Placement targets in the RGW are not well known nor do they have the documentation they deserve. Let’s have a stab at it.
What are placement targets
Placement target allows an administrator to specify multiple pools of storage (e.g. SSD and spinning drives) to be used by the RadosGW.
The administrator defines a default placement-target and can explicitely allows some users to write data to other placement targets. The default placement target can also be changed on a per-user basis.
Setting up placement targets
This article assumes you already have a Ceph cluster deployed, CRUSH rules defined, and a working RadosGW.
Here is how my current deployment looks like.
# ceph osd tree
-5 0.26999 root ssd
-6 0.09000 host host01-ssd
9 0.09000 osd.9 up 1.00000 1.00000
-7 0.09000 host host02-ssd
10 0.09000 osd.10 up 1.00000 1.00000
-8 0.09000 host host03-ssd
11 0.09000 osd.11 up 1.00000 1.00000
-1 8.09996 root default
-4 2.70000 host host03
6 0.89999 osd.6 up 1.00000 1.00000
7 0.89999 osd.7 up 1.00000 1.00000
8 0.89999 osd.8 up 1.00000 1.00000
-9 2.69997 host host01
0 0.89998 osd.0 up 1.00000 1.00000
1 0.89999 osd.1 up 1.00000 1.00000
2 0.89999 osd.2 up 1.00000 1.00000
-3 2.70000 host host02
4 0.89999 osd.4 up 1.00000 1.00000
3 0.89999 osd.3 up 1.00000 1.00000
5 0.89999 osd.5 up 1.00000 1.00000
And the CRUSH rules.
rule data {
ruleset 0
type replicated
min_size 1
max_size 10
step take default
step chooseleaf firstn 0 type host
step emit
rule ssd-rule {
ruleset 1
type replicated
min_size 1
max_size 10
step take ssd
step choose firstn 0 type host
step emit
We need to define our placement targets for both the region and the zone maps.
# radosgw-admin region get > /tmp/region
Edit /tmp/region so it looks like
"name": "default",
"api_name": "",
"is_master": "true",
"endpoints": [],
"hostnames": [],
"master_zone": "",
"zones": [ { "name": "default", "endpoints": [], "log_meta": "false", "log_data": "false", "bucket_index_max_shards": 0 } ],
"placement_targets": [ { "name": "default-placement", "tags": ["default-placement"] }, { "name": "ssd", "tags": ["ssd"] } ],
"default_placement": "default-placement" }
And make the changes to the region map
# radosgw-admin region set < /tmp/region
For the zone map
# radosgw-admin zone get > /tmp/zone
Edit /tmp/zone
"domain_root": ".rgw",
"control_pool": ".rgw.control",
"gc_pool": ".rgw.gc",
"log_pool": ".log",
"intent_log_pool": ".intent-log",
"usage_log_pool": ".usage",
"user_keys_pool": ".users",
"user_email_pool": "",
"user_swift_pool": ".users.swift",
"user_uid_pool": ".users.uid",
"system_key": { "access_key": "", "secret_key": "" },
"placement_pools": [ { "key": "default-placement", "val": { "index_pool": ".rgw.buckets.index", "data_pool": ".rgw.buckets", "data_extra_pool": ".rgw.buckets.extra" } }, { "key": "ssd", "val": { "index_pool": ".rgw.buckets-ssd.index", "data_pool": ".rgw.buckets-ssd", "data_extra_pool": ".rgw.buckets-ssd.extra" } }, ] }
And apply the changes to the zone map
# radosgw-admin zone set < /tmp/zone
Create the 3 pools defined in the zone and assign them the SSD ruleset
# ceph osd pool create .rgw.buckets-ssd.index 8
# ceph osd pool create .rgw.buckets-ssd 32
# ceph osd pool create .rgw.buckets-ssd.extra 8
# ceph osd pool set .rgw.buckets-ssd.index crush_ruleset 1
# ceph osd pool set .rgw.buckets-ssd crush_ruleset 1
# ceph osd pool set .rgw.buckets-ssd.extra crush_ruleset 1
Update the region map and restart the RadosGW to apply the region and zone changes
# radosgw-admin regionmap update
(EL)# service ceph-radosgw restart
(Ubuntu)# restart radosgw-all
Trying it out
Create a user
# radosgw-admin user create --uid=ptuser --display_name "Placement Target test user"
By default, this user should only be able to create buckets in the default placement target.
# ./ --id ptuser --createBucket -- http://localhost/ptuserBucket1
# radosgw-admin bucket stats --bucket ptuserBucket1 | grep pool
"pool": ".rgw.buckets",
"index_pool": ".rgw.buckets.index",
Trying to create a bucket in the SSD placement target should fail. Note the syntax <region>:<placement-target>
# ./ --id ptuser --createBucket default:ssd -- -i http://localhost:8080/ptuserBucket2
HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
x-amz-request-id: tx000000000000000000001-00563d3a85-d46928-default
Content-Length: 150
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Type: application/xml
Date: Fri, 06 Nov 2015 23:40:53 GMT
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><Error><Code>AccessDenied</ Code><RequestId>tx000000000000000000001-00563d3a85-d46928-default</ RequestId></Error
If we have a look at the radosgw logs, we can see
2015-11-06 15:40:53.887068 7f11337fe700 0 user not permitted to use placement rule
Let’s authorize this user to create a bucket in the SSD tier
# radosgw-admin metadata get user:ptuser > /tmp/user
Edit /tmp/user to set default-placement and the allowed placement tags
{ "key": "user:ptuser", [..] "default_placement": "default-placement", "placement_tags": ["default-placement", "ssd"], [...] }
And apply the changes
# radosgw-admin metadata put user:ptuser < /tmp/user
ptuser should now be able to create buckets on the SSD tier
# ./ --id ptuser --createBucket default:ssd -- -i http://localhost:8080/ptuserBucket2
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-amz-request-id: tx000000000000000000002-00563d3b03-d46928-default
Content-Length: 0
Date: Fri, 06 Nov 2015 23:42:59 GMT
We can check that the bucket has been created in the SSD tier with
# radosgw-admin bucket stats --bucket ptuserBucket2 | grep pool
"pool": ".rgw.buckets-ssd",
"index_pool": ".rgw.buckets-ssd.index"
You could easily have multiple tiers with Erasure Code, Replication and SSD for instance for cold, warm and hot data.