gdb dbg 3

gdb xx.sim

class Ot11dpe12aFltSup 
    static Ot11dpe12aApsProtSup* pAPSS;


2.get the address of static var
(gdb) x &(Ot11dpe12aFltSup::pAPSS)
0x8d9c7e8 <_ZN16Ot11dpe12aFltSup5pAPSSE>:       0x00000000           -----0x8d9c7e8

3.get the offset

pAPSS = new Ot11dpe12aApsProtSup(pMsg,
heap memory 

(gdb) p &(((Ot11dpe12aApsProtSup *)0x0)->protectionType)
$1 = (GroupProtectionType *) 0x1c2a <Address 0x1c2a out of bounds>           ----0x1c2a is offset


run and attach the pid

(gdb) attach 3501          ====fault pid

(gdb) p/x *0x8d9c7e8
$1 = 0x91543e8
4. get the protectionType memory (0x9156012 = 0x91543e8+0x1c2a)
(gdb) ctrl+c
(gdb) x/20x  0x9156000
0x9156000:      0x00000000      0x00000000      0x00000000      0x00000000
0x9156010:      0x00020000      0x00000000      0x00000002      0x00000000
0x9156020:      0x00000000      0x00000000      0x00000000      0x00000000
0x9156030:      0x00000000      0x00000000      0x00000000      0x00000000
0x9156040:      0x00000000      0x00000000      0x00000000      0x00000000

0x00020000 [addr:0x9156010~0x9156013] CPU (litter edition)

Little Endian

   低地址                                            高地址

0x9156010                                    0x9156013           
   |     00     |      00    |     02      |     00    |



Old value = 2

New value = 32769

Ot11dpe12aApsProtSup::gen_go (this=0x91543e8) at Ot11dpe12aApsProtSup.C:886

886         for (int i = 0; i < MAX_OT_CL_LABELS_11DPE12A+MAX_OT_LI_LABELS_11DPE12A; i++)

(gdb) bt

#0  Ot11dpe12aApsProtSup::gen_go (this=0x91543e8) at Ot11dpe12aApsProtSup.C:886

#1  0x081459e4 in Ot11dpe12aFltSup::gen_go (this=0xb7f4f008) at Ot11dpe12aFltSup.C:890

#2  0x080731b4 in CApp::dispatch (this=0xb7f4f008) at CApp.C:1106

#3  0x084e5c3d in CBcApp::dispatch (this=0xb7f4f008) at CBcApp.C:394

#4  0x084ec148 in CFltSup::dispatch (this=0xb7f4f008) at CFltSup.C:1254

#5  0x0860eaee in COtFltSup::dispatch (this=0xb7f4f008) at COtFltSup.C:2112

#6  0x085fefb4 in COtFltSupLinx::dispatch (this=0xb7f4f008) at COtFltSupLinx.C:544

#7  0x08367e42 in COtFltSupLinx_sim::dispatch (this=0xb7f4f008) at COtFltSupLinx_sim.C:184

#8  0x0814b8e9 in Ot11dpe12aFltSup::dispatch (this=0xb7f4f008) at Ot11dpe12aFltSup.C:2332

#9  0x084e9e18 in CFltSup::runLoop (this=0xb7f4f008) at CFltSup.C:406

#10 0x085fd4bb in COtFltSupLinx::runLoop (this=0xb7f4f008) at COtFltSupLinx.C:217

#11 0x0807186b in CApp::runActiveStandbyLoop (this=0xb7f4f008) at CApp.C:641

#12 0x0807170c in CApp::init_dialog_loop (this=0xb7f4f008) at CApp.C:521

#13 0x08060c8c in MainHelperBase<Ot11dpe12aFltSup>::run (this=0xbffff600) at /vobs/lc/infra_lx/public/hdr/util/MainHelperBase.h:137

#14 0x0805fd8e in main (argc=2, argv=0xbffff6e4) at main.C:221

(gdb) x $pc

0x8174f6a <_ZN20Ot11dpe12aApsProtSup6gen_goEv+344>:     0x83f0458d

(gdb) info registers

eax            0x8001   32769

ecx            0xbe     190

edx            0x8000   32768

ebx            0x8d09558        147887448

esp            0xbffaef00       0xbffaef00

ebp            0xbffaef38       0xbffaef38

esi            0x91543e8        152388584

edi            0xbfffe420       -1073748960

eip            0x8174f6a        0x8174f6a

eflags         0x202    514

cs             0x73     115

ss             0x7b     123

ds             0x7b     123

es             0x7b     123

fs             0x0      0

gs             0x33     51

(gdb) info $sp

Undefined info command: "$sp".  Try "help info".

(gdb) x/20x $sp

0xbffaef00:     0x00000008      0x00000005      0xbffaef27      0xbffaef26

0xbffaef10:     0x087cabae      0x087cac0d      0x00000001      0x00000009

0xbffaef20:     0x00000006      0x018086a0      0x00000001      0x087cac0d

0xbffaef30:     0x08d09558      0xb7f4f008      0xbffaef68      0x081459e4

0xbffaef40:     0x091543e8      0x087b954b      0x00000372      0x00000009

(gdb) x/20x $pc

0x8174f6a <_ZN20Ot11dpe12aApsProtSup6gen_goEv+344>:     0x83f0458d      0x43e90100      0xc7ffffff      0x0000e045

0x8174f7a <_ZN20Ot11dpe12aApsProtSup6gen_goEv+360>:     0x7d810000      0x000167e0      0x8b767f00      0xfff9fc93

0x8174f8a <_ZN20Ot11dpe12aApsProtSup6gen_goEv+376>:     0xe0458bff      0x8b82048b      0x4cc18308      0xf9fc938b

0x8174f9a <_ZN20Ot11dpe12aApsProtSup6gen_goEv+392>:     0x458bffff      0x82048be0      0x8b240489      0x84d0ff01

0x8174faa <_ZN20Ot11dpe12aApsProtSup6gen_goEv+408>:     0x8b3b75c0      0x4489e045      0x838d1424      0xffac16d4

(gdb) c



