上篇博客Vaadin Web应用开发教程(4):开始编写Web应用 介绍了一个最简单的Vaadin应用。一般来说,一个Vaadin应用由下面几个部分构成:
一般来说一个Vaadin Web应用只有一个主窗口(Main Windows)。 一般在Application对象中通过setMainWindow() 设置主窗口。
import com.vaadin.ui.*; public class HelloWorld extends com.vaadin.Application { public void init() { Window main = new Window("The Main Window"); setMainWindow(main); ... fill the main window with components ... }}
定义了主窗口之后,可以通过主窗口的addComponent 为主窗口添加其它UI组件。这些UI组件将使用主窗口的缺省布局来排列UI组件,如果你需要使用其它布局方法,可以通过setContent()定义新的布局。
Vaadin 的窗口有两种类型,一种为应用程序级(Application level)的窗口,如上面的主窗口,另外一种为子窗口,显示在某个应用程序级的窗口中。
子窗口的创建和关闭,子窗口也是Window对象,通过addWindow 添加到主窗口中,关闭子窗口是通过Application对象的removeWindow() 方法。
//open a window mywindow = new Window("My Window"); mainwindow.addWindow(mywindow); ... //close a window myapplication.removeWindow (mywindow);
可以通过setHeight, setWidth ,setPositionX,setPositionY 来设置窗口的大小和在屏幕的位置。
/* Create a new window. */ mywindow = new Window("My Dialog"); /* Set window size. */ mywindow.setHeight("200px"); mywindow.setWidth("400px"); /* Set window position. */ mywindow.setPositionX(200); mywindow.setPositionY(50);
Vaadin 事件处理也是通过为UI组件添加Listener的方法来实现的,使用Listener有三种基本用法,下面以一个Button为例来说明这几种基本用法。
public class TheButton implements Button.ClickListener { Button thebutton; /** Creates button into given container. */ public TheButton(AbstractComponentContainer container) { thebutton = new Button ("Do not push this button"); thebutton.addListener(this); container.addComponent(thebutton); } /** Handle button click events from the button. */ public void buttonClick (Button.ClickEvent event) { thebutton.setCaption ("Do not push this button again"); } }
一个应用中通常需要处理来自同一个类的多个UI对象触发的事件,比如多个Button,此时在Listener中需要区分事件是由哪个Button触发的。Vaadin支持多种方法来解决这个问题。一是通过event的getButton 方法,如下:
public class TheButtons implements Button.ClickListener { Button thebutton; Button secondbutton; /** Creates two buttons in given container. */ public TheButtons(AbstractComponentContainer container) { thebutton = new Button ("Do not push this button"); thebutton.addListener(this); container.addComponent(thebutton); secondbutton = new Button ("I am a button too"); secondbutton.addListener(this); container.addComponent (secondbutton); } /** Handle button click events from the two buttons. */ public void buttonClick (Button.ClickEvent event) { if (event.getButton() == thebutton) thebutton.setCaption("Do not push this button again"); else if (event.getButton() == secondbutton) secondbutton.setCaption("I am not a number"); } }
第二种方法是使用addListener 的另外一个重载方法,这个方法可以将事件处理方法做为参数。如下例,参数类型为字符串,为事件处理函数的名称。
public class TheButtons2 { Button thebutton; Button secondbutton; /** Creates two buttons in given container. */ public TheButtons2(AbstractComponentContainer container) { thebutton = new Button ("Do not push this button"); thebutton.addListener(Button.ClickEvent.class, this, "theButtonClick"); container.addComponent(thebutton); secondbutton = new Button ("I am a button too"); secondbutton.addListener(Button.ClickEvent.class, this, "secondButtonClick"); container.addComponent (secondbutton); } public void theButtonClick (Button.ClickEvent event) { thebutton.setCaption ("Do not push this button again"); } public void secondButtonClick (Button.ClickEvent event) { secondbutton.setCaption ("I am not a number!"); } }
public class TheButtons3 { Button thebutton; Button secondbutton; /** Creates two buttons in given container. */ public TheButtons3(AbstractComponentContainer container) { thebutton = new Button ("Do not push this button"); /* Define a listener in an anonymous class. */ thebutton.addListener(new Button.ClickListener() { /* Handle the click. */ public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { thebutton.setCaption ( "Do not push this button again"); } }); container.addComponent(thebutton); secondbutton = new Button ("I am a button too"); secondbutton.addListener(new Button.ClickListener() { public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { secondbutton.setCaption ("I am not a number!"); } }); container.addComponent (secondbutton); } }
事件通常由系统触发,但也可以通过方法fireEvent 来触发某个事件。