在文件config.inc.php 复制[Bug Tracking systems] 的部分,将其放入文件custom_config.inc.php
在文件custom_config.inc.php中将变量g_interface_bugs 的值改为 'REDMINE'.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** [Bug Tracking systems] */
* TestLink uses bugtracking systems to check if displayed bugs resolved, verified,
* and closed bugs. If they are it will strike through them
* @var STRING g_interface_bugs = [
* 'NO' : no bug tracking system integration (DEFAULT)
* 'BUGZILLA' : edit configuration in TL_ABS_PATH/cfg/bugzilla.cfg.php
* 'MANTIS' : edit configuration in TL_ABS_PATH/cfg/mantis.cfg.php
* 'JIRA' : edit configuration in TL_ABS_PATH/cfg/jira.cfg.php
* 'TRACKPLUS' : edit configuration in TL_ABS_PATH/cfg/trackplus.cfg.php
* 'EVENTUM' : edit configuration in TL_ABS_PATH/cfg/eventum.cfg.php
* 'SEAPINE' : edit configuration in TL_ABS_PATH/cfg/seapine.cfg.php
* 'GFORGE' : edit configuration in TL_ABS_PATH/cfg/gforge.cfg.php
* 'FOGBUGZ' : edit configuration in TL_ABS_PATH/cfg/fogbugz.cfg.php
* ]
$g_interface_bugs = 'REDMINE';
* TestLink Open Source Project - http://testlink.sourceforge.net/
* $Id: redmine.cfg.php,v 1.2 2008/05/07 02:59:07 tosikawa Exp $
* Constants used throughout TestLink are defined within this file
* they should be changed for your environment
* @author Toshiyuki Kawanishi, Hantani (Garyo), TestLink User Community in Japan
* Thanks to redMine Japanese User Community.
* We get advice on redMine settings from them.
// Set the bug tracking system Interface to redMine 0.6.3
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** The DB host to use when connecting to the mantis db */
define('BUG_TRACK_DB_HOST', 'localhost');
/** The name of the database that contains the mantis tables */
define('BUG_TRACK_DB_NAME', 'redmine');
/** The DB type being used by redMine
* Check config/database.yml in redMine install directory.
* values: mysql, mssql, postgres
define('BUG_TRACK_DB_TYPE', 'mysql');
/** The DB password to use for connecting to the redMine db */
define('BUG_TRACK_DB_USER', 'root');
define('BUG_TRACK_DB_PASS', 'xxxxxxxx');
* redMine store information to database with "latain1" char-set by default.
* If you use another char-set, add "encoding:" entry to config/database.yml.
* e.g.)
* ----------------------
* production:
* encoding: utf8
* adapter: mysql
* database: redmine
* host: localhost
* username: root
* password: xxxxxxxx
* ----------------------
//define('BUG_TRACK_DB_CHARSET', "latain1");
// define('BUG_TRACK_DB_CHARSET',"gb2312");
/* link of the web server for redmine */
define('BUG_TRACK_HREF', "http://localhost/issues/show/");
// define('BUG_TRACK_HREF', "http://localhost:3000/issues/show/");
/** link to the bugtracking system, for entering new bugs */
// define('BUG_TRACK_ENTER_BUG_HREF',"http://localhost:3000/");