MACRO(idt, Handler, Bits) .long VAL(Handler) .short VAL(Bits) .short KGDT_R0_CODE ENDM
idt _KiSystemService, INT_32_DPL3
EXTERN @KiSystemServiceHandler@8:PROC PUBLIC _KiSystemService .PROC _KiSystemService FPO 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, FRAME_TRAP KiEnterTrap (KI_PUSH_FAKE_ERROR_CODE OR KI_NONVOLATILES_ONLY OR KI_DONT_SAVE_SEGS) KiCallHandler @KiSystemServiceHandler@8 .ENDP
MACRO(KiEnterTrap, Flags) LOCAL kernel_trap LOCAL not_v86_trap LOCAL set_sane_segs /* Check what kind of trap frame this trap requires */ if (Flags AND KI_FAST_SYSTEM_CALL) /* SYSENTER requires us to build a complete ring transition trap frame */ FrameSize = KTRAP_FRAME_V86_ES /* Fixup fs. cx is free to clobber */ mov cx, KGDT_R0_PCR mov fs, cx /* Get pointer to the TSS */ mov ecx, fs:[KPCR_TSS] /* Get a stack pointer */ mov esp, [ecx + KTSS_ESP0] elseif (Flags AND KI_SOFTWARE_TRAP) /* Software traps need a complete non-ring transition trap frame */ FrameSize = KTRAP_FRAME_ESP /* Software traps need to get their EIP from the caller's frame */ pop eax elseif (Flags AND KI_PUSH_FAKE_ERROR_CODE) /* If the trap doesn't have an error code, we'll make space for it */ FrameSize = KTRAP_FRAME_EIP else /* The trap already has an error code, so just make space for the rest */ FrameSize = KTRAP_FRAME_ERROR_CODE endif /* Make space for this frame */ sub esp, FrameSize /* Save nonvolatile registers */ mov [esp + KTRAP_FRAME_EBP], ebp mov [esp + KTRAP_FRAME_EBX], ebx mov [esp + KTRAP_FRAME_ESI], esi mov [esp + KTRAP_FRAME_EDI], edi /* Save eax for system calls, for use by the C handler */ mov [esp + KTRAP_FRAME_EAX], eax /* Does the caller want nonvolatiles only? */ if (NOT (Flags AND KI_NONVOLATILES_ONLY)) /* Otherwise, save the volatiles as well */ mov [esp + KTRAP_FRAME_ECX], ecx mov [esp + KTRAP_FRAME_EDX], edx endif /* Save segment registers? */ if (Flags AND KI_DONT_SAVE_SEGS) /* Initialize TrapFrame segment registers with sane values */ mov eax, KGDT_R3_DATA OR 3 mov ecx, fs mov [esp + KTRAP_FRAME_DS], eax mov [esp + KTRAP_FRAME_ES], eax mov [esp + KTRAP_FRAME_FS], ecx mov dword ptr [esp + KTRAP_FRAME_GS], 0 else /* Check for V86 mode */ test byte ptr [esp + KTRAP_FRAME_EFLAGS + 2], (EFLAGS_V86_MASK / HEX(10000)) jz not_v86_trap /* Restore V8086 segments into Protected Mode segments */ mov eax, [esp + KTRAP_FRAME_V86_DS] mov ecx, [esp + KTRAP_FRAME_V86_ES] mov [esp + KTRAP_FRAME_DS], eax mov [esp + KTRAP_FRAME_ES], ecx mov eax, [esp + KTRAP_FRAME_V86_FS] mov ecx, [esp + KTRAP_FRAME_V86_GS] mov [esp + KTRAP_FRAME_FS], eax mov [esp + KTRAP_FRAME_GS], ecx jmp set_sane_segs not_v86_trap: /* Save segment selectors */ mov eax, ds mov ecx, es mov [esp + KTRAP_FRAME_DS], eax mov [esp + KTRAP_FRAME_ES], ecx mov eax, fs mov ecx, gs mov [esp + KTRAP_FRAME_FS], eax mov [esp + KTRAP_FRAME_GS], ecx endif set_sane_segs: /* Load correct data segments */ mov ax, KGDT_R3_DATA OR RPL_MASK mov ds, ax mov es, ax /* Fast system calls have fs already fixed */ if (NOT (Flags AND KI_FAST_SYSTEM_CALL)) /* Otherwise fix fs now */ mov ax, KGDT_R0_PCR mov fs, ax endif /* Set parameter 1 (ECX) to point to the frame */ mov ecx, esp /* Clear direction flag */ cld ENDM
MACRO(KiCallHandler, Handler) jmp Handler nop ENDM中断调用函数很简单,就是跳转到中断处理函数当中,实际上这里已经由保存了中断的返回地址。
DECLSPEC_NORETURN VOID FASTCALL KiSystemServiceHandler(IN PKTRAP_FRAME TrapFrame, IN PVOID Arguments) { /* Call the shared handler (inline) */ KiSystemCall(TrapFrame, Arguments); }
DECLSPEC_NORETURN VOID FORCEINLINE KiSystemCall(IN PKTRAP_FRAME TrapFrame, IN PVOID Arguments) { PKTHREAD Thread; PKSERVICE_TABLE_DESCRIPTOR DescriptorTable; ULONG Id, Offset, StackBytes, Result; PVOID Handler; ULONG SystemCallNumber = TrapFrame->Eax; Thread = KeGetCurrentThread(); KiFillTrapFrameDebug(TrapFrame); /* Chain trap frames */ TrapFrame->Edx = (ULONG_PTR)Thread->TrapFrame; /* No error code */ TrapFrame->ErrCode = 0; /* Save previous mode */ TrapFrame->PreviousPreviousMode = Thread->PreviousMode; /* Save the SEH chain and terminate it for now */ TrapFrame->ExceptionList = KeGetPcr()->NtTib.ExceptionList; KeGetPcr()->NtTib.ExceptionList = EXCEPTION_CHAIN_END; /* Clear DR7 and check for debugging */ TrapFrame->Dr7 = 0; if (__builtin_expect(Thread->Header.DebugActive & 0xFF, 0)) { UNIMPLEMENTED; while (TRUE); } /* Set thread fields */ Thread->TrapFrame = TrapFrame; Thread->PreviousMode = KiUserTrap(TrapFrame); /* Enable interrupts */ _enable(); /* Decode the system call number */ Offset = (SystemCallNumber >> SERVICE_TABLE_SHIFT) & SERVICE_TABLE_MASK; Id = SystemCallNumber & SERVICE_NUMBER_MASK; /* Get descriptor table */ DescriptorTable = (PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)Thread->ServiceTable + Offset); /* Validate the system call number */ if (__builtin_expect(Id >= DescriptorTable->Limit, 0)) { /* Check if this is a GUI call */ if (!(Offset & SERVICE_TABLE_TEST)) { /* Fail the call */ Result = STATUS_INVALID_SYSTEM_SERVICE; goto ExitCall; } /* Convert us to a GUI thread -- must wrap in ASM to get new EBP */ Result = KiConvertToGuiThread(); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Result)) { /* Set the last error and fail */ //SetLastWin32Error(RtlNtStatusToDosError(Result)); goto ExitCall; } /* Reload trap frame and descriptor table pointer from new stack */ TrapFrame = *(volatile PVOID*)&Thread->TrapFrame; DescriptorTable = (PVOID)(*(volatile ULONG_PTR*)&Thread->ServiceTable + Offset); /* Validate the system call number again */ if (Id >= DescriptorTable->Limit) { /* Fail the call */ Result = STATUS_INVALID_SYSTEM_SERVICE; goto ExitCall; } } /* Check if this is a GUI call */ if (__builtin_expect(Offset & SERVICE_TABLE_TEST, 0)) { /* Get the batch count and flush if necessary */ if (NtCurrentTeb()->GdiBatchCount) KeGdiFlushUserBatch(); } /* Increase system call count */ KeGetCurrentPrcb()->KeSystemCalls++; /* FIXME: Increase individual counts on debug systems */ //KiIncreaseSystemCallCount(DescriptorTable, Id); /* Get stack bytes */ StackBytes = DescriptorTable->Number[Id]; /* Probe caller stack */ if (__builtin_expect((Arguments < (PVOID)MmUserProbeAddress) && !(KiUserTrap(TrapFrame)), 0)) { /* Access violation */ UNIMPLEMENTED; while (TRUE); } /* Call pre-service debug hook */ KiDbgPreServiceHook(SystemCallNumber, Arguments); /* Get the handler and make the system call */ Handler = (PVOID)DescriptorTable->Base[Id]; Result = KiSystemCallTrampoline(Handler, Arguments, StackBytes); /* Call post-service debug hook */ Result = KiDbgPostServiceHook(SystemCallNumber, Result); /* Make sure we're exiting correctly */ KiExitSystemCallDebugChecks(Id, TrapFrame); /* Restore the old trap frame */ ExitCall: Thread->TrapFrame = (PKTRAP_FRAME)TrapFrame->Edx; /* Exit from system call */ KiServiceExit(TrapFrame, Result); }
DECLSPEC_NORETURN VOID FASTCALL KiServiceExit(IN PKTRAP_FRAME TrapFrame, IN NTSTATUS Status) { ASSERT((TrapFrame->EFlags & EFLAGS_V86_MASK) == 0); ASSERT(!KiIsFrameEdited(TrapFrame)); /* Copy the status into EAX */ TrapFrame->Eax = Status; /* Common trap exit code */ KiCommonExit(TrapFrame, 0); /* Restore previous mode */ KeGetCurrentThread()->PreviousMode = (CCHAR)TrapFrame->PreviousPreviousMode; /* Check for user mode exit */ if (TrapFrame->SegCs & MODE_MASK) { /* Check if we were single stepping */ if (TrapFrame->EFlags & EFLAGS_TF) { /* Must use the IRET handler */ KiSystemCallTrapReturn(TrapFrame); } else { /* We can use the sysexit handler */ KiFastCallExitHandler(TrapFrame); } } KiSystemCallReturn(TrapFrame); }