数据结构与算法分析——c语言描述 第四章树 构造一颗表达式树
#include<string> typedef std::string ElementType; #ifndef _Tree_H #define _Tree_H struct TreeNode; typedef struct TreeNode *Position; typedef struct TreeNode *Tree; Tree createSearchTree(); void makeEmpty(Tree t); Tree insert(ElementType X, Tree t); void PrintinOrder(Tree t); #endif
#include"tree.h" #include"fatal.h" extern double operatorPriority(char c); extern double operatorCmp(char c1, char c2); struct TreeNode { ElementType element; Tree left; Tree right; }; Tree createSearchTree() { return NULL; } void makeEmpty(Tree t) { if (t) { makeEmpty(t->left); makeEmpty(t->right); free(t); } } Tree insert(ElementType X, Tree t) { if (t == NULL) {//包含树没有初始化 t = new TreeNode; if (t == NULL) Error("out of memory"); t->element = X; t->left = NULL; t->right = NULL; } else { if (X < t->element) t->left = insert(X, t->left); else if (X>t->element) t->right = insert(X, t->right); } return t;//两种情况 } void PrintinOrder(Tree t) { if (t->left) { if (operatorCmp(t->element[0], t->left->element[0]) > 0) { printf("("); PrintinOrder(t->left); printf(")"); } else PrintinOrder(t->left); } printf("%s", t->element.c_str()); if (t->right) { if (operatorCmp(t->element[0], t->right->element[0]) > 0) { printf("("); PrintinOrder(t->right); printf(")"); } else PrintinOrder(t->right); } }
#pragma once #include<ctype.h> #include<string> #include<stack> using namespace std; #define MAXN 100 char expression[MAXN];//输入的表达式 string postfix[MAXN];//转换成的逆序表达式 int i = 0, j = 0;//i是expression的游标,postfix是逆序表达式的游标 double operatorCmp(char c1, char c2);//c1为将要插入栈的运算符,c2为栈顶运算符,1表示c1优先级大于c2,0为相等,-1为小于 #define putNum() postfix[j++] = num,num.clear();//把数字输出到逆序表达式 #define putOperator() oper= operator_stack.top(),operator_stack.pop(),postfix[j++] = oper;//把符号输出到逆序表达式 double operatorPriority(char c) {//运算符优先级比较 if (c == '^') return 3; else if (c == '*' || c == '/') return 2; else if (c == '+' || c == '-') return 1; } void ProcessingOperator(char &c, char &oper, string &num, stack<char>&operator_stack) {//i指向的表达是为运算符字符处理 if (!num.empty()) putNum(); if (operator_stack.empty()) operator_stack.push(c); else if (operatorCmp(c, operator_stack.top()) >0) { operator_stack.push(c); } else { while (1) { putOperator(); if (operatorCmp(c, oper) >0 || operator_stack.empty()) { operator_stack.push(c); break; } } } } int midToPostfix() {//中缀转后缀,返回int是指括号后面是否直接是数字 int flag = 0; stack<char>operator_stack; string num; char c, oper; for (; expression[i] != '\0'; i++) { c = expression[i]; if (c == '(') { if (isdigit(expression[i - 1]) || expression[i - 1] == ')')//遇到3(4)(3)的情况,要在括号前自行处理省去的* { c = '*'; ProcessingOperator(c, oper, num, operator_stack); } i++; if (midToPostfix())//处理(4)4的情况 { c = '*'; ProcessingOperator(c, oper, num, operator_stack); } continue; } else if (c == ')') { if (isdigit(expression[i + 1])) flag = 1; break; } else if (isdigit(c) || c == '.') num += c; else {//运算符 ProcessingOperator(c, oper, num, operator_stack); } } if (!num.empty())//处理表达式最后的数字 postfix[j++] = num; while (!operator_stack.empty()) {//处理留在栈的运算符 postfix[j++] = operator_stack.top(); operator_stack.pop(); } if (flag) return 1; else return 0; } double operatorCmp(char c1, char c2) { double t1, t2; t1 = operatorPriority(c1); t2 = operatorPriority(c2); return t1 - t2; }
#include"tree.h" #include"fatal.h" extern double operatorPriority(char c); extern double operatorCmp(char c1, char c2); struct TreeNode { ElementType element; Tree left; Tree right; }; Tree createSearchTree() { return NULL; } void makeEmpty(Tree t) { if (t) { makeEmpty(t->left); makeEmpty(t->right); free(t); } } Tree insert(ElementType X, Tree t) { if (t == NULL) {//包含树没有初始化 t = new TreeNode; if (t == NULL) Error("out of memory"); t->element = X; t->left = NULL; t->right = NULL; } else { if (X < t->element) t->left = insert(X, t->left); else if (X>t->element) t->right = insert(X, t->right); } return t;//两种情况 } void PrintinOrder(Tree t) { if (t->left) { if (operatorCmp(t->element[0], t->left->element[0]) > 0) { printf("("); PrintinOrder(t->left); printf(")"); } else PrintinOrder(t->left); } printf("%s", t->element.c_str()); if (t->right) { if (operatorCmp(t->element[0], t->right->element[0]) > 0) { printf("("); PrintinOrder(t->right); printf(")"); } else PrintinOrder(t->right); } }