【Notes】How to relaunch/reconfigure Notes Client in case Notes Client crashed

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How to relaunch/reconfigure Notes Client in case Notes Client crashed 

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Q: For Notes Client 8.x, what should I do if my Notes Client crashed and still failed to launch after I tried many times.

A: Please follow the steps below to take a try. Note, backup your data before you delete any file or directory.

  1. Delete \data\workspace\logs\*.*
  2. Delete \data\workspace\.config\
  3. Delete \data\workspace\.metedata\
  4. Truncate the notes.ini file. Make sure only the first eight lines are kept.
  5. Delete \data\names.nsf, desktop8.ndk,bookmark.nsf,bookmark.ntf,Cache.ndk,Cache.ntf
  6. Now re-launch Notes Client and configure it.
  7. If your Notes Client works well, please try to restore your names.nsf,desktop8.ndk and bookmark.nsf back to data directory (\data) using your backup ones.
