
升级到最新的开发工具后,发现新建项目出现一个名为appcompat_v7de 项目而且有红叉,经查询资料知道ADT22.3.x前的版本不会有这种情况。


打开readme 发现:

Library Project including compatibility ActionBar.

This can be used by an Android project to provide
access to ActionBar on applications running on API 7+.

There is technically no source, but the src folder is necessary
to ensure that the build system works.  The content is actually
located in libs/android-support-v7-appcompat.jar.
The accompanying resources must also be included in the application.

为了解决兼容API 7+ (anroid2.1+)系统的问题

解决方法:Minimun Required SDK  调大。不兼容旧版本的android系统。

解决方法2:重新clear 两个项目去掉红叉
