Afaria MDM服务器enroll iPad失败 The SCEP server configuration is not supported


英文:The SCEP server configuration is not supported


Oct 16 07:41:35 iPad profiled[585] <Notice>: (Note ) MC: Checking for MDM installation...
Oct 16 07:41:35 iPad profiled[585] <Notice>: (Note ) MC: ...finished checking for MDM installation.
Oct 16 07:41:36 iPad profiled[585] <Notice>: (Note ) MC: Enrolling in OTA Profile service...
Oct 16 07:41:36 iPad lockdownd[26] <Error>: libMobileGestalt computeUniqueDeviceID: total time for bb to return imei: 0
Oct 16 07:42:11 iPad profiled[585] <Notice>: (Error) MC: Cannot retrieve SCEP identity: NSError:
Desc   : The SCEP server configuration is not supported.
US Desc: The SCEP server configuration is not supported.
Domain : MCSCEPErrorDomain
Code   : 22004
Type   : MCFatalError



特别是配置页面最底下的Connectivity Test一定要是Passed

Afaria MDM服务器enroll iPad失败 The SCEP server configuration is not supported_第1张图片

Afaria MDM服务器enroll iPad失败 The SCEP server configuration is not supported_第2张图片


iOS MDM Profile is unable to be installed - errors point to a SCEP Server invalid response

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