wince不支持CFileFind 之类的东西?

MFC for Windows CE does not support all the classes in the desktop Microsoft Foundation Class library. Areas not supported include Data Access Objects (DAO), Open Database Connectivity (ODBC), multiple-document interface (MDI), object linking and embedding (OLE), OLE documents and servers, OLE drag-and-drop features, metafiles, or rich edit controls. It also does not support some of the controls, common dialog boxes, and a few other features that Windows-based desktop platforms support.

As a consequence, the following classes are not supported in MFC for Windows CE:

Common Dialog Boxes  
CFontDialog CPageSetupDialog
Common Controls  
CAnimateCtrl CHotKeyCtrl
CCheckListBox CMiniFrameWnd
CComboBoxEx CToolTipCtrl
CDaoDatabase CDaoRecordset
CDaoException CDaoRecordView
CDaoFieldExchange CDaoTableDef
CDaoQueryDef CDaoWorkspace
CFtpConnection CHtmlView
CFtpFileFind CHttpFilter
CGopherConnection CHttpFilterContext
CGopherFile CHttpServer
CGopherFileFind CHttpServerContext
CGopherLocator CIPAddressCtrl
CMDIChildWnd CMultiDocTemplate
CDatabase CFieldExchange
CDBException CRecordset
CDBVariant CRecordView
CAsyncMonikerFile COleDialog
CCachedDataPathProperty COleDocObjectItem
CDataPathProperty COleDocument
CDocItem COleDropSource
CDocObjectServer COleDropTarget
CDocObjectServerItem COleInsertDialog
CMonikerFile COleIPFrameWnd
COleBusyDialog COleLinkingDoc
COleChangeIconDialog COleLinksDialog
COleChangeSourceDialog COleMessageFilter
COleClientItem COlePasteSpecialDialog
COleCmdUI COlePropertiesDialog
COleConvertDialog COleResizeBar
COleDataObject COleServerDoc
COleDataSource COleServerItem
COleDBRecordView COleTemplateServer
Rich Edit Control  
CRichEditCntrlItem CRichEditDoc
CRichEditCtrl CRichEditView
Other Unsupported Classes  
CDockState CPictureHolder
CFileFind CSemaphore
CMemoryState CSharedFile

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