SSL Certificate installation procedure for SAP J2EE engine 6.30 – steps in visua

Pre-requisite (refer installation guide for detailed procedure of pre-requisites):
1. You have installed the SAP cryptographic libraries as mentioned in the installation guide.
2. The Keystore and SSL services are enabled.

Following are the steps for installing the SSL certificates in the portal
Start the Visual Administrator. Navigate to the directory given below.
<Installation Drive>\usr\sap\<Instance Name>\JC<Instance Nr>\j2ee\admin\go.bat
1. Login to the Visual Administrator using the Administrator user id and password.
2. Navigate to the ‘Keystorage’ service as shown in the screen below.

3. In the ‘Views’ pane select service_ssl and click the ‘Create’ button to generate a certificate signing request (CSR). Screen as shown below will pop-up. Maintain the entries in the screen below.
4. Give an entry name. Select the store certificate checkbox.
5. Click on ‘Generate’ button.
6. Two entries will be created in ‘Entries’ pane as shown in the screen below.

7. Place the cursor on the private key pair entry in ‘Entries’ pane and click on ‘Generate CSR request’ and save the file with a ‘.csr’ extension. (Note – you will have to type the extension yourself, the visual administrator will not add it to the file). You have created a certificate signing request. The Certification Authority (CA) will be issuing a signed certificate against this .csr file.
8. Now send the .csr file created to the certificate signing authority. The CA will then send you the signed certificate.
9. After receiving the signed certificate change the extension of the file (if not already changed) to ‘.crt’ (different CAs send files with different extensions, please change the extension to .crt).
10. Place the cursor on the private key pair entry and click the Load button and load the signed certificate into the system.

This ends the process if the certificate sent by the CA also contains the intermediate certificate. If that is not the case the intermediate certificate needs to be installed separately as described in two additional steps (11 and 12) below:

11. Download the intermediate certificate from the web site of signing authority (The CA should be able to provide you with the URL for downloading intermediate certificate) and store it as a ‘.crt’ file.
12. Now place the cursor again on the private key pair entry and click the load button. This loads the intermediate certificate into the system.

This completes the procedure of loading the certificates in the system. The entire certificate chain of root certificate, intermediate certificate and client certificate is now installed successfully.

Now we need to configure the SSL service to use this newly installed cetrtificate:

13. Navigate to <Instance name>->Server->Services->SSL Provider.
14. Choose the entry for dispatcher in pane of left hand side.
15. Choose radio-button ‘New sockets’, select entry.
16. Navigate to tab ‘Server identity’.
17. Select ‘Add’ and choose the newly created entry for SSL certificate.
18. Repeat the procedure for ‘Active sockets’.
19. Restart the portal.

How to configure FTPS in File Adapter.
Author: Raja Sekhar Reddy T

The main Moto of this blog was which explains FTP Secure configuration.

FTPS (also known as FTP Secure and FTP-SSL) is an extension to the commonly used File Transport Protocol(FTP) that’s adds support for the Transport Layer Security(TLS) and the Secure Sockets Layer(SSL) cryptographic protocols.

FTPS should not be confused with the SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP), an incompatible secure File transfer sub system for the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol. It is also different from the Secure FTP, the practice of tunneling FTP through an SSH Connection.

I am not going to compare FTPS with SFTP, and not going to discuss about SFTP, already blogs available on the same. (

Before configuring Communication channel, we have to deploy the certificates

1) SAP Java Cryptographic Toolkit has to be deployed in J2EE Engine.

2) Public key Certificate (SSL Certificate) which is provided by FTPS Server has to be deployed in J2EE Engine.

3) The CA certificate used to sign the server certificate must be added to the Trusted As key store view in J2EE Engine. (For PI7.1/7.0 no needs to deploy these toolkit and CA certificate. Because those will be already present in the Server itself).

Take basis people help to deploy required certificates in PI J2EE server.

Refer below link for more info

1) Crete communication channel.

2) Select Connection security

FTPS (FTP Using/TLS) for control connection: The FTP control connection is protected using TLS/SSL (Transport Layer Security/Secure Sockets Layer).File transfer is unencrypted.

FTPS (FTP Using SSL/TLS) for Control and Data Connection:

All communication with the FTP server is encrypted and uses TLS/SSL.

3) In Command Order Specifies the sequence of commands used to authenticate and secure the connection. Retain the default setting. Only adjust the sequence of commands to match those expected of the FTP server if you encounter problems with the FTP connection.

AUTH TLS: Defines the authentication mechanism used for the current FTP session.

USER: Sends a User Logon ID to the Server

PASS: Sends a Password to the Server

PBSZ: Defines the largest buffer protection buffer size to be used for application-level encoded data sent or received on the data connection.

PROT : Defines the protection used for FTP data connections.

4) Use X.509 Certificate for Client Authentication, Set this indicator if the adapter, in contrast to the FTP server, is to use X.509 certificate and public-key cryptography to authenticate itself. The corresponding key/certificate pair must previously be saved in a keystore view of the J2EE server.

Give The Details in KeyStore and x.509 Certificate by selecting the help. If we already deployed the Certificates in J2EE Engine, help will be provided and we have to select from that as shown below.

Enter the Keystore and the X.509 Certificate and Private Key. To do this, you can use the input help.

Keystore contains certificates that are used for authentication and encryption.

5) An X.509 client certificate is a digital “identification card” for use in the Internet, also known as a public-key certificate. So public key Certificate has to be selected.

6) Final configuration looks like below.

The FTPS configuration for both sender and receiver communication channels is similar.
