编号 姓名 性别 电话 通信地址
01 张三 男 123456 北京
02 李四 女 456789 福建
/************************************************* StudentInfo:class Scount :static int +find(student:String[][],target:String):bool +remove(student:String[][],target:String):bool +add(student:String[][]):String ref +update(student:String[][]):bool +display(student:String[][]):void +readFromFile(student:String[][]):boolean +writeToFile(student:String [][]):boolean *************************************************** 2010-05-09 Write By banxi1988. */ import java.util.Scanner; public class StudentArray{ static int Scount = 0; public static void main(String []args){ String [][] studentInfo; studentInfo = new String[10][5]; displayMenu(studentInfo); System.out.println(); }/* main */ public static void displayMenu(String [][] student) { boolean quit = false; String [] menu = {"add","dis","find","rm","update","quit","read","write"}; do{ System.out.println("+--------------------------------------------+"); System.out.println("|please choose the function you need: |"); System.out.println("+--------------------------------------------+"); System.out.println("| [ add ]:add |"); System.out.println("| [ read ]:read studentInfo from file |"); System.out.println("| [ dis ]:display |"); System.out.println("| [ find ]:find |"); System.out.println("| [ rm ]:remove |"); System.out.println("| [ update ]:update |"); System.out.println("| [ write ]:write studentInfo to file |"); System.out.println("| [ quit ]:quit |"); System.out.println("+--------------------------------------------+"); Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in ); String select = scanner.next(); if(select.equals(menu[0])){ add(student); display(student); }/* if add */ if(select.equals(menu[6])){ try{ readFromFile(student); }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); }/* catch */ display(student); }/* if read */ else if(select.equals(menu[1])){ display(student); }/* if display */ else if(select.equals(menu[2])){ find(student); /* display(student); */ }/* if find */ else if(select.equals(menu[3])){ remove(student); display(student); }/* if remove */ else if(select.equals(menu[4])){ update(student); display(student); }/* if update */ else if(select.equals(menu[7])){ try{ writeToFile(student); }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); }/* catch */ display(student); }/* if write */ else if(select.equals(menu[5])){ quit = true; }/* if quit */ else System.out.println("Input Error! Please Try again!"); }while(!quit); /* do{ } while */ }/* displayMenu() */ public static boolean add(String [][] student){ System.out.println("Please Input StudentInfomation like this:./n/tNumber/tName/tGender/tPhoneNumber/tAddress"); Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in); scanner.reset(); String [] info = new String [5]; for(int i = 0; i< 5;i++){ info[i] = scanner.next(); }/* for */ student[Scount] = info; ++Scount; System.out.println("Add finished!"); return true; }/* add() */ public static boolean display(String [][] student){ if(Scount < 1) { System.out.println(" No Student In Here!"); return false; }/* no student in */ System.out.println("All the Student Information As Follows:"); System.out.println("/tNumber/tName /tGender/tPhoneNumber /tAddress"); System.out.print("/t"); for(int j = 0; j < Scount;j++){ for(int i = 0; i< 5; i++){ System.out.print(student[j][i]+"/t"); if(i==3)System.out.print(" /t"); }/* for */ System.out.println(); System.out.print("/t"); }/* outer for */ System.out.println(); return true; }/* display() */ public static boolean find(String [][] student){ int index; System.out.println("+-----------------------------------------------------+"); System.out.println("|Please choose the which look up approach You need : |"); System.out.println("+-----------------------------------------------------+"); System.out.println("|[ 0 ]:ByNumber |"); System.out.println("|[ 1 ]:ByName |"); System.out.println("|[ 2 ]:ByGender |"); System.out.println("|[ 3 ]:ByPhoneNumber | "); System.out.println("|[ 4 ]:ByAddress |"); System.out.println("+-----------------------------------------------------+"); Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in); scanner.reset(); index = scanner.nextInt(); switch(index){ case 0: findByTarget(student,index); break; case 1: findByTarget(student,index); break; case 2: findByTarget(student,index); break; case 3: findByTarget(student,index); break; case 4: findByTarget(student,index); break; default: System.out.println("Input Error:Please Try again!"); }/* switch */ return true; }/* find() */ public static boolean findByTarget(String [][] student,int index){ boolean find = false; String [] menu ={"StudentNumber","StudentNAME","StudentSex","StudentPhoneNumber","StudentHostel"}; System.out.println("Please Input The "+menu[index] + " You want Look Out:"); Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in); String target=scanner.next(); for(int i = 0; i < Scount; i++) { if(student[i][index].equals(target)) { displayIndex(student,i); find = true; /* not break then could find another same person ,ie find by sex*/ }/* if */ }/* for */ if(find ==false) System.out.println("The Student You want to find Isn't Exist."); return true; }/* findByTarget */ /** print the student that have finded ,only one for each time! */ public static void displayIndex(String[][] student,int index){ System.out.println("+-----------------------------------------------------+"); System.out.println("|The Student You find Are As Follows: |"); System.out.println("+-----------------------------------------------------+"); System.out.println("|/tNumber/tName /tGender/tPhoneNumber /tAddress |"); System.out.print("/t"); for(int i = 0; i< 5; i++){ System.out.print(student[index][i]+"/t"); if(i==3)System.out.print(" /t"); }/* for */ System.out.println(); System.out.println("+-----------------------------------------------------+"); }/* displayIndex */ public static void remove(String [][] student){ System.out.println(" Please Input The StudentNumber of the student you want to remove:"); Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in); String target = scanner.next(); int i; int start; /* store the position the first object need to remove */ for( i=0; i < Scount;i++) if(student[i][0].equals(target)){ break; }/* for and if */ /* Object at the back .remove forward */ for( start = i ;start < Scount-1;start++){ student[start] =student[start+1]; }/* another for */ student[--Scount] = null; /* assigned null to last Object */ /** since student[--Scount] = null,ie cannot directly add student to student[--Scount] now! then ,if add directly ,throws NullPointerException So we should try to come up with anoter approach! */ }/* remove() */ public static void update(String [][] student){ System.out.println("choose the Number Of The Student Which You Want to update:"); Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in); String target = scanner.next(); int index =0; for( int i = 0; i < Scount; i++) if(target.equals(student[i][0])) { index = i; break; /* only find the first occured student */ }/* if for */ System.out.println("*--------------------------------------------*"); System.out.println("The Student You Want to find is:"); displayIndex(student,index); System.out.println("please Input new Information for this student!"); for(int i = 0; i< 5;i++){ student[index][i] = scanner.next(); }/* for */ }/* update */ public static boolean readFromFile(String [][] student) throws Exception { /* Create a File instance */ java.io.File file = new java.io.File("student.txt"); /* Create a Scanner for the file */ java.util.Scanner input = new java.util.Scanner(file); /* Read data from file */ while(input.hasNext()) { for(int i = 0; i< 5;i++){ student[Scount][i] = input.next(); }/* for */ ++Scount; }/* while */ /* Close the file */ input.close(); return true; }/* readFromFile() */ public static boolean writeToFile(String [][] student) throws Exception { java.io.File file = new java.io.File("student.txt"); if(file.exists()) { /* System.out.println(" File already exists!"); System.exit(0); */ if(!file.delete()){ System.out.println(" File already exists ! and cannot be delete!"); System.out.println("Now Create a anther file named /"new_student.txt/" to store you data!"); file = new java.io.File("new_student.txt"); }/* inner if */ else file = new java.io.File("student.txt"); }/* if */ /** Create a file */ java.io.PrintWriter output = new java.io.PrintWriter(file); /** Write formatted output to the file */ for(int i = 0; i < Scount; i++){ for(int j = 0; j < 5; j++){ output.printf("%s/t",student[i][j]); }/* inner for */ output.printf("/n"); }/* for */ /** Close the file */ output.close(); return true; }/* writeToFile */ }/* class StudentInfo */