1. Environment
Spring Data Redis 1.4.2
Redis 2.8.x
2. Original Code and Configuration
(1) Script on Spring side
--import dependent files local priceRedisDao = dofile("script/priceRedisDao.lua") local eventRedisDao = dofile("script/EventRedisDao.lua") --one of the functions local function function1(prices) ... return true endSpring application context configuration:
<bean id="priceScript" class="org.springframework.data.redis.core.script.DefaultRedisScript"> <property name="location" value="classpath:processPrice.lua" /> <property name="resultType" value="java.lang.String" /> </bean>Java code:
redisTemplate.execute(priceScript, keys);(2) Note that the dependent scripts were placed on redis installation folder.
3. Analysis
The java code for executing lua script is called very frequently, say 50k times in one second.
In every call, the lua interpreter would execute the dofile, it means the system compiled and executed the dependent scripts again and again, and again, this must be a performance killer.
4. Solution
Store(and compile) the lua scripts in Redis once, and look them up and evoke them when needed. How to implement Redis lua stored procedures? following content copied from Reference [1].
# Step 0 -- create test data redis-cli HSET :object:30343552:data foo bar # Step 1 -- store sample function 'sampleFunction' redis-cli SET :functions:sample "redis.call('SELECT', 0);local data=redis.call('HGETALL',':object:' .. ARGV[1] .. ':data');return data" # Step 2 -- create function loader redis-cli SCRIPT LOAD "f=loadstring(redis.call('get',':functions:' .. KEYS[1]));return f()" # Step 3 -- test redis-cli EVALSHA 7b951bb1cb58cb9de1dee3cb6f79fb089911ff8f 1 sample 30343552
[1] https://gist.github.com/rbraband/1901178 (Howto implement stored procedures within Redis)
[2] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22774320/trouble-evoking-lua-stored-procedure-using-evalsha-from-redis
[3] Programming in Lua.