另外,旁白一句,WDS还支持VHD镜像的部署。受支持的操作系统仅为 Windows Server 2008 R2、Windows 7 企业版和 Windows 7 旗舰版。
从你的客户机安装的系统的安装盘里把support/tools/deploy.cab这个包里的sysprep.exe和setupcl.exe文件拷贝到c:/sysprep下,然后执行sysprep -nosidgen -reseal。
重启后从网卡启动到PE里面,就可以启动到pe里面了,这里,为了防止hal错误,建议直接用vista的pe,注意这个pe是从那个Windows AIK工具里面拿的,不过如果你用WAIK2.0版本的话是没有之后要用到的wdscapture程序的,这种时候有两种解决方法,其一是唤回久的AIK版本,其二是按照这两个tips去做:
If you are using MDT 2010, don't store the images in WDS, store them in the deployment share. As far as capture goes in MDT you have two major options... Option 1 Create a build & capture task sequence (standard client task sequence) in MDT and allow it to run the whole way... End result = A wim file on the server... Option 2 Create a Capture Only Task Sequence (Post-OS Installation task sequence) that you execute on an existing machine that you want to capture. The TS will then run sysprep, reboot into WinPE and capture to a wim file.