首先介绍一个函数 sparkline , 是一种描述类型的信息图,特点是小尺寸,高数据,并
function sparkline(xdata,ydata,labels1,labels2) %SPARKLINE(XDATA,YDATA,LABELS1,LABELS2) creates a graph with sparklines % XDATA and YDATA are cell arrays of vectors of x and corresponding y % values. LABELS1 give the labels you want corresponding to each sparkline % to be located at the start of the line. LABELS2 give the labels you want % corresponding to each sparkline to be located at the end of the line. % No borders necessary - span the axes out to total available space % make the plots by bumping up each sparkline with an arbitrary unit of % separation. Here unitOfSep=1; unitOfSep=1; figure; axes('position',[0 0 1 .9]);hold on; endPt = -1; startPt = 1e100; for i = 1:length(xdata) % Plot SparkLines plot(xdata{i}, ydata{i}+ (i-1)*+unitOfSep,'k'); maxp{i} = find(ydata{i}==max(ydata{i})); minp{i} = find(ydata{i}==min(ydata{i})); plot(xdata{i}(maxp{i}),ydata{i}(maxp{i})+ (i-1)*+unitOfSep,'bo','MarkerFaceColor','b'); plot(xdata{i}(minp{i}),ydata{i}(minp{i})+ (i-1)*+unitOfSep,'ro','MarkerFaceColor','r'); text(xdata{i}(end), mean(ydata{i})+ (i-1)*+unitOfSep,labels1{i},'HorizontalAlignment','right'); text(xdata{i}(1), mean(ydata{i})+ (i-1)*+unitOfSep,labels2{i},'HorizontalAlignment','left'); endPt = max([xdata{i}(1) endPt]); startPt= min([xdata{i}(end) startPt]); end text(startPt+2, i*unitOfSep+.7,'SparkLines with Stock Prices (1/1/2011 to 12/31/2011)','fontsize',14); set(gca,'visible','off','ylim',[0+unitOfSep/2 i*unitOfSep+unitOfSep/2],... 'yticklabel',[],'xlim',[startPt-.15*(endPt-startPt) endPt+.15*(endPt-startPt)],... 'xticklabel',[],'TickLength',[0 0]); set(gcf,'Color',[1 1 1],'Paperpositionmode','auto');
stocks = {'AAPL','GOOG','MSFT','SLB','YHOO','S&P','GE'}; rangeMIN = datenum('1/1/2011'); rangeMAX = datenum('12/31/2011'); %% Preprocess for i = 1:length(dt) % Data Processing % convert date to a numeric format cc={dateD{i}{2:end,1}}; dateD{i} = datenum({dateD{i}{2:end,1}}); % find dates in range idx = find(dateD{i} >= rangeMIN & dateD{i} <= rangeMAX); dt{i} = dt{i}(idx); % extract data in range dateD{i} = dateD{i}(idx); % normalize dtn{i} = dt{i}./max(dt{i}); clear idx labels2{i} = num2str(dt{i}(end)); end %% Call spark lines sparkline(dateD,dtn,stocks,labels2);