wincc 数据库的连接方法



WinCC 中如何与本地数据库(如SQL SERVER、ORACLE)进行数据交换?
Topic One: ODBC
Testing environment:
Primary PC with a WinCC, This PC, we named is Server.
Secondary PC with a Access DB, This PC, we named is Client.
Server PC and Client PC is connected by Ethernet.
Test step:
1. The Server PC and the Client PC must config the DB server option. This is a very
important ODBC configuration step.
Control Panel -> SIMATIC Workstation -> Workstation Configuration -> TCP/IP
Configuration for Multiple Node Systems -> select the DB server option.
2. At the server PC node, active the WinCC project but do not running this project(This action
is only for the first time ODBC configuration at the client PC) . WinCC will build two ODBC
driver connections automatically, one is for RT Database and the other is for RC Database.
For example: "CC_u1_01-04-12_15:36:08R","CC_u1_01-04-12_15:36:08".
All of the jobs is over at the server PC node.
3. At the client PC node, open the contol panel folder and select the "Sybase SQL
Anywhere5.0" driver for configuration ODBC Driver.
Data Source Name:CC_u1_01-04-12_15:36:08R (be named at the server PC node.)
User ID: DBA
Password: SQL
Server Name: BJADLIJS_N (Server PC Node computer name)
Database Name: CC_u1_01-04-12_15:36:08R (the same as Data Source Name)
Database File: //Bjadlijs/WinCC50_Project_u1/u1RT.db (the "WinCC50_Project_u1" is a
share directory by WinCC automatically and the "u1RT.db" is the WinCC RT database name.
you'd better search the "u1RT.db" file via the Browse button.)
At this time, we completed the ODBC configuration.
4. At the server PC node, Running the WinCC project( Don't forget to select the Tag Logging
option in the start up page, at the same time you could creat a form by user archive only for
5. At the client PC node, you could open an Access and import or link forms via an ODBC
driver that is builded at the step three.
• 如何正确使用第三方软件(如VB)对WinCC的SYBASE数据库进行操作,应注意什么细节?
Public wsODBC As Workspace
Public cnODBC As Connection
Public rsODBC As Recordset
‘DAO method
Public Sub LoadODBCData()
Set wsODBC = DBEngine.CreateWorkspace("ODBC_ws", "Admin", "", dbUseODBC)
Set cnODBC = wsODBC.OpenConnection("Connection1", , , _
Set rsODBC = cnODBC.OpenRecordset("PDE#HD#TankValue_Arc#TankLevel2")
‘PDE#HD#TankValue_Arc#TankLevel2 is RT database sample table
'DBGrid1.Text = rsODBC
T1.Text = rsODBC.Fields("T")
T2.Text = rsODBC.Fields("V")
End Sub
’RDO method
Public Sub RDOData()
Dim rs As rdoResultset
Dim cn As New rdoConnection
Dim SQL As String
Set cn = New rdoConnection
With cn
.Connect = "uid=DBA;pwd=SQL;DSN=demo1;"
‘demo1 is a manully created ODBC DSN of Sybase database
.EstablishConnection rdDriverNoPrompt, False
End With
SQL = "select * from contact"
Set rs = cn.OpenResultset(SQL, rdOpenKeyset, _
rdConcurReadOnly, rdAsyncEnable + rdExecDirect)
T3.Text = rs!city
T4.Text = rs!id
End Sub
‘ADO method
Public Sub AdoData()
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
rs.Open "select * from contact order by id", _
T5.Text = rs!id
T6.Text = rs!city
End Sub
2.ODBC的USER DSN 是在工程启动的过程中自动生成的,无需用户干预
3.有两个数据库,一个是CONFIG 数据库,里面存放的是组态信息,另一个是实时(RT)数据库,
除数据库的具体结构,可以使用WINCC安装目录 ( 例如
c:/siemens/common/sqlany/scview.exe ) 下的scview.exe查看具体的TABLE及字段,还可以
• WinCC怎样作为数据提供者向外提供数据(怎么开放其内部数据)?
3。 通过DDE与本机交换过程数据,通过NETDDE向远方PC提供数据;
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim mcp As Object
Dim var As String
Dim value As Variant
Dim cell As Variant
Dim i As Integer
Set mcp = CreateObject("WinCC-Runtime-Project")
cell = "C3"
i = 1
Do While Not Range(cell) = ""
var = Range(cell)
value = mcp.GetValue(var)
Range("D" & 2 + i).value = value
cell = "c" & i + 3
i = i + 1
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
Dim mcp As Object
Dim var As String
Dim value As Variant
Dim cell As Variant
Dim i As Integer
Dim bRet As Integer
Set mcp = CreateObject("WinCC-Runtime-Project")
cell = "c3"
i = 1
Do While Not Range(cell) = ""
var = Range(cell)
value = Range("E" & 2 + i).value
bRet = mcp.SetValue(var, value)
cell = "c" & i + 3
i = i + 1
End Sub
5。可以使用 WINCC提供的SIMATIC DMC ActiveX控件存取
Dim tagVal as Variant
Dim myState as Long
Dim myDmc as Object
' Write the WinCC tag value named "NewTag"
'tagVal is the value which will be written in WinCC
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dmc1.Connect myDmc
Dmc1.Write "NewTag",100,tagVal
End Sub
' Read the WinCC tag value named "NewTag"
' tagVal will get the tag value from WinCC
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dmc1.Connect myDmc
Dmc1.Read "NewTag",100,tagVal,myState
End Sub

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