "");

return (1);


DrawPict(screen, argv[1], speedy, flip, nofade);

// SDL_Delay(delay*1000);

// SDL_Quit();




void Csdi_sdlView::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy)


SDL_Surface *screen;

screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(cx, cy, 0, 0);

DrawPict(screen, NULL, 0, 0, 0);


 1.6 SDL_Quit


BOOL Csdi_sdlApp::ExitInstance()



return TRUE;



即便是这样,仍然有一处内存泄漏,原因不明: Detected memory leaks! Dumping objects -> {98} normal block at 0x003D37C0, 21 bytes long. Data: <0x40784 OWID 0x4> 30 78 34 30 37 38 34 00 4F 57 49 44 00 30 78 34 Object dump complete.

你可能感兴趣的:(SDL与MFC的混合 .)