boolean loadFSImage(File curFile) throws IOException { assert this.getLayoutVersion() < 0 : "Negative layout version is expected."; assert curFile != null : "curFile is null"; FSNamesystem fsNamesys = FSNamesystem.getFSNamesystem(); FSDirectory fsDir = fsNamesys.dir; // // Load in bits // boolean needToSave = true; //开始打开文件,构建读入流 DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream( new FileInputStream(curFile))); try { /* * Note: Remove any checks for versionearlier than * Storage.LAST_UPGRADABLE_LAYOUT_VERSIONsince we should never get * to here with older images. */ /* * TODO we need to change format of the image file * it should not contain version and namespacefields */ // read image version: first appeared in version -1 //读取版本信息,这个值放在第一位,足见其重要性,下面好多校验都要用到这个值 int imgVersion = in.readInt(); // read namespaceID: first appeared in version -2 this.namespaceID = in.readInt(); // read number of files long numFiles; if (imgVersion <= -16) { numFiles = in.readLong(); } else { numFiles = in.readInt(); } this.layoutVersion = imgVersion; // read in the last generation stamp. if (imgVersion <= -12) { long genstamp = in.readLong(); fsNamesys.setGenerationStamp(genstamp); } needToSave = (imgVersion != FSConstants.LAYOUT_VERSION); // read file info short replication = FSNamesystem.getFSNamesystem().getDefaultReplication(); LOG.info("Number of files = " + numFiles); String path; StringparentPath = ""; INodeDirectory parentINode = fsDir.rootDir; for (long i = 0; i < numFiles; i++) { long modificationTime = 0; long atime = 0; long blockSize = 0; //读取文件路径,读完后为字符串类型,如 “/a.txt” path = readString(in); replication = in.readShort(); //注意这里有个限制,文件的副本数必须在minReplication和maxReplication之间,超出不报错,但会 //被重置为最大或最小值 replication = FSEditLog.adjustReplication(replication); modificationTime = in.readLong(); if (imgVersion <= -17) { atime = in.readLong(); } if (imgVersion <= -8) { blockSize = in.readLong(); } //一个文件的块数 int numBlocks = in.readInt(); Block blocks[] = null; // for older versions, a blocklistof size 0 // indicates a directory. if ((-9 <= imgVersion && numBlocks> 0) || (imgVersion < -9 &&numBlocks >= 0)) { blocks = new Block[numBlocks]; for (int j = 0; j < numBlocks; j++) { blocks[j] = new Block(); if (-14 < imgVersion) { blocks[j].set(in.readLong(), in.readLong(), Block.GRANDFATHER_GENERATION_STAMP); } else { //如果是文件的话,会读入blockid,字节数,以及一个Stamp标记,通过blockid就可以查找到 //该数据块对应的物理文件,但这里并没有记录存放在哪个节点上,因为一个块会有多个副本,如果记 //录的话会存放更多元数据,而且位于DATANODE上的block有可能改变地方,比如在block损坏,或新 //加入节点做rebalance的时候,也就是说这些有可能是经常变动的,所以这里只存一个blockid,具 //的存放节点由DATANODE来汇报,并且在内存中更新,这样就提高了namenode的效率,并且减少了对 //fsimage文件的随机写。 blocks[j].readFields(in); } } } // Older versions of HDFS does not storethe block size in inode. // If the file has more than one block, usethe size of the // first block as the blocksize.Otherwise use the default block size. //这个判断存在的目的是为了向前兼容,老版本的block元数据并不存放blocksize,所以取第一个块 //作为该文件的块尺寸 if (-8 <= imgVersion && blockSize ==0) { if (numBlocks > 1) { blockSize =blocks[0].getNumBytes(); } else { long first = ((numBlocks == 1) ?blocks[0].getNumBytes(): 0); blockSize = Math.max(fsNamesys.getDefaultBlockSize(),first); } } // 文件为目录的情况下,开始读取配额信息 long nsQuota = -1L; if (imgVersion <= -16 && blocks == null) { nsQuota = in.readLong(); } long dsQuota = -1L; if (imgVersion <= -18 && blocks == null) { dsQuota = in.readLong(); } PermissionStatus permissions =fsNamesys.getUpgradePermission(); if (imgVersion <= -11) { //开始读取权限信息了,包含用户名、组名、RWX信息,对写权限有分别针对user ownergroup 的 //这些对于熟悉Linux文件系统的人来说,再熟悉不过了 permissions = PermissionStatus.read(in); } //如果是根目录,那么要特殊处理,这里单独写了一个判断,执行完后直接进入下一次循环,省得浪费感情 if (path.length() == 0) { // it is the root // update the root's attributes if (nsQuota != -1 || dsQuota != -1) { fsDir.rootDir.setQuota(nsQuota, dsQuota); } fsDir.rootDir.setModificationTime(modificationTime); fsDir.rootDir.setPermissionStatus(permissions); continue; } // check if the new inode belongs tothe same parent if(!isParent(path, parentPath)) { parentINode = null; parentPath = getParent(path); } // 将新构建的节点加入父节点并缓存起来 parentINode = fsDir.addToParent(path,parentINode, permissions, blocks,replication, modificationTime, atime,nsQuota, dsQuota, blockSize); } // 载入DATANODE信息,但在当前1.0.4版本中,这里其实什么都没做,因为fsimage并未存放该信息 this.loadDatanodes(imgVersion, in); // load Files Under Construction this.loadFilesUnderConstruction(imgVersion, in,fsNamesys); //文件尾部信息的读取,算是收尾工作 this.loadSecretManagerState(imgVersion, in,fsNamesys); } finally { in.close(); } return needToSave; }