Demo on bar code printing using SAP Scripts/Smart forms

This document will explain the printing of bar code using SAP Scripts/Smart forms

Target Readers: SAP-ABAP consultants with knowledge of layout designing.

Definition:  Bar codes are often printed on labels to allow machine to read the data. SAP has provided this feature to achieve through SAP Script / Smart forms

A Bar code will looks like: 

Follow the steps for creation of customize bar code style:

Step1: Go to T-code: SE73 Click on ‘System bar code’  Click on ‘Change’

 Demo on bar code printing using SAP Scripts/Smart forms_第1张图片

Step2: Click on create icon on the screen, It will ask for create new barcode technology or conventional bar code technology  

Step3: Choose for the new bar code technology. Provide bar code name and short text

In the bar code symbology  choose ‘PDF417’. The below are the SAP supported barcode formats.  

Demo on bar code printing using SAP Scripts/Smart forms_第2张图片

Step4: Provide barcode name and short text

Demo on bar code printing using SAP Scripts/Smart forms_第3张图片

Step5: In this step choose the barcode alignment as ‘Normal’, this will provide the scan direction

Types of alignment: The alignment is to provide scan direction of the barcode

Normal alignment will scan from left to right.

Rotated alignment will scan by 90 degree from top to bottom

Inverted alignment will scan by 180 degree from right to left

Bottom-up alignment will scan by 270 degree from bottom to top

Step6: After this provide the below parameter for the barcode

Step7: Now save the barcode definition in a transport request

Demo on bar code printing using SAP Scripts/Smart forms_第4张图片


Step8: Provide the Transport request details as below.

Step9: Now the new customized system barcode ‘ZDEMO’ is ready for using in layout

Demo on bar code printing using SAP Scripts/Smart forms_第5张图片

How to use the barcode style in SAP Script:

Go to SE71 à Create a simple script ‘ZDEMO_BARCODE’ provide the necessary details save and activate it.

Create a new character format C1

Go to à Create element à Give the name and description for character format

In the standard attribute provide the customized barcode name


Provide this character format C1 in the text editor for the element data which you want to display in barcode format

How to use barcode style in Smartforms:

T-code: Smartforms à Created a simple smart form for demo purpose with main page

Demo on bar code printing using SAP Scripts/Smart forms_第6张图片


