Biztalk 2006安装手记

虽然说BIZTALK 2006已经出来很久了,但是我这个老土茂,直到最近才装上。安装过程并不复杂和烦琐,但是在安装的前期工作实在是太复杂了!


PS:我step2,step4,step9 没有做,偷懒了,事后才发现是不能缺的!

Install Prerequisites

The following table lists the prerequisite software needed for a complete installation of BizTalk Server 2006.


Step/Task Notes

Step 1: Install Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1

  • After installing Windows, you must be logged on as an administrator, or add a Windows user account to the Administrators group in order to install additional software.

Step 2: Install Critical Updates for Windows

  • Install any high priority updates listed at the Windows Update Web site

Step 3: Install Internet Information Services 6.0

  • Enable ASP.NET

Step 4: Install Office Excel 2003 and InfoPath 2003 with Service Pack 2

  • Install using default settings

Step 5: Install Visual Studio 2005

  • Install Microsoft C# and the Framework SDK

Step 6: Install SQL Server 2005

  • Install using default settings

Step 7: Install and configure Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 with Service Pack 2

  • Installation type must be Server Farm

Step 8: Extend Default Web Site as a virtual server

  • Select NTLM for the security type. Kerberos authentication is not supported with Business Activity Services.

Step 9: Create a network share for Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) alerts

  • Create a share named Alerts

  • Give Everyone Change permissions to this share
安装完上面的东西以后,我需要提出说明的是SharePoint Service(SPS),SPS UPDATE以后,自动会弹出对话框,需要进行配置的。我只配置了DB,另外全部采用default。我感觉这步好象也存在着问题,因为凭我以前配置SPS的经验告诉我,配SPS绝对没那么简单!!!

The CAB file contains the following software:

  • Office Web Components (OWC) 11

  • Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.8 SP1

  • Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML) 3.0 SP7

  • MSXML 6.0

  • SQLXML 3.0 SP3

  • Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0

  • ADOMD.NET 8.0

  • ADOMD.Net-KB893091-v8.00.0991-x86.EXE

  • ADOMD.NET 9.0


Biztalk 2006安装手记_第1张图片




Biztalk 2006安装手记_第2张图片

我这里出现了warning ,确实这个warning不可小视;

好了,接下去在VS 2005就能看到BIZTALK的相关工程了,微软将VS2005进行了集成,我不知道没装过BIZTALK的机器会不会出现这个界面,至少我的界面是出来了!!


Biztalk 2006安装手记_第3张图片


 最后补充一点,安装完启动的速度会非常非常的慢!!!要启动Enterprise Single Sign-On Service(SSO),Rule Engine Update Service,SharePoint Timer Service,SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS)等很多服务,建议在第一次启动的时候,耐心等待,然后在下次关机之前,把这些服务都改成手动吧,否则机器慢的受不了,我一开始还以为死机了,我足足等了3分钟,才起来。。后来才发觉是BIZTALK搞的鬼~~`

