ruby API
rails API
0 (and everything other than nil and false itself) is true
>> "foo bar baz".split # Split a string into a three-element array
=> ["foo", "bar", "baz"] 将字符串转为array
>> "fooxbarxbazx".split('x')
=> ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
>> a = [42, 8, 17]
=> [42, 8, 17]
>> a[0] # Ruby uses square brackets for array access.
=> 42
>> a # Just a reminder of what 'a' is
=> [42, 8, 17]
>> a.first
>> a
=> [42, 8, 17]
>> a.sort
=> [8, 17, 42]
>> a.reverse
=> [17, 8, 42]
>> a.shuffle
=> [17, 42, 8]
>> a
=> [42, 8, 17]
>> a
=> [42, 8, 17]
>> a.sort!
=> [8, 17, 42]
>> a
=> [8, 17, 42]
>> a.push(6) # Pushing 6 onto an array
=> [42, 8, 17, 6]
>> a << 7 # Pushing 7 onto an array
=> [42, 8, 17, 6, 7]
>> a << "foo" << "bar" # Chaining array pushes
=> [42, 8, 17, 6, 7, "foo", "bar"]
>> a
=> [42, 8, 17, 7, "foo", "bar"]
>> a.join # Join on nothing
=> "428177foobar"
>> a.join(', ') # Join on comma-space
=> "42, 8, 17, 7, foo, bar"
>> a = %w[foo bar baz quux] # Use %w to make a string array.
=> ["foo", "bar", "baz", "quux"]
>> a[0..2]
=> ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
>> (0..9).to_a # Use parentheses to call to_a on the range
=> [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
>> ('a'..'e').to_a
=> ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]
>> (1..5).each { |i| puts 2 * i }
>> (1..5).each do |i|
?> puts 2 * i
>> end
(1..5).map { |i| i**2 }
=> [1, 4, 9, 16, 25]
the map method returns the result of applying the given block to each element in the array or range.
>> user = {} # {} is an empty hash.
=> {}
>> user["first_name"] = "Michael" # Key "first_name", value "Michael"
=> "Michael"
>> user["last_name"] = "Hartl" # Key "last_name", value "Hartl"
=> "Hartl"
>> user["first_name"] # Element access is like arrays.
=> "Michael"
>> user # A literal representation of the hash
=> {"last_name"=>"Hartl", "first_name"=>"Michael"}
>> user = { "first_name" => "Michael", "last_name" => "Hartl" }
>> user = { :name => "Michael Hartl", :email => "[email protected]" }
=> {:name=>"Michael Hartl", :email=>"[email protected]"}
{ name: "Michael Hartl", email: "[email protected]" } //上面这两个是一样的
>> user[:name] # Access the value corresponding to :name.
=> "Michael Hartl"
>> user[:password] # Access the value of an undefined key.
=> nil
嵌套的hash symbol
> params = {} # Define a hash called 'params' (short for 'parameters').
=> {}
>> params[:user] = { name: "Michael Hartl", email: "[email protected]" }
=> {:name=>"Michael Hartl", :email=>"[email protected]"}
>> params
=> {:user=>{:name=>"Michael Hartl", :email=>"[email protected]"}}
>> params[:user][:email]
=> "[email protected]"
>> flash = { success: "It worked!", error: "It failed." }
=> {:success=>"It worked!", :error=>"It failed."}
puts "It worked!", "It worked!".inspect It worked! "It worked!"
=> [1, 3, 2] 类实例化
>> class String
>> # Returns true if the string is its own reverse.
>> def palindrome?
>> self == self.reverse
>> end
>> end
=> nil
>> "deified".palindrome?
=> true
class User
attr_accessor :name, :email
def initialize(attributes = {})
@name = attributes[:name]
@email = attributes[:email]
def formatted_email
"#{@name} <#{@email}>"
In Rails, the principal importance of instance variables is that they are automatically available in the views, but in general they are used for variables that need to be available throughout a Ruby class.When we execute This particular initialize takes one argument, attributes。
>> require './example_user' # This is how you load the example_user code.
=> ["User"]
>> example =
user = "Michael Hartl", email: "[email protected]")