1. 查询当前数据库下的所有用户表
select name from {DatabaseName}.sys.SysObjects where xtype = 'U' and category = 0
2. 查询对象ID
select OBJECT_ID('object')
3. 打开语句执行时间统计
set statistics time on
4. 查询数据库ID,名称
select DB_ID(), DB_NAME()
5. 查询数据库"恢复模式"更改记录
select * from ::fn_dblog(null, null) where operation = 'LOP_PREP_XACT'
6. 删除作业
exec msdb.dbo.sp_delete_job @job_name=N'<job_name>'
7. 查询活动日志起始LSN
数据库 'testdb1' 的事务信息。 已复制的事务信息: 最早的分布式 LSN : (0:0:0) 最早的非分布式 LSN : (62:337:1) DBCC 执行完毕。如果 DBCC 输出了错误信息,请与系统管理员联系。
8. 查询日志空间使用量
9. 查看虚拟日志文件VLF(virtual log file)
10. 查看所有数据类型
select * from systypes
9. 查询表结构
oracle 和 mysql 查看表结构都用 “desc tablename”
查看命令:"sp_help [table_name]"
SELECT sc.colorder, sc.name, st.name as 'datatype', sc.length FROM syscolumns sc, systypes st WHERE sc.xusertype = st.xusertype and sc.id = OBJECT_ID('dbo.t1') ORDER BY colorder
10. 创建带有主键(PK)的表
create table dbo.t2 (Id INT NOT NULL, Name VARCHAR(20), CONSTRAINT pk_id PRIMARY KEY (ID))
11. 创建带有索引(UK)的表
create table dbo.t3( col1 INT UNIQUE, col2 INT UNIQUE, col3 INT UNIQUE, col4 VARCHAR(20) )
create table t1 (id INT, name VARCHAR(20))创建表时未设置主键,后期添加主键的方法
1) 设置字段不能为空
alter table t1 alter column ID int NOT NULL2) 添加主键
alter table t1 add constraint pk1 primary key(ID)
13. 查询主键
select * from information_schema.table_constraints where constraint_schema='dbo' and table_name='t3' and constraint_type='PRIMARY KEY'
SELECT col.column_name, tab.CONSTRAINT_TYPE FROM information_schema.table_constraints tab, information_schema.constraint_column_usage col WHERE col.constraint_name = tab.constraint_name AND col.table_name = tab.table_Name AND constraint_type = 'PRIMARY KEY' AND col.table_schema = 'dbo' AND col.table_Name = 't1'
SELECT col.column_name, tab.CONSTRAINT_TYPE FROM information_schema.table_constraints tab, information_schema.constraint_column_usage col WHERE col.constraint_name = tab.constraint_name AND col.table_name = tab.table_Name AND constraint_type = 'UNIQUE' AND col.table_schema = 'dbo' AND col.table_Name = 't1'
16. 查询所有用户表
select st.name, st.object_id, sc.name as 'schema' from sys.tables st, sys.schemas sc where st.schema_id = sc.schema_id and st.type = 'U' and st.is_ms_shipped = 0
17. 按事物提交
BEGIN TRANSACTION insert into dbo.t1 values(2, '222') insert into dbo.t1 values(3, '333') COMMIT TRANSACTION
BEGIN TRANSACTION insert into dbo.t1 values(4, '444') ROLLBACK TRANSACTION
19. 创建schema
create schema myschema create table myschema.t2(ID INT, NAME VARCHAR(20))
20. 创建一张包含所有列类型的表
create table dbo.alltype ( col_tinyint tinyint, col_smallint smallint, col_int int, col_bigint bigint, col_float float, col_real real, col_decimal decimal(5, 2), col_numeric numeric(5, 2), col_char char(100), col_varchar varchar(200), col_nchar nchar(100), col_nvarchar nvarchar(200), col_text text, col_ntext ntext, col_date date, col_time time, col_timestamp timestamp, col_datetime datetime, col_datetime2 datetime2, col_smalldatetime smalldatetime, col_datetimeoffset datetimeoffset, col_money money, col_smallmoney smallmoney, col_binary binary(100), col_varbinary varbinary(200), col_bit bit, col_image image, col_xml xml, col_sysname sysname, col_geometry geometry, col_geography geography )
insert into dbo.alltype values(1, 2, 3, 4, 5.1, 6.13, 7.11, 324.22, 'I am char', 'I am varchar', 'nchar', 'nvarchar', 'text', 'ntext', '2016-01-02', '13:54:51.1234567', DEFAULT, '2016-01-02 13:54:51.123', '2016-01-02 13:54:55.1234567', '2016-01-02 13:56', '2016-01-02 13:57:51.1234567+08:00', 123.45, 123.67, 0x010203, 0x04050607, 1, 0x08090A0B, '<hello>123</hello>', 'aaa', geometry::STGeomFromText('LINESTRING (100 100, 20 180, 180 180)', 0), geography::STGeomFromText('LINESTRING(-122.360 47.656, -122.343 47.656 )', 4326) )
21. 查看存储过程的定义
EXEC sp_helptext N'sys.sp_cdc_enable_table'
22. 查询作业
select * from msdb.dbo.sysjobs
23. 当某个作业存在时将其删除
-- delete job 'myjob' if exists if EXISTS(select name from msdb.dbo.sysjobs where name = 'myjob') EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_delete_job @job_name=N'myjob'
24. 删除复制作业(2005上测试)
sp_removedbreplication testdb4