IDE: Eclipse Juno
Step 1: Add Dynamic Web Module
right click project -> properties -> project facets -> tick ‘Dynamic Web Module’ -> Click ‘Further configuration available’ -> Set Content directory to ‘src/main/webapp’ -> OK -> OK
Step 2: Add Web Module to Source
right click project -> properties -> Java Build Path -> Source -> Add Folder -> tick ‘src/main/webapp’ -> OK -> OK
Step 3: Add Deployment Assembly
right click project -> properties ->Deployment Assembly -> Add -> Java Build Path Entries -> Maven Dependencies -> Finish ->OK
If your project depends on another local project, you should be extremely carefully here,
An internal error occurred during: "Updating status for Tomcat v7.0 Server at localhost...". java.lang.NullPointerExceptionIf you encountered this problem, the solution is to depend on a jar from Maven server, DO NOT depend on a local project, otherwise maven may not know how to copy it to WEBINF/lib.
Reference 1: