Flex Note

Reference: Flex 4 in Action

1. Flex Supports Activiti?

2. Contenders: SilverLight and JavaFX

3. Case: Three-state Check Box

4. AJAX Communication Limits

AJAX supports just one thing: text over HTTP. XML or JSON

FLEX Binary Format AMF3 provides a clear advantage.

5. JavaScript and ActionScript are based on the ECMAScript standard

6. AIR stands for Adobe Integrated Runtime

Because Flex is launched via the browser, for security reasons it’s limited in its ability to do certain things, such as access data on hard drives or interact with peripherals like scanners. AIR liberates Flex applications from the browser and lets them execute directly on the desktop, giving you the full desktop experience.

Book: Adobe AIR in Action

7. Script

When developing in Flex, you use both: MXML for primary layout of the application core (the visual components) andActionScriptto script out all the logic needed to drive your application.

MXML is compiled behind the scenes into ActionScript. This means you can make a full-fledged Flex application using only ActionScript.

8. Flex in an Event driven environment

9. Flex Project Structure against Maven?

10. BA(Business Analysis) ValueWith Flash Builder's Design Mode

11. Flex with Spring?

12. Flex with Security? SSO?

13. BlazeDS

Reference: http://www.adobe.com/devnet/livecycle/articles/blazeds_gettingstarted.html

BlazeDS is deployed as a set of JAR files as part of your Web application running in your Java EE application server or servlet container.

BlazeDS was an offspring of LiveCycle Data Services ES. It’s logical to assert that BlazeDS is the baby sibling ofLCDS. The target market for LCDS is primarily largescale enterprise environments consisting of large server farms.

14. Flex framework is based on a Model-View-Controller architecture.
In the MVC design pattern, the model is the collection of data that’s retrieved from the server side by invoking operations from a service, the view is the display of such data, and the controller is the code responsible for binding the model and the view together.


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