
在WinCE中, 由于WinCE的精简,有很多win32下的标准API不支持,所以有很多在vc上能够轻易实现的功能, 在evc中有点难度,必须变通一下,就拿截取屏幕来说,一个常用的函数GetDIBits在wince就Unsupported.当时为了实现这个功能,颇费了了一番心血,当然其主要还是因为对api不是很熟悉。

最初使用的截屏方法说来还真有些丢人,一个一个点的取得颜色值,再保存到bmp文件中去,这样程序运行的速度超慢,保存一个800X600的bmp差不多要一两分钟(研华8251板),觉得有些不对头,决定想办法改进一下,就使劲地看了一下Charles Petzold先生的《Programming Windows》(这本书很经典,值得好好研究一下),终于把时间缩短到几秒钟了,下面这个函数在evc和vc下都test pass(不用更改),有不足之处欢迎指正,函数:

// this function create a bmp file to save the current screen;
// supported eVC++ 4.0 (wince 4.0) and vc++ 6.0 , test pass;

void CSnapDlg::OnScreenSave(const char *filename)

    HDC  hScrDC, hMemDC;         
    int  width, height; 
 //the pointer will save all pixel point's color value
 BYTE  *lpBitmapBits = NULL; 
 //creates a device context for the screen device
    hScrDC = CreateDC(_T("DISPLAY"), NULL, NULL, NULL);

  //get the screen point size
    width = GetDeviceCaps(hScrDC, HORZRES);
    height = GetDeviceCaps(hScrDC, VERTRES);

    //creates a memory device context (DC) compatible with the screen device(hScrDC)  
    hMemDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hScrDC);

 //initialise the struct BITMAPINFO for the bimap infomation, 
 //in order to use the function CreateDIBSection
on wince os, each pixel stored by 24 bits(biBitCount=24) 
 //and no compressing(biCompression=0)

    ZeroMemory(&RGB24BitsBITMAPINFO, sizeof(BITMAPINFO));
    RGB24BitsBITMAPINFO.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
    RGB24BitsBITMAPINFO.bmiHeader.biWidth = width;
    RGB24BitsBITMAPINFO.bmiHeader.biHeight = height;
    RGB24BitsBITMAPINFO.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
    RGB24BitsBITMAPINFO.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 24;
 //use the function CreateDIBSection and SelectObject 
 //in order to get the bimap pointer : lpBitmapBits

    HBITMAP directBmp = CreateDIBSection(hMemDC, (BITMAPINFO*)&RGB24BitsBITMAPINFO, 
       DIB_RGB_COLORS, (void **)&lpBitmapBits, NULL, 0);
 HGDIOBJ previousObject = SelectObject(hMemDC, directBmp);

 // copy the screen dc to the memory dc
 BitBlt(hMemDC, 0, 0, width, height, hScrDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
 //if you only want to get the every pixel color value, 
 //you can begin here and the following part of this function will be unuseful;
 //the following part is in order to write file;

 //bimap file header in order to write bmp file 
 bmBITMAPFILEHEADER.bfType = 0x4d42;  //bmp  
    bmBITMAPFILEHEADER.bfSize = bmBITMAPFILEHEADER.bfOffBits + ((width*height)*3); ///3=(24 / 8)
 //write into file
 FILE *mStream = NULL;
 if((mStream = fopenfilename, "wb")))
  //write bitmap file header
  fwrite(&bmBITMAPFILEHEADER, sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER), 1, mStream);
  //write bitmap info
  fwrite(&(RGB24BitsBITMAPINFO.bmiHeader), sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER), 1, mStream);
  //write bitmap pixels data
  fwrite(lpBitmapBits, 3*width*height, 1, mStream);
  //close file
