1. Caching Service
static variable and HashTable
---- Element .InnerText
---- attribute .attribute[key].Value
XmlDocument , XmlElement, XmlNode
/RootElement/ChildElement/Element[.='something'] [@attribute = 'somevalue'] [ChildElement = 'somevalue'] [postion() = 1] [... and/or ...]
//Element //ChildElement/element /Element//ChildElement
----- Configuration file:
<section name="Framework" type="SAF.Configuration.ConfigurationHandler,SAF.Configuration" />
<section name="Application" type="SAF.Configuration.ConfigurationHandler,SAF.Configuration" />
<Framework type="SAF.Configuration.ConfigurationManager,SAF.Configuration">
<CacheStrategy type = "SAF.Cache.DefaultCacheStrategy,SAF.Cache"/>
----- Configuration Class
CacheConfig = new CacheConfigration(cam.GetData("SAF.Cache"));
public class CacheConfigration
private XmlNode cacheXml;
public CacheConfigration(XmlNode configData)...{
cacheXml = configData;
public object GetCacheStrategy()...{
string typeName = cacheXml.SelectSingleNode("CacheStrategy").Attributes["type"].Value;
Type type = Type.GetType(typeName);
return Activator.CreateInstance(type,null);
----- Cach class (singleton and stratage design pattern)
public class Cache
private XmlElement objectXmlMap ;
// Stragtegy class
private static SAF.Cache.ICacheStrategy cs;
private static Cache cache;
private XmlDocument rootXml = new XmlDocument();
/**//// protected construtor, required for singleton design pattern.
protected Cache()
//retrieve setting from configuration file
ConfigurationManager cm = (ConfigurationManager)ConfigurationSettings.GetConfig("Framework");
//load the cache strategy object
cs = (ICacheStrategy)cm.CacheConfig.GetCacheStrategy();
//create an Xml used as a map between xml expression and object cached in the
//physical storage.
objectXmlMap = rootXml.CreateElement("Cache");
//build the internal xml document.
/**//// Singlton method used to return the instance of Cache class
public static Cache GetSAFCacheService()
if (cache == null)
cache = new Cache();
return cache;
/**//// Add the object to the underlying storage and Xml mapping document
public virtual void AddObject(string xpath, object o)
//determin if group is already exist?, if not, create one.
if (groupNode == null)
//build the xml tree
groupNode = CreateNode(group);
//get a unique key to identity of object, it is used to map
//between xml and object key used in the cache strategy
string objectId = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
//create an new element and new attribute for this perticular object
XmlElement objectElement = objectXmlMap.OwnerDocument.CreateElement(element);
XmlAttribute objectAttribute =objectXmlMap.OwnerDocument.CreateAttribute("objectId");
objectAttribute.Value = objectId;
//Add the object element to the Xml document
//add the object to the underlying storage through cache strategy
/**//// Retrieve the cached object using its hierarchical location
public virtual object RetrieveObject(string xpath)
if ( node != null)
string objectId = node.Attributes["objectId"].Value;
//retrieve the object through cache strategy
o = cs.RetrieveObject(objectId);
return o;
/**//// Remove the object from the storage and clear the Xml assocated withthe object
public virtual void RemoveObject(string xpath)
XmlNode result = objectXmlMap.SelectSingleNode(PrepareXpath(xpath));
//check if the xpath refers to a group(container) or
//actual element for cached object
if (result.HasChildNodes)
//remove all the cached object in the hastable
//and remove all the child nodes
XmlNodeList objects = result.SelectNodes("*[@objectId]");
string objectId ="";
foreach (XmlNode node in objects)
objectId = node.Attributes["objectId"].Value;
//use cache strategy to remove the objects from the
//underlying storage
//just remove the element node and the object associate with it
string objectId = result.Attributes["objectId"].Value;
/**//// the interface for cache strategy.
/// each class that is pluggable to the SAF.Cache must
/// implement this interface.
public interface ICacheStrategy
void AddObject(string objId, object o);
void RemoveObject(string objId);
object RetrieveObject(string objId);
----- Default strategy
public class DefaultCacheStrategy : ICacheStrategy
private Hashtable objectTable;
public DefaultCacheStrategy()
objectTable = new Hashtable();
/**//// Add an object to the underlying storage
public void AddObject(string objId, object o)
/**//// Remove an object from the underlying storage
public void RemoveObject(string objId)
/**//// Retrieve an object from the underlying storage
public object RetrieveObject(string objId)
return objectTable[objId];