wince sip输入法不能获取输入焦点的原因

Moreover, when tapped on, the SIP window 50 (and any child windows thereof such as pushbuttons, text entry fields, scrollbars and the like) will not receive the input focus as would conventional program windows. In this manner, the user may interact with the SIP window 50 without changing the system focus. As can be appreciated, changing the system focus each time the user inputs data into the SIP window 50 would be undesirable. The SIP button 52 will also not cause a change of focus for the same reason, i.e., it is undesirable to cause the window with focus to lose focus by tapping on the SIP button 52 to bring out the SIP window.

// ========= 译文===============

此外,点击SIP(输入法)窗口时, SIP窗口(以及包含的所有子窗口,如按钮,文本输入栏,滚动条和子窗口)将不会像常规程序窗口一样收到输入焦点。通过这种方式,用户可以与SIP输入法窗口交互而不改变系统当前的焦点。正如可以理解的,每次用户输入数据到SIP窗口时会改变系统焦点,是不可取的。出于同样的原因,即SIP窗口按钮也将不会引起系统的焦点的变化,这是不可取的,通过点击SIP窗口的按钮,让当前具有焦点的窗口失去焦点。


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