Let f(x) = anxn+ ... + a1x+ a0,in which ai (0 <= i <=n)are all known integers. We call f(x) º 0 (modm)congruence equation. If m is acomposite, we can factor m intopowers of primes and solve every such single equation after which we merge themusing the Chinese Reminder Theorem. In this problem, you are asked to solve amuch simpler version of such equations, with m to be prime's square.
The first line is the number of equationsT,T<=50.
Then comes T lines, each line startswith an integerdeg (1<=deg<=4), meaning that f(x)'s degreeis deg. Then followsdeg integers, representing anto a0 (0 < abs(an) <= 100; abs(ai)<= 10000 whendeg >= 3, otherwise abs(ai) <= 100000000,i<n). The last integer is primepri (pri<=10000).
Remember, your task is to solve f(x)º 0 (mod pri*pri)
For each equation f(x) º 0 (mod pri*pri),first output the case number, then output anyone ofx if there are many xfitting the equation, else output "No solution!"
Sample Input
2 1 1 -5 7
1 5 -2995 9929
2 1 -96255532 8930 9811
4 14 5458 7754 4946 -2210 9601
Sample Output
Case #1: Nosolution!
Case #2: 599
Case #3: 96255626
Case #4: No solution!
f(x)º 0 (mod pa) (1)
f(x)º 0 (mod pa- 1) (2)
x0ºx1 (modpa- 1),x0 = x1+pa- 1t0,
定理 设p是素数,a³ 2是整数,f(x) = anxn+L+a1x+a0是整系数多项式,又设x1是同余方程(2)的一个解。以f¢(x)表示f(x)的导函数。
(ⅰ) 若f¢(x1)0 (mod p),则存在整数t,使得
x =x1+pa- 1t (3)
(ⅱ) 若f¢(x1)º 0 (modp),并且f(x1)º 0 (mod pa),则对于t = 0,1, 2, L, p - 1,式(3)中的x都是方程(1)的解。
证明 我们来说明,如何确定式(3)中的t,使x1+pa- 1t满足同余方程(1),即要使
an(x1+pa- 1t)n+an- 1(x1+pa- 1t)n- 1+L+a1(x1+pa- 1t)+a0º 0 (mod pa), (4)
f(x1)+pa- 1tf¢(x1)º 0 (mod pa),
tf¢(x1)º-(modp)。 (5)
(ⅰ) 若f¢(x)0 (mod p),则关于t的同余方程(5)有唯一解tº t0 (modp),即t =t0+pk(kÎZ),于是
xº x1+pa- 1t0 (mod pa)
(ⅱ) 若f¢(x1)º 0 (modp),并且f(x1)º 0 (mod pa),则式(5)对于任意的整数t成立,即同余方程(5)有p个解
tº i(mod p),0£ i £p - 1。
于是xº x1+pa- 1i(mod pa),0£ i £p - 1,都是同余方程(1)的解。证毕。
在定理中,没有对f¢(x1)º 0 (mod p)并且 f(x1)0 (mod pa)的情形进行讨论。事实上,此时,同余方程(5)无解。即,我们无法从同余方程(2)的解x1出发去求得同余方程(1)的解。
f(x)º 0 (mod p)。 (6)
事实上,由方程(6)的解,利用定理,可以求出方程f(x)º 0 (mod p2)的解,再利用定理,又可以求出方程f(x)º 0 (mod p3)的解,LL,直到求出方程(1)的解。
#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<vector> using namespace std; typedef __int64 II; int gcd(int a,int b){ return b==0? a:gcd(b,a%b); } typedef struct { int deg,a[15]; }function; function f,diff; II op(function f, II i){ II ret=0; for(int loop=f.deg;loop>=0;loop--){ ret=ret*i+(II)f.a[loop]; } return ret; } II op(function f, II i, II mod){ II ret=0; for(int loop=f.deg;loop>=0;loop--){ ret=ret*i+f.a[loop]; ret=ret%mod; } return ret; } II mm(II a,II b,II c){ if(b==0) return 1%c; II tmp=mm(a,b/2,c); return tmp*tmp%c*(b%2? a:1)%c; } II ext_gcd(II a,II &x,II b,II &y){//a*x+b*y=(x,y)=d if(b==0){ x=1;y=0; return a; } II xx,yy,d=ext_gcd(b,xx,a%b,yy); x=yy; y=xx-a/b*yy; return d; } vector<II> linear(II a,II b,II m){//ax=b(mod m) a%=m,b%=m; vector<II> ret; ret.clear(); II x,y,d=ext_gcd(a,x,m,y); //if(d<0) d=-d; if(b%d==0){ II e=(x*(b/d)%m+m)%m;//»ù´¡½â //for(int i=0;i<(d<0? -d:d);i++) ret.push_back((e+i*(m/d))%m); ret.push_back(e); } return ret; } int main(){ int T; II pri,p2; scanf("%d",&T); for(int cas=1;cas<=T;cas++){ scanf("%d",&f.deg); for(int i=f.deg;i>=0;i--) scanf("%d",&f.a[i]); scanf("%I64d",&pri); p2=pri*pri; II i; for(i=0;i<pri;i++) if(op(f,i,pri)==0) break; if(i>=pri) {printf("Case #%d: No solution!\n",cas);continue;} diff.deg=f.deg-1; for(int loop=f.deg-1;loop>=0;loop--){ diff.a[loop]=f.a[loop+1]*(loop+1);//? } II fx1=op(diff,i),t; if(fx1%pri!=0){//fx1Óëpri»¥ÖÊ II fx=op(f,i); vector<II> fuck=linear(fx1,-fx/pri,pri); t=fuck[0]; printf("Case #%d: %I64d\n",cas,((i+t*pri)%p2+p2)%p2); }else{ II fx=op(f,i); if(fx%p2==0) printf("Case #%d: %I64d\n",cas,i); else printf("Case #%d: No solution!\n",cas); } } //while(1); return 0; }