
1  命令

PHPUnit 3.4.15 by Sebastian Bergmann.

Usage: phpunit [switches] UnitTest [UnitTest.php]

       phpunit [switches] <directory>

  --log-junit <file>       Log test execution in JUnit XML format to file.

  --log-tap <file>         Log test execution in TAP format to file.

  --log-json <file>        Log test execution in JSON format.

  --coverage-html <dir>    Generate code coverage report in HTML format.

  --coverage-clover <file> Write code coverage data in Clover XML format.

  --coverage-source <dir>  Write code coverage / source data in XML format.

  --story-html <file>      Write Story/BDD results in HTML format to file.

  --story-text <file>      Write Story/BDD results in Text format to file.

  --testdox-html <file>    Write agile documentation in HTML format to file.

  --testdox-text <file>    Write agile documentation in Text format to file.

  --filter <pattern>       Filter which tests to run.

  --group ...              Only runs tests from the specified group(s).

  --exclude-group ...      Exclude tests from the specified group(s).

  --list-groups            List available test groups.

  --loader <loader>        TestSuiteLoader implementation to use.

  --repeat <times>         Runs the test(s) repeatedly.

  --story                  Report test execution progress in Story/BDD format.

  --tap                    Report test execution progress in TAP format.

  --testdox                Report test execution progress in TestDox format.

  --colors                 Use colors in output.

  --stderr                 Write to STDERR instead of STDOUT.

  --stop-on-failure        Stop execution upon first error or failure.

  --verbose                Output more verbose information.

  --wait                   Waits for a keystroke after each test.

  --skeleton-class         Generate Unit class for UnitTest in UnitTest.php.

  --skeleton-test          Generate UnitTest class for Unit in Unit.php.

  --process-isolation      Run each test in a separate PHP process.

  --no-globals-backup      Do not backup and restore $GLOBALS for each test.

  --static-backup          Backup and restore static attributes for each test.

  --syntax-check           Try to check source files for syntax errors.

  --bootstrap <file>       A "bootstrap" PHP file that is run before the tests.

  --configuration <file>   Read configuration from XML file.

  --no-configuration       Ignore default configuration file (phpunit.xml).

  --include-path <path(s)> Prepend PHP's include_path with given path(s).

  -d key[=value]           Sets a php.ini value.

  --help                   Prints this usage information.

  --version                Prints the version and exits.


2 sample 1:


<!--<br/ /><br/ />Code highlighting produced by Actipro CodeHighlighter (freeware)<br/ /><br/ /><br/ />--> <? php
class  DependencyFailureTest  extends  PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
public   function  testOne()
$this -> assertTrue( true );
/* *
     * @depends testOne
public   function  testTwo()
$this -> assertTrue( false );

/* *
     * @depends testTwo
public   function  testThree()
$this -> assertTrue( true );

public   function  testFour()
$this -> assertTrue( true );

/* *
     * @depends testFive
public   function  testSix()
$this -> assertTrue( true );

1    "@depends testTwo" 该注释标明testThree方法依赖于testTwo测试通过才行,否则会被skip。
2    testFour方法没有@depends的注释,所以不依赖于某个方法
3    testSix方法依赖于 testFive 测试通过才行,但是不存在testFive方法,所以也被skip



运行:D:\www2\phpunit>phpunit --verbose DependencyFailureTest



PHPUnit 3.4.15 by Sebastian Bergmann.



Time: 0 seconds, Memory: 4.00Mb


There was 1 failure:

1) DependencyFailureTest::testTwo

Failed asserting that <boolean:false> is true.



There were 2 skipped tests:

1) DependencyFailureTest::testThree

This test depends on "DependencyFailureTest::testTwo" to pass.

2) DependencyFailureTest::testSix

This test depends on "DependencyFailureTest::testFive" to pass.


Tests: 3, Assertions: 3, Failures: 1, Skipped: 2.

