*/ %let Distribution='NORMAL'; %let location=0; *Note: Location parameter, a.k.a. Mean; %let scale=1.0; *Note: Scale parameter a.k.a. Std Dev; %let z=1.625; * Example z value; data junk; do z=-5 to 5 by 0.01; dens=pdf(&Distribution,z,&location,&scale); cum=cdf(&Distribution,z,&location,&scale); output; end; call symput('cdf_value',put(cdf(&Distribution,&z,&location,&scale),best6.5)); if &z ge 0 then do; phigher=1-cdf(&Distribution,&z,&location,&scale); call symput('p_value',put(phigher,best6.5)); output; end; else do; plower=cdf(&Distribution,&z,&location,&scale); call symput('p_value',put(plower,best6.5)); output; end; run; data labelDensity; * this is just an annotate dataset to label curves; length text$ 32 color $8; xsys='2'; * X scale is same as plot scale; x=&z; * plot label at x=z value; ysys='3'; * Y scale is in pct of plot area; y=25; * plot label at 25% of y space; color='Blue'; if &z ge 0 then text="Prob z > &z is &p_value"; else text="Prob z < &z is &p_value"; output; run; data labelCum; * define label for cum prob plot; length text$ 32 color $8; xsys='3'; * X scale is in pct of x space; x=68; * plot label at x=z value; ysys='2'; * Y scale is same as plot scale; y=&cdf_value-0.0075; * plot label at value of cdf; color='Green'; text="Cum. Prob at z=&z is &cdf_value"; output; run; goptions vsize=5.25 hsize=5.75; goptions ftitle=swiss ftext=swiss htitle=4 pct; axis1 label=(angle=90); axis3 label=(angle=-90); symbol1 c=blue i=spline v=none l=1; symbol2 c=green i=spline v=none l=1; title1 "&Distribution Distribution with Location=&location and Scale=&scale "; proc gplot data=junk; plot dens*z / href=&z chref=blue lhref=2 vaxis=axis1 annotate=labelDensity; plot2 cum*z / vref=&cdf_value cvref=green lvref=2 vaxis=axis3 annotate=labelCum; label dens="Probability Density Function (Blue Trace)" cum="Cumulative Probability (Green Trace)"; run; quit;
* Now we with play with another distribution.Let's try Weibull;
%let Distribution='WEIBULL'; %let location=1.0; *Define an arbitrary location param; %let scale=2.0; *Choose a Scale Param; %let z=5.0; *choose an example z value; data junk; do z=-1 to 10 by 0.01; dens=pdf(&Distribution,z,&location,&scale); cum=cdf(&Distribution,z,&location,&scale); output; end; call symput('cdf_value',put(cdf(&Distribution,&z,&location,&scale),best6.5)); if &z ge 0 then do; phigher=1-cdf(&Distribution,&z,&location,&scale); call symput('p_value',put(phigher,best6.5)); output; end; else do; plower=cdf(&Distribution,&z,&location,&scale); call symput('p_value',put(plower,best6.5)); output; end; run; data labelDensity; * this is just an annotate dataset to label curves; length text$ 32 color $8; xsys='2'; * X scale is same as plot scale; x=&z; * plot label at x=z value; ysys='3'; * Y scale is in pct of plot area; y=25; * plot label at 25% of y space; color='Blue'; if &z ge 0 then text="Prob z > &z is &p_value"; else text="Prob z < &z is &p_value"; output; run; data labelCum; * define label for cum prob; length text$ 32 color $8; xsys='3'; * X scale is in pct of x space; x=68; * plot label at x=z value; ysys='2'; * Y scale is same as plot scale; y=&cdf_value-0.0075; * plot label at value of cdf; color='Green'; text="Cum. Prob at z=&z is &cdf_value"; output; run; goptions vsize=5.25 hsize=5.75; goptions ftitle=swiss ftext=swiss htitle=4 pct; axis1 label=(angle=90); axis2 order=(-1 to 10 by 1); * note...this will have to change based on data; axis3 label=(angle=-90); symbol1 c=blue i=spline v=none l=1; symbol2 c=green i=spline v=none l=1; title1 "&Distribution Distribution with Location=&location and Scale=&scale "; proc gplot data=junk; plot dens*z / href=&z chref=blue lhref=2 vaxis=axis1 haxis=axis2 annotate=labelDensity; plot2 cum*z / vref=&cdf_value cvref=green lvref=2 vaxis=axis3 haxis=axis2 annotate=labelCum; label dens="Probability Density Function (Blue Trace)" cum="Cumulative Probability (Green Trace)"; run; quit; * Now we with play with another distribution. Let's try Laplace; %let Distribution='LAPLACE'; %let location=1.0; *Choose a location param; %let scale=2.0; *Choose a scale param; %let z=-5.0; *Choose an example z ; data junk; do z=-10 to 10 by 0.01; dens=pdf(&Distribution,z,&location,&scale); cum=cdf(&Distribution,z,&location,&scale); output; end; call symput('cdf_value',put(cdf(&Distribution,&z,&location,&scale),best6.5)); if &z ge 0 then do; phigher=1-cdf(&Distribution,&z,&location,&scale); call symput('p_value',put(phigher,best6.5)); output; end; else do; plower=cdf(&Distribution,&z,&location,&scale); call symput('p_value',put(plower,best6.5)); output; end; run; data labelDensity; * this is just an annotate dataset to label curves; length text$ 32 color $8; xsys='2'; * X scale is same as plot scale; x=&z; * plot label at x=z value; ysys='3'; * Y scale is in pct of plot area; y=25; * plot label at 25% of y space; color='Blue'; if &z ge 0 then text="Prob z > &z is &p_value"; else text="Prob z < &z is &p_value"; output; run; data labelCum; * define label for cum prob; length text$ 32 color $8; xsys='3'; * X scale is in pct of x space; x=68; * plot label at x=z value; ysys='2'; * Y scale is same as plot scale; y=&cdf_value-0.0075; * plot label at value of cdf; color='Green'; text="Cum. Prob at z=&z is &cdf_value"; output; run; goptions vsize=5.25 hsize=5.75; goptions ftitle=swiss ftext=swiss htitle=4 pct; axis1 label=(angle=90); axis2 order=(-10 to 10 by 2); * note this will have to change based on data; axis3 label=(angle=-90); symbol1 c=blue i=spline v=none l=1; symbol2 c=green i=spline v=none l=1; title1 "&Distribution Distribution with Location=&location and Scale=&scale "; proc gplot data=junk; plot dens*z / href=&z chref=blue lhref=2 vaxis=axis1 haxis=axis2 annotate=labelDensity; plot2 cum*z / vref=&cdf_value cvref=green lvref=2 vaxis=axis3 haxis=axis2 annotate=labelCum; label dens="Probability Density Function (Blue Trace)" cum="Cumulative Probability (Green Trace)"; run; quit; * This time we play with a discrete distribution; %let Distribution='BINOMIAL'; %let p=0.01; *Prob of success; %let n=100; *Number of trials ; %let m=3; *Number of 'successes';; %let tail='upper'; *%let plotstop=5; data junk; do m=0 to &n; dens=pdf(&Distribution,m,&p,&n); cum=cdf(&Distribution,m,&p,&n); output; end; call symput('cdf_value',put(cdf(&Distribution,&m,&p,&n),best6.5)); call symput('plotstop',put(&m+3,best6.0)); call symput('refline',put(&m+1,best6.0)); if &tail='lower' then do; phigher=cdf(&Distribution,&m,&p,&n); call symput('p_value',put(phigher,best6.5)); output; end; else do; plower=1-cdf(&Distribution,&m,&p,&n); call symput('p_value',put(plower,best6.5)); output; end; run; data labelDensity; * this is just an annotate dataset to label curves; length text$ 32 color $8; xsys='2'; * X scale is same as plot scale; x=&refline; * plot label at x=z value; ysys='3'; * Y scale is in pct of plot area; y=25; * plot label at 25% of y space; color='Blue'; if &tail='upper' then text="Prob > &m successes=&p_value"; if &tail='lower' then text="Prob <= &m successes=&p_value"; output; run; data labelCum; * define label for cum prob; length text$ 32 color $8; xsys='3'; * X scale is in pct of x space; x=68; * plot label at x=z value; ysys='2'; * Y scale is same as plot scale; y=&cdf_value-0.0075; * plot label at value of cdf; color='Green'; text="Cum. Prob for m<=&m is &cdf_value"; output; run; goptions vsize=5.25 hsize=5.75; goptions ftitle=swiss ftext=swiss htitle=4 pct; axis1 label=(angle=90); axis2 order=(0 to &plotstop); * note this will have to change based on data; axis3 label=(angle=-90); symbol1 c=blue i=stepj v=none l=1; symbol2 c=green i=spline v=none l=1; title1 "&Distribution Distribution"; title2 "Probability of success=&p, Number of Trials=&n, m=&m succeses"; proc gplot data=junk; plot dens*m / href=&refline chref=blue lhref=2 vaxis=axis1 haxis=axis2 annotate=labelDensity; plot2 cum*m / vref=&cdf_value cvref=green lvref=2 vaxis=axis3 haxis=axis2 annotate=labelCum; label dens="Probability Density Function (Blue Trace)" cum="Cumulative Probability (Green Trace)"; run; quit;