这个问题一直以来似乎是被N多人误解,其实Http Get方法提交的数据大小长度并没有限制,而是IE浏览器本身对地址栏URL长度有最大长度限制:2048个字符。
当您从 WinInet 应用程序到 Web 服务器发送一个长的查询字符串时,查询字符串可能会被截断。
出现此问题是由于中 WinInet,定义 Wininet.h 文件中,如下所示的 URL 的长度限制:
注意: 因为 Internet Explorer 和 Internet 传输的控制也使用 WinInet,可能会出现相同的问题。
若要解决此问题,使用 HTTP POST 方法。
Microsoft Internet Explorer has a maximum uniform resource locator (URL) length of 2,083 characters. Internet Explorer also has a maximum path length of 2,048 characters. This limit applies to both POST request and GET request URLs. ‘>以下附上微软官方的一段说明:
Microsoft Internet Explorer has a maximum uniform resource locator (URL) length of 2,083 characters. Internet Explorer also has a maximum path length of 2,048 characters. This limit applies to both POST request and GET request URLs. ‘>Microsoft Internet Explorer has a maximum uniform resource locator (URL) length of 2,083 characters. Internet Explorer also has a maximum path length of 2,048 characters. This limit applies to both POST request and GET request URLs.
If you are using the GET method, you are limited to a maximum of 2,048 characters, minus the number of characters in the actual path.
However, the POST method is not limited by the size of the URL for submitting name/value pairs. These pairs are transferred in the header and not in the URL. ‘>However, the POST method is not limited by the size of the URL for submitting name/value pairs. These pairs are transferred in the header and not in the URL.
RFC 2616, “Hypertext Transfer Protocol — HTTP/1.1,” does not specify any requirement for URL length.
CSV处理时,如果处理的主题数过多,发生URL参数上限的错误; | 可变长度的参数通过URL方式传递,会造成这种潜在的错误发生。 | 1、属于2次发生问题,开发方面没有及时通过checklist等方式向组员传达相关注意事项; 2、测试时没有作大批量数据的测试; |
1、作为经验添加至CheckList中,加强组内共享、检查的效果; 2、加强测试点是否完备的检查,重点关注对开发方面共性问题的测试; |
通过对模块原有GUI状况确认,进行CSV输出时,输出结果很大的场合,CSV文件的内容不能输出。 | 没有考虑到POST数据量存在128K的大小限制。 | 这属于新问题,以前从未遇见过,也没有进行过大规模的数据量测试 | 已将此类检查列出CheckList中 |