China's Defense Ministry Goes Online

中国国防部网站周四首次开始上线试运行,目前开通了中英文两个版本。这是中国国防部提高透明度增进外界对中国军方了解的举措之一。网站在介绍性声明中表示,国防部网站是国防部官方网站,主要发布中国国防和军队建设的权威资讯。网站旨在对外展示中国军队威武之师文明之师和平之师的良好形象。该网站提供了中国军队行动的诸多官方信息,例如新闻发布会,以及关于军事演习军事交流和维和行动的相关报导。网站还提供了关于军队历史的图片视频和简介。国防部网站英文版将略有不同,据称英文版在宣传上将更多考虑海外网民对中国国防资讯的关注点和阅读习惯,更加符合对外宣传的特点和规律。在试运行阶段,读者可以向发送关于网站建设的意见和建议。Sky Canaves(“中国日志”(China Journal)关注全球第一人口大国的发展变化,《华尔街日报》获奖团队数十位记者倾情献稿,Sky Canaves主笔。欢迎读者发送邮件至chinajournal@wsj.com或在下面评论栏中发表评论和建议。)

China's normally secretive Ministry of Defense launched its first Web site for trial operation on Thursday, in Chinese and English versions, as part of an effort to promote the transparency and improve perceptions of the world's largest military force.In an introductory announcement, the site says it aims to provide 'authoritative information of China's national defense and army building' and 'display before the world the fine image of the PLA as a mighty, civilized and peaceful force.'The site provides a variety of official information on the activities of the Chinese military, such as press briefings, and reports on military exercises, military exchanges and peacekeeping operations. It also features photos, video and a section on military history. The English version of the site will take a slightly different approach, pledging 'to give more consideration to the concerns of overseas netizens on Chinese national defense information and their reading habits and better accord with the characteristics and rules of foreign publicity.'During its trial operation phase, opinions and proposals for the site's improvement are welcomed and can be sent to Canaves
