
总共有十几种解题技巧,其中最直接的是显式唯一数法和隐式唯一数法。所谓显式唯一数法,是指某个格只有一个候选数可选,这个格自然就只能填这个候选数了。而隐式唯一数法的意思则是,某一行、列或宫只有一个位置可以填某个候选数,当然,这个位置肯定就填这个候选数了。这两个技巧其实根本也算不上技巧了,除了这两个条件,我们还能怎样确定某个格该填哪个数,或者哪个数该填在哪个格呢?剩下的解题技巧,都是在努力删除格子里的候选数,从而使局面浮现出一个显式唯一数,或一个隐式唯一数。除了显/隐式唯一数法,还有显/隐式数对法,显/隐式三数集法以及显/隐式四数集法。在我看来,显式与隐式,一个以位置为中心,一个以候选数为中心,前面提到,显示唯一数法是指某个位置只有一个候选数可选,而显式数对法则是,在一个行/列/宫(以后统称为房)里,有两个位置只有两个相同的候选数可选,那么在这个房的其他位置,可以删除这两个候选数;同理,显式三数集、显式四数集法是指在一个房里,有三个/四个位置只有三/四个相同的候选数可选,那么在这个房的其他位置,可以删除这几个候选数。面隐式数对法则是说,有两个候选数只有两个相同的可选位置,那么这两个位置中的其他候选数均可以删除;同理,隐式三/四数集法是说,有三/四个候选数只有三/四个相同的可选位置,那么在这些位置中,其他的候选数都可以删除。除了以上8种技巧,还有区块删除法,XY形态匹配法(XY-Wing),XYZ形态匹配法(XYZ-Wing),矩形对角法(X-Wing),三链数删减法(SwordFish),四链数删减法(JellyFish)以及唯一矩形法(Unique Rectangle)。除此之外,还有X-Chain单数链法,XY-Chain双数链法以及Forcing Chain,不过我至今没有找到比较好的实现方法,所以算未完成。关于这些技巧的详细介绍,推荐大家看附件的那份手册,其实我所做的事情他全都做了,而且做得非常完整仔细,真是相当的佩服。
	def _nakedSingleNumber( self ):
		self._changed = False
		for pos, validset in self._valid_set.items():
			if len(validset)<=0:
				self._invalid = False
			elif len(validset) == 1:
				num = validset.pop()
				print 'pos', pos, 'has only one candidate: %d' %num
				self._changed = True
				return True
		return False

	def _hiddenSingleNumber( self ):
		self._changed = False
		for num, posset in self._candi_pos.items():
			#_groupByRow,_groupByCol,_groupByBlock is helper function
			rows = self._groupByRow(posset)
			for r, row in rows.items():
				if len(row)==1:
					print 'row%d has only one position for num %d' %(r, num), row[0]
					self._changed = True
					return True
			cols = self._groupByCol(posset)
			for c, col in cols.items():
				if len(col)==1:
					print 'col%d has only one position for num %d' %(c, num), col[0]
					self._changed = True
					return True
			blks = self._groupByBlock(posset)
			for b, blk in blks.items():
				if len(blk)==1:
					print 'blk%d has only one position for num %d' %(b, num), blk[0]
					self._changed = True
					return True
		return False

从我们对显式数对/三数集/四数集法的描述,可以看出,它们其实很相似,只不过涉及到的候选数的个数不相同罢了。显式数对法中,要求两个位置有且只有两个相同的候选数,显式三数集法中,要求有三个位置,他们可以有两个或三个候选数,但是他们涉及到的候选数合起来正好是三个;同理,显式四数集法中要求有四个位置,他们可以有两个、三个或四个候选数,但是他们涉及到的候选数合起来正好是四个。注意到的是这些个位置指的都是同一个房内的。因此我的思路是这样的:分别对行/列/宫进行分析,num表示数集的个数(num=2:数对,num=3:三数集,num=4:四数集),如果该位置的候选数个数小于num,说明这个位置是可选的,将它加入candidate list中。从candidate list中任选num个(当然前提是candidate list中至少有num个元素),求这些位置的候选数的并集,如果正好等于num,则说明他们形成了显式数集。这其中涉及到一个辅助函数,_get_n_from_m(n,m),即从m中任选n个元素而不导致重复,也就是我们的Cm取n,实现如下:
	def _get_n_from_m( self, n, m ):
		index = range(n)
		while index[0]<=m-n:
			yield index
			i = n-1
			if index[i]<m-n+i:
				while i>0 and index[i-1]>=m-n+i:
					i -= 1
				for j in range(i,n):

	#nakedNumberSet occurs in a [house], [name] it 'row/column/block'
	#num=2: pair
	#num=3: tripple set
	#num=4: quad set
	def _helper_nakedNumberSet( self, house, name, num ):
		for i, item in house.items():
			candidate = []
			#if a position has less than or equal to [num] candidates
			#add it to the candidate position list
			for pos in item:
				if len(self._valid_set[pos])<=num:
			#if candidate list has at least [num] elements
			#get any [num] of positions 
			#and have union of candidate numbers of these position
			#if this union has exactly [num] candidate numbers
			#we can delete these candidate numbers from cells other than these position
			if len(candidate)>=num:
				for indices in self._get_n_from_m( num, len(candidate)):
					uSet = set()
					subset = []
					toRemove = []
					for index in indices:
						uSet = uSet.union(self._valid_set[candidate[index]])
					if len(uSet)==num:
						subset = [ candidate[j] for j in indices ]
						for j in subset:
						for pos in item:
							for n in uSet:
								if n in self._valid_set[pos]:
									toRemove.append( ( pos[0], pos[1], n ))
					if toRemove:
						print 'in %s%d,' %(name,i),
						for (r,c) in subset:
							print '(%d, %d)' %(r,c),
						print 'have only candidates',
						for n in uSet:
							print '%d' %n,
						self._changed = True
						return True
		return False

	def _helper_hiddenNumberSet( self, housename, num ):
		con = list()
		for i in range(9):
		groupBy = getattr( self, '_groupBy%s' %housename )
		for n, posset in self._candi_pos.items():
			house = groupBy( posset )
			for i, items in house.items():
				if len(items)<=num:
		for i in range(9):
			if len(con[i])>=num:
				for indices in self._get_n_from_m( num, len(con[i])):
					ks = con[i].keys()
					nSet = [] 
					uSet = set()
					toRemove = []
					for index in indices:
						uSet = uSet.union(con[i][ks[index]])
					if len(uSet)==num:
						for pos in uSet:
							for j in self._valid_set[pos]:
								if j not in nSet:
									toRemove.append( (pos[0], pos[1], j) )
					if toRemove:
						self._changed = True
						print 'in %s%d,' %(housename, i),
						for n in nSet:
							print '%d,' %n,
						print 'have only candidate postion',
						for n in uSet:
							print n,
						return True
		return False

1. 在某一区块即宫中,如果某个候选数只出现在一行(或者一列中),那么可以将该候选数从该行(或者该列)的其他单元格中删除,因为我们知道,每一个行/列/宫都有且只有一个候选数i,如果该候选数i在某个块中只出现在同一行,那么该行便已经确定在这个块中会有这个候选数了,所以该行的其他单元格就不能再有这个候选数了。
2. 在某一行/列中,如果某个候选数只出现在同个块中,那么可以将该候选数从该块中的其他单元格中删除。
	def _regionDeletion( self ):
		self._changed = False
		for num, posset in self._candi_pos.items():
			blks = self._groupByBlock(posset)
			#1. if in a blk, a candidate number occurs at the same row or same column
			#delete the candidate number from other cells of this row/column
			for b, blk in blks.items():
				(r,c) = blk[1]
				sameRow = True
				sameCol = True
				for (ri,ci) in blk:
					if ri!=r:
						sameRow = False
					if ci!=c:
						sameCol = False
					if not (sameRow or sameCol):
				if sameRow:
					toRemove = []
					for i in range(0,c//3*3)+range((c//3+1)*3, 9):
						if (r,i) in self._valid_set and num in self._valid_set[(r,i)]:
					if toRemove:
						self._changed = True
						print 'in block%d, num %d occurs at the same row %d' %(b, num, r)
						return True
				if sameCol:
					toRemove = []
					for i in range(0, r//3*3)+range((r//3+1)*3, 9):
						if (i, c) in self._valid_set and num in self._valid_set[(i,c)]:
					if toRemove:
						self._changed = True
						print 'in block%d, num %d occurs at the same col %d' %(b, num, c)
						return True

			#2.1 if in a row, a candidate number occurs at the same block,
			#delete the candidate number from other cells of this block
			rows = self._groupByRow( posset )
			for r, row in rows.items():
				(r,c) = row[1]
				b = (r//3)*3+c//3
				sameBlock = True
				for (ri, ci) in row:
					bi = (ri//3)*3+ci//3
					if b != bi:
						sameBlock = False
				if sameBlock:
					toRemove = []
					for i in range(r//3*3,r)+range(r+1, (r//3+1)*3):
						for j in range(c//3*3, (c//3+1)*3):
							if (i, j) in self._valid_set and num in self._valid_set[(i,j)]:
				if toRemove:
					print 'in row%d, num %d occurs at the same block %d' %(r, num, b)
					self._changed = True
					return True

			#2.2 if in a column, a candidate number occurs at the same block,
			#delete the candidate number from other cells of this block
			cols = self._groupByCol( posset )
			for c, col in cols.items():
				(r,c) = col[1]
				b = (r//3)*3+c//3
				sameBlock = True
				for (ri, ci) in col:
					bi = (ri//3)*3 + ci//3
					if b!=bi:
						sameBlock = False
				if sameBlock:
					toRemove = []
					for i in range(r//3*3, (r//3+1)*3):
						for j in range(c//3*3, c)+range(c+1, (c//3+1)*3):
							if (i,j) in self._valid_set and num in self._valid_set[(i,j)]:
				if toRemove:
					print 'in col%d, num %d occurs at the same block %d' %(c, num, b)
					return True
		return False

	def _XYWing( self ):
		self._changed = False
		for pos, vset in self._valid_set.items():
			if len(vset)==2:
				candidate = dict()
				for i in range(1,10):
				row = get_conflict_list( pos[0]*9+pos[1] )
				plist = [divmod(i,9) for i in row]
				for i in plist:
					if i in self._valid_set:
						if len(self._valid_set[i])==2 and \
									z = self._valid_set[i].difference(vset).pop()
				toRemove = []
				for i in range(1,10):
					#XZ and YZ should not be at the same row or column
					if len(candidate[i])>=2 :
						for indices in self._get_n_from_m( 2, len(candidate[i]) ):
							pos1 = candidate[i][indices[0]]
							pos2 = candidate[i][indices[1]]
							uset = self._valid_set[pos1].union(self._valid_set[pos2])
							if uset==vset:
								XZ = pos1 
								YZ = pos2
								seeA = get_conflict_list(pos1[0]*9+pos1[1])
								seeB = get_conflict_list(pos2[0]*9+pos2[1])
								seeBoth = set(seeA).intersection(set(seeB))
								seelist = [divmod(j,9) for j in seeBoth]
								for item in seelist:
									if item in self._valid_set and i in self._valid_set[item]:
										toRemove.append((item[0], item[1], i))
					if toRemove:
						self._changed = True
						print 'XYWing,', pos, 'as XY', 'and', XZ, 'and', YZ, 'as XZ and YZ respectively'
						return True
		return False

	def _XYZWing( self ):
		for pos, vset in self._valid_set.items():
			if len(vset)==3:
				index = pos[0]*9+pos[1]
				blk = get_block(index)
				plist = [divmod(i,9) for i in blk]
				#vset is XYZ
				cand_XY = []
				for i in plist:
					if i in self._valid_set and len(self._valid_set[i])==2 and \
				if not cand_XY:
				#looking for YZ
				#first in row
				row = get_row(index)
				for i in set(row).intersection(set(blk)):
				plist = [divmod(i,9) for i in row]
				cand_YZ = []
				for i in plist:
					if i in self._valid_set and len(self._valid_set[i])==2 and \
				for i in cand_XY:
					for j in cand_YZ:
						if self._valid_set[i].union(self._valid_set[j]) == vset:
							Y = self._valid_set[i].intersection(self._valid_set[j]).pop()
							for k in [ (pos[0], (pos[1]//3)*3+(pos[1]+3-1)%3), (pos[0], (pos[1]//3)*3+(pos[1]+1)%3) ]:
								if k!=i and k!=j and k in self._valid_set:
									if Y in self._valid_set[k]:
							if toRemove:
								self._changed = True
								print 'XYZWing,', pos, 'as XYZ', 'and', i, 'and', j, 'as XY and YZ respectively'
								return True
				#found not YZ in row, turn to col
				col = get_column(index)
				for i in set(col).intersection(set(blk)):
				plist = [divmod(i,9) for i in col]
				for i in plist:
					if i in self._valid_set and len(self._valid_set[i])==2 and \
				toRemove = []
				for i in cand_XY:
					for j in cand_YZ:
						if self._valid_set[i].union(self._valid_set[j]) == vset:
							Y = self._valid_set[i].intersection(self._valid_set[j]).pop()
							for k in [( (pos[0]//3)*3+(pos[0]+3-1)%3, pos[1]), ((pos[0]//3)*3+(pos[0]+1)%3, pos[1]) ]:
								if k!=i and k!=j and k in self._valid_set:
									if Y in self._valid_set[k]:
							if toRemove:
								self._changed = True
								print 'XYZWing,', pos, 'as XYZ and', i, 'and', j, 'as XY and YZ respectively'
								return True
		return False

接下来的X-Wing,SwordFish和JellyFish跟显/隐式数对、三数集、四数集之间的关系是相似的。X-Wing说的是如果一个数字正好出现且只出现在某两行(列)的相同的两列(行)上,则这个数字就可以从这两列(行)上其他的单元格的候选数中删除。而SwordFish将这种考虑扩展到三行三列上, 而JellyFish则将其扩展到四行四列上。首先它是以候选数为中心的,并且只考虑行、列。我们可以将候选数一个一个_groupByRow,然后挑出所有在行上只有等于或少于[num]个候选位置的行,任取[num]行并对其所在列做并集,如果正好为[num]列,那么根据这个[num]的不同可以找到X-Wing,SwordFish,JellyFish。同样的情况可以发生在列上。
	def _XWing( self, n ):
		for num, posset in self._candi_pos.items():
			rows = self._groupByRow(posset)
			pos = dict()
			for r, row in rows.items():
				if len(row)<=n:
					for (r,c) in row:
			if len(pos)<n:
			#keys stores the rows that have less that n position for num
			#while pos.items() contains what column are they
			keys = pos.keys()
			for indices in self._get_n_from_m( n, len(pos) ):
				uset = set()
				for index in indices:
					uset = uset.union(pos[keys[index]])
				#if their union have exactly n len
				#that mean they are candidates for X-wing(n=2), swordfish(n=3) or JellyFish(n=4)
				toRemove = []
				if len(uset)==n:
					removeR = range(9)
					for index in indices:
					removels = [(r,c) for (r,c) in product(removeR, list(uset)) ]
					for i in removels:
						if i in self._valid_set and num in self._valid_set[i]:
							toRemove.append( (i[0], i[1], num) )
					if toRemove:
						self._changed = True
						if n==2:
							print 'X-Wing:',
						elif n==3:
							print 'SwordFish:',
						elif n==4:
							print 'JellyFish:',
						print 'in row',
						for index in indices:
							print keys[index],
						print 'num %d occurs only on column' %num,
						for index in uset:
							print index,
						return True
			cols = self._groupByCol(posset)
			pos = dict()
			for c, col in cols.items():
				if len(col)<=n:
					for (r,c) in col:
			if len(pos)<n:
			keys = pos.keys()
			for indices in self._get_n_from_m( n, len(pos) ):
				uset = set()
				for index in indices:
					uset = uset.union(pos[keys[index]])
				if len(uset) == n:
					toRemove = []
					removeC = range(9)
					for index in indices:
					removels = [(r,c) for (r,c) in product(list(uset), removeC)]
					for i in removels:
						if i in self._valid_set and num in self._valid_set[i]:
							toRemove.append( (i[0], i[1], num) )
					if toRemove:
						self._changed = True
						if n==2:
							print 'X-Wing:',
						elif n==3:
							print 'SwordFish:',
						elif n==4:
							print 'JellyFish:',
						print 'in col',
						for index in indices:
							print keys[index],
						print 'num %d occurs only on row' %num,
						for index in uset:
							print index,
						return True
		return False

	def _helper_get_rectangle( self ):
		for pos, vset in self._valid_set.items():
			if len(vset) == 2:
				r1 = (pos[0]//3)*3+(pos[0]+3-1)%3
				r2 = (pos[0]//3)*3+(pos[0]+1)%3
				c1 = (pos[1]//3)*3+(pos[1]+3-1)%3
				c2 = (pos[1]//3)*3+(pos[1]+1)%3
				candi = [ (r1, pos[1]), (r2, pos[1]), (pos[0], c1), (pos[0], c2) ]
				candidate = []
				for i in candi:
					if i in self._valid_set and vset.issubset(self._valid_set[i]):
				for i in candidate:
					if i[0]==pos[0]:
						col1 = [divmod(j,9) for j in get_column(pos[0]*9+pos[1])]
						col = [ j for j in col1 if j in self._valid_set and vset.issubset(self._valid_set[j]) ]
						for j in col:
							r,c = j[0],i[1]
							if (r,c) in self._valid_set and vset.issubset(self._valid_set[(r,c)]):
								yield (pos, i, j, (r,c))
					if i[1]==pos[1]:
						row1 = [divmod(j,9) for j in get_row(pos[0]*9+pos[1])]
						row = [ j for j in row1 if j in self._valid_set and vset.issubset(self._valid_set[j]) ]
						for j in row:
							r,c = i[0],j[1]
							if (r,c) in self._valid_set and vset.issubset(self._valid_set[(r,c)]):
								yield (pos, i, j, (r,c))
		yield None

1. 如果只有一个额外候选数:
1.1 矩形中只有一个格有该额外候选数,uniqueRectangle1,该格只能填这个额外候选数
1.2 矩形中有两个格有该额外候选数,uniqueRectangle2,这两个格中必然有一个要填这个候选数,因此将该候选数从这两个格共同能看到的格中删去
1.3 矩形中有三个格有该额外候选数,uniqueRectangle5,如1.2相似,只不过现在将该候选数从这三个格能共同看到的格中删去
2. 如果有两个额外候选数
2.1 如果两个额外候选数在同一个格中,该格只能填这两个额外候选数中的一个(这一点是我现在总结的时候突然想到的)
2.2 如果这两个额外候选数在两个格中,且这两个格在同一行或列或宫中(注意,也就是它们同边),可以考虑使用三数集法;如果这两个矩形候选数中有某个在所在的行/列只有这两个候选位置,那么另一个矩形候选数一定被删除。
2.3 如果这两个额外候选数在两个格中,且这两个格是对角,可以利用强链关系看是否可以删除某个矩形候选数(具体看手册)
3. 有多个额外候选数。由手册中的描述,A肯定是那个只有两个候选数的格,而D则是其对角,只需要检查是否满足手册所说的强链关系。
	def _uniqueRectangle( self ):
		self._changed = False
		rec_gen = self._helper_get_rectangle()
		rec = rec_gen.next()
		rec_type = 0
		while rec:
			rec_can = self._valid_set[rec[0]]
			canlist = list(rec_can)
			extra = dict()
			for i in rec:
				dset = self._valid_set[i].difference(rec_can)
				while dset:
					d = dset.pop()
					if d not in extra:
						extra[d] = []
			toRemove = []
			if len(extra)==1:
				exnum = extra.keys()[0]
				if len(extra[exnum]) == 1:
					rec_type = 1
					toRemove.append( (extra[exnum][0][0], extra[exnum][0][1], canlist[0]) )
					toRemove.append( (extra[exnum][0][0], extra[exnum][0][1], canlist[1]) )
				#uniqueRectangle2 if extra[exnum]==2 and uniqueRectangle5 if extra[exnum]==3
					commonset = set()
					for cell in extra[exnum]:
						conflict = get_conflict_list(cell[0]*9+cell[1])
						if commonset:
							commonset = commonset.intersection(set(conflict))
							commonset = set(conflict)
					common = [divmod(i, 9) for i in commonset]
					for i in common:
						if i in self._valid_set and exnum in self._valid_set[i]:
							toRemove.append( (i[0], i[1], exnum) )
					if toRemove:
						t = len(extra[exnum])
						if t == 2:
							rec_type = 2
						elif t == 3:
							rec_type = 5
			elif len(extra) == 2:
				exnum = extra.keys()
				if len(extra[exnum[0]])==1 and len(extra[exnum[1]])==1:
					exset = set()
					pos1 = extra[exnum[0]][0]
					pos2 = extra[exnum[1]][0]
					index1 = pos1[0]*9+pos1[1]
					index2 = pos2[0]*9+pos2[1]
					if index2 == index1:
						self._changed = True
						toRemove.append( (pos1[0],pos1[1], canlist[0]) )
						toRemove.append( (pos1[0], pos1[1], canlist[2]) )
						return True
					def _helper_two_extra( scan ):
						for i in scan:
							if len(self._valid_set[i])==3 and exset.issubset(self._valid_set[i]):
								for j in scan:
									if len(self._valid_set[j])==2 and \
												for k in scan:
													for t in self._valid_set[i]:
														if k!=i and k!=j and t in self._valid_set[k]:
															toRemove.append( (k[0], k[1], t) )
									if toRemove:
										rec_type = 3
										print 'in rectangle',
										#for rect in rec:
										#	print rect,
										print 'in', pos1, pos2, "'s common house'",
										print 'naked tripple set is used'
										return rec_type
						count1 = 0
						count2 = 0
						for i in scan:
							if canlist[0] in self._valid_set[i]:
								count1 += 1
							if canlist[1] in self._valid_set[i]:
								count2 += 1
						if count1 == 0:
							toRemove.append( (pos1[0], pos1[1], canlist[1]) )
							toRemove.append( (pos2[0], pos2[1], canlist[1]) )
						elif count2 == 0:
							toRemove.append( (pos1[0], pos1[1], canlist[0]) )
							toRemove.append( (pos2[0], pos2[1], canlist[0]) )
						if toRemove:
							rec_type = 4
							#print 'in rectangle',
							#for rect in rec:
							#	print rect,
							return rec_type
					#at the same row
					if pos1[0] == pos2[0]:
						row = get_row(index1)
						scanRow = [(r,c) for (r,c) in (divmod(i, 9) for i in row) if (r,c) in self._valid_set]
						rec_type = _helper_two_extra( scanRow )
					#at the same column
					if pos1[1] == pos2[1]:
						col = get_column(index1)
						scanCol = [(r,c) for (r,c) in (divmod(i,9) for i in col) if (r,c) in self._valid_set]
						rec_type = _helper_two_extra( scanCol )
					#at the same block
					if pos1[0]//3==pos2[0]//3 and pos1[1]//3==pos2[1]//3:
						blk = get_block( index1 )
						scanBlk = [(r,c) for (r,c) in (divmod(i,9) for i in blk) if (r,c) in self._valid_set]
						rec_type = _helper_two_extra( scanBlk )

					if pos1[0]!=pos2[0] and pos1[1]!=pos2[1]:
						posset1 = self._candi_pos[canlist[0]]
						posset2 = self._candi_pos[canlist[1]]
						row1 = self._groupByRow(posset1)
						row2 = self._groupByRow(posset2)
						col1 = self._groupByCol(posset1)
						col2 = self._groupByCol(posset2)
						if (len(row1[pos1[0]])==2 or len(col1[pos1[1]])==2) and \
								(len(row1[pos2[0]])==2 or len(col1[pos2[1]])==2):
									toRemove.append( (pos1[0], pos1[1], canlist[0]) )
									toRemove.append( (pos2[0], pos2[1], canlist[0]) )

						elif (len(row2[pos1[0]])==2 or len(col2[pos1[1]])==2) and \
								(len(row2[pos2[0]])==2 or len(col2[pos2[1]])==2):
									toRemove.append( (pos1[0], pos1[1], canlist[1]) )
									toRemove.append( (pos2[0], pos2[1], canlist[1]) )
						if toRemove:
							rec_type = 6
							print 'uniqueRectangle6'

			if not toRemove:
				#see if it satisfies requirements of uniqueRectangle7
				#A is definitely rec[0] while D is definitely rec[3]
				#test whether a candidate occures both only twice on D's row and column
				D = rec[3]
				Dindex = D[0]*9+D[1]
				Drow = [ divmod(i,9) for i in get_row(Dindex) ]
				Dcol = [ divmod(i,9) for i in get_column(Dindex) ]
				row = [ (r,c) for (r,c) in Drow if (r,c) in self._valid_set ]
				col = [ (r,c) for (r,c) in Dcol if (r,c) in self._valid_set ]
				countAr = 0
				countBr = 0
				countAc = 0
				countBc = 0
				for i in row:
					if canlist[0] in self._valid_set[i]:
						countAr += 1
					if canlist[1] in self._valid_set[i]:
						countBr += 1
				for i in col:
					if canlist[0] in self._valid_set[i]:
						countAc += 1
					if canlist[1] in self._valid_set[i]:
						countBc += 1
				if (countAr==1 and countAc==1):
					toRemove.append( (D[0],D[1], canlist[1]) )
				elif (countBr==1 and countBc==1):
					toRemove.append( (D[0], D[1], canlist[0]) )
				rec_type= 7
			if toRemove:
				self._changed = True
				print 'uniqueRectangle%d' %rec_type,
				for i in rec:
					print i,
				self._removeCandidate( toRemove )
				return True
			rec = rec_gen.next()
		return False

