//Judge the equipment is 1200 or not if(substr($serial,0,3)=="014"){ global $db; $mac = $_POST['mac']?$_POST['mac']:$_GET['mac']; //Get OUI & judge the oui is or not $customer_oui=substr($mac,0,6); $data = $db->fetchNextObject($db->query("SELECT customer_id,code FROM `customer_table` WHERE customer_id='{$customer_id}' and code='{$customer_oui}'" )); if (empty($data)) { $data = $db->fetchNextObject($db->query("SELECT customer_id,code FROM `customer_table` WHERE customer_name='{$customer_id}' and code='{$customer_oui}'")); if (empty($data)) { echo $msg = "OUI is not exist"; return; } $cust_id=$data->customer_id; }else{ $cust_id=$data->customer_id; } //Judge the oui is or not if ($passwd != "itibia-lic-pass") { echo "password error"; return; } //create the 1200license file and make the user can download if($download==1){ $mac=strtoupper($mac); $md5_mac1=md5($mac); $md5_mac2=md5($md5_mac1); $md5_mac2_0=$md5_mac2."a19-=km,bEcd3235!#$deddk"; $md5_mac3=md5($md5_mac2_0); $license_1200=substr($md5_mac3,strlen($md5_mac3)-13,strlen($md5_mac3)); //make the info insert into the license_1200_log_table $sql = "INSERT INTO `license_1200_log_table` (`id`, `costomer_id`, `serpack`, `serial`, `mac`, `hd`, `create_time`) VALUES (NULL, '".$cust_id."', '".$serpack_id."', '".$serial."', '".$mac."', '".$hd."', NOW())"; $result = $db->query($sql); $filename='1200license.lrc'; $encoded_filename = urlencode($filename); $encoded_filename = str_replace("+", "%20", $encoded_filename); // application/octet-stream为TXT类型文件 make it for many kind browser header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream"); if (preg_match("/MSIE/", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ) { header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $encoded_filename . '"'); } elseif (preg_match("/Firefox/", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename*="' . $filename . '"'); } else { header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $filename . '"'); } echo $license_1200; } exit; }        
