typedef struct {
struct camera_size_type mIn;
struct camera_size_type mOut;
int8_t mEnable;
interpolaton_info_t *p_interpolaton_info;
2. 查看QualcommCameraHardware.cpp
static interpolaton_info_t mInterpolatonInfo; //定义变量
bool QualcommCameraHardware::startCamera()
LOGV("startCamera E");
if (pthread_join(mDeviceOpenThread, NULL) != 0) {
LOGE("openCamera thread exit failed");
return false;
mCfgControl.mm_camera_query_parms(CAMERA_PARM_PICT_SIZE, (void **)&picture_sizes, &PICTURE_SIZE_COUNT);
/* max pict size supported by cureent yuv sensor is 5M,how to change?
* eg:if(picture_sizes->width == 2592 && picture_sizes->height == 1944)---->8MP
* if(picture_sizes->width == 3200 && picture_sizes->height == 2400)---->12MP
* ......
* and so on
* { 4000, 3000}, // 12MP
* { 3200, 2400}, // 8MP
* { 2592, 1944}, // 5MP
* { 2048, 1536}, // 3MP QXGA
* { 1920, 1080}, //HD1080
* { 1600, 1200}, // 2MP UXGA
* { 1280, 768}, //WXGA
* { 1280, 720}, //HD720
* { 1024, 768}, // 1MP XGA
* { 800, 600}, //SVGA
* { 800, 480}, // WVGA
* { 640, 480}, // VGA
* { 352, 288}, //CIF
* { 320, 240}, // QVGA
* { 176, 144} // QCIF
if(picture_sizes->width == 640 && picture_sizes->height == 480) //这里是添加差值的起步点,从拍照640x480开始差值,即30万开始。
LOGE("zzb change the supported pict sizes before(%d,%d)",picture_sizes->width,picture_sizes->height);
mInterpolatonInfo.mIn = *picture_sizes;
picture_sizes -= 1; //把拍照的指针向前移一位(根据要求可以移自己想要的位置)
PICTURE_SIZE_COUNT += 1; //这个是和上面的picture_sizes相对应的
mInterpolatonInfo.mOut = *picture_sizes; //这个是差值的输出分辨率
mInterpolatonInfo.mEnable = false;
LOGE("zm change the supported pict sizes after(%d,%d)",picture_sizes->width,picture_sizes->height);
if ((picture_sizes == NULL) || (!PICTURE_SIZE_COUNT)) {
LOGE("startCamera X: could not get snapshot sizes");
return false;
} // END startCamera()
bool QualcommCameraHardware::initImageEncodeParameters(int size)
LOGV("%s: E", __FUNCTION__);
memset(&mImageEncodeParms, 0, sizeof(encode_params_t));
int jpeg_quality = mParameters.getInt("jpeg-quality");
bool ret;
mImageEncodeParms.p_interpolaton_info = &mInterpolatonInfo;
if (jpeg_quality >= 0) {
LOGV("initJpegParameters, current jpeg main img quality =%d",
//Application can pass quality of zero
//when there is no back sensor connected.
//as jpeg quality of zero is not accepted at
//camera stack, pass default value.
if(jpeg_quality == 0) jpeg_quality = 85;
mImageEncodeParms.quality = jpeg_quality;
ret = native_set_parms(CAMERA_PARM_JPEG_MAINIMG_QUALITY, sizeof(int), &jpeg_quality);
LOGE("initJpegParametersX: failed to set main image quality");
return false;
} //END initImageEncodeParameters(int size)
CameraParameters QualcommCameraHardware::getParameters() const
LOGV("getParameters: EX");
CameraParameters para = mParameters;
para.setPictureSize(mInterpolatonInfo.mOut.width,mInterpolatonInfo.mOut.height); //设置为输出差值分辨率的值
return para;
return mParameters;
} //END getParameters()
status_t QualcommCameraHardware::setPictureSize(const CameraParameters& params)
int width, height;
params.getPictureSize(&width, &height);
LOGV("requested picture size %d x %d", width, height);
LOGE("zm requested picture size %d x %d", width, height);
//support 1MP XGA-> SVGA -> WVGA modify by zhangmin 2013.4.25 {begain
if(width == 1024 && height == 768) //根据要求菜单的拍照分辨率导出差值分辨率的值
//if(mInterpolatonInfo.mOut.width == width && mInterpolatonInfo.mOut.height == height)
mInterpolatonInfo.mEnable = true;
width = mInterpolatonInfo.mIn.width; //这个是基值(即差值的起始点)
height = mInterpolatonInfo.mIn.height;
mInterpolatonInfo.mOut.width = 1024; //这个是输出要差值的分辨率
mInterpolatonInfo.mOut.height = 768;
LOGE("zm chg picture size %d x %d", width, height);
else if(width == 1280 && height == 960) // output 1280x960
mInterpolatonInfo.mEnable = true;
width = mInterpolatonInfo.mIn.width;
height = mInterpolatonInfo.mIn.height;
mInterpolatonInfo.mOut.width = 1280;
mInterpolatonInfo.mOut.height = 960;
LOGE("zm chg picture size %d x %d", width, height);
else if(width == 800 && height == 600)
mInterpolatonInfo.mEnable = true;
width = mInterpolatonInfo.mIn.width;
height = mInterpolatonInfo.mIn.height;
mInterpolatonInfo.mOut.width = 800;
mInterpolatonInfo.mOut.height = 600;
LOGE("zm 600 chg picture size %d x %d", width, height);
else if(width == 800 && height == 480)
mInterpolatonInfo.mEnable = true;
width = mInterpolatonInfo.mIn.width;
height = mInterpolatonInfo.mIn.height;
mInterpolatonInfo.mOut.width = 800;
mInterpolatonInfo.mOut.height = 480;
LOGE("zm 480 chg picture size %d x %d", width, height);
mInterpolatonInfo.mEnable = false;
//support 1MP XGA-> SVGA -> WVGA modify by zhangmin 2013.4.25 }end
// Validate the picture size
for (int i = 0; i < supportedPictureSizesCount; ++i) {
if (width == picture_sizes_ptr[i].width
&& height == picture_sizes_ptr[i].height) {
mParameters.setPictureSize(width, height);
mDimension.picture_width = width;
mDimension.picture_height = height;
return NO_ERROR;
} END setPictureSize(const CameraParameters& params)
3. 添加snapshot.c //主要是差值图像的编码
void* encode_thread_func(void *data)
mm_camera_status_t status = MM_CAMERA_SUCCESS;
snapshot_context_t* context = (snapshot_context_t *)data;
struct msm_frame* main_frame = NULL;
struct msm_frame* thumb_frame = NULL;
if (context->encode_thread_exit) {
CDBG("%s encode_thread_exit", __func__);
goto encode_func_end;
common_crop_t * crop1 = (common_crop_t *)main_frame->cropinfo;
CDBG("zzb:buffer %d vaddr %p \n", main_frame->path,(void *)main_frame->buffer);
CDBG("zzb: Scaling params thumb in1_w %d in1_h %d out1_w %d out1_h %d "
"main_img in2_w %d in2_h %d out2_w %d out2_h %d\n",
crop1->in1_w, crop1->in1_h,
crop1->out1_w, crop1->out1_h,
crop1->in2_w, crop1->in2_h,
crop1->out2_w, crop1->out2_h);
if(main_frame != NULL && context->encode_params.p_interpolaton_info != NULL && context->encode_params.p_interpolaton_info->mEnable)
common_crop_t * crop = (common_crop_t *)main_frame->cropinfo;
CDBG("zzb change the crop info");
if(crop->in2_w ==0 && crop->in2_h == 0)
crop->in2_w = context->encode_params.p_interpolaton_info->mIn.width;
crop->in2_h = context->encode_params.p_interpolaton_info->mIn.height;
crop->out2_w = context->encode_params.p_interpolaton_info->mOut.width;
crop->out2_h = context->encode_params.p_interpolaton_info->mOut.height;
#ifdef _TARGET_7x2x_
status = snapshot_jpeg_encode(context, main_frame, thumb_frame);
status = snapshot_jpeg_encode(context, main_frame);
} // End encode_thread_func(void *data)
static struct camera_size_type default_picture_sizes[] = {
{ 4000, 3000}, // 12MP
{ 3200, 2400}, // 8MP
{ 2592, 1944}, // 5MP
{ 2048, 1536}, // 3MP QXGA
{ 1920, 1080}, //HD1080
{ 1600, 1200}, // 2MP UXGA
{ 1280, 768}, //WXGA
{ 1280, 720}, //HD720
{ 1024, 768}, // 1MP XGA
{ 800, 600}, //SVGA
{ 800, 480}, // WVGA
{ 640, 480}, // VGA
{ 352, 288}, //CIF
{ 320, 240}, // QVGA
{ 176, 144} // QCIF
现在只有1280x768 和 1600x1200,中间少了1280x960。所以我们又要满足人家要求呗,添加。。。
首先在这个数组里面添加一项 1280x960 //在文件vendor/qcom/properietary/mm-camera/apps/appslib/mm_camera_inerface.c
然后在packages/apps/Camera/res/values/文件夹下修改arrays.xml strings.xml
<!-- Camera Preferences Picture size dialog box entries -->
<string-array name="pref_camera_picturesize_entries" translatable="false">
<!-- TODO: Change to a better name of the preference.
The first element of the array sould be
"pref_camera_picturesize_entry_2592x1944". However, we are too
late for the translation. Since we show the same label as the
second item, we just use the second one instead.
<!-- When launching the camera app first time, we will set the picture
size to the first one in the list that is also supported by the
driver -->
<string-array name="pref_camera_picturesize_entryvalues" translatable="false">
<!-- Camera Preferences Picture format dialog box entries -->
其次修改 strings.xml
<!-- Settings screen, Picture size dialog radio button choices -->
<string name="pref_camera_picturesize_entry_4000x3000">12M Pixels</string>
<string name="pref_camera_picturesize_entry_3200x2400">8M Pixels</string>
<string name="pref_camera_picturesize_entry_2592x1936">5M Pixels</string>
<string name="pref_camera_picturesize_entry_2048x1536">3M Pixels</string>
<string name="pref_camera_picturesize_entry_1920x1080">HD1080</string>
<string name="pref_camera_picturesize_entry_1600x1200">2M Pixels</string>
<string name="pref_camera_picturesize_entry_1280x960">1.3M Pixels</string>
<string name="pref_camera_picturesize_entry_1280x768">WXGA</string>
<string name="pref_camera_picturesize_entry_1280x720">HD720</string>
<string name="pref_camera_picturesize_entry_1024x768">1M Pixels</string>
<string name="pref_camera_picturesize_entry_800x600">SVGA</string>
<string name="pref_camera_picturesize_entry_800x480">WVGA</string>
<string name="pref_camera_picturesize_entry_640x480">VGA</string>
<string name="pref_camera_picturesize_entry_352x288">CIF</string>
<string name="pref_camera_picturesize_entry_320x240">QVGA</string>
<string name="pref_camera_picturesize_entry_176x144">QCIF</string>