import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.hibernate.Criteria;
import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.Query;
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.criterion.Criterion;
import org.hibernate.criterion.Projections;
import org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateCallback;
import com.framework.commons.pagination.Page;
import com.framework.commons.pagination.PageConstant;
import com.framework.commons.utils.EntityDao;
import com.framework.commons.utils.ParamValidate;
import com.framework.commons.utils.StringUtils;
* 负责为单个Entity对象提供CRUD操作的Hibernate DAO基类. <p/> 子类只要在类定义时指定所管理Entity的Class,
* 即拥有对单个Entity对象的CRUD操作.
* <pre>
* public class UserManager extends HibernateEntityDao<User> {
* }
* </pre>
* @author calvin
* @see HibernateGenericDao
public abstract class HibernateEntityDao<T> extends HibernateGenericDao
implements EntityDao<T> {
protected Class<T> entityClass;
* findById
* @param id
* @return
public T findById(Serializable id) {
return findById(getEntityClass(), id);
* 批量删除
* @param ids
public void delete(String[] ids) {
String hql = "delete from " + getEntityClass().getName()
+ " as o where o." + getIdName(getEntityClass()) + " in "
+ StringUtils.createBlock(ids);
public void delete(long[] ids) {
String hql = "delete from " + getEntityClass().getName()
+ " as o where o." + getIdName(getEntityClass()) + " in "
+ StringUtils.createBlock(ids);
public List<T> findById(String[] ids){
String hql = "from "+getEntityClass().getName()
+ " as o where o."+getIdName(getEntityClass())+" in "
+ StringUtils.createBlock(ids);
return createHql(hql);
* @param ids
* @return
public String createBlock(long[] ids) {
if (ids == null || ids.length == 0)
return "('')";
String blockStr = "(";
for (int i = 0; i < ids.length - 1; i++) {
blockStr += "'" + ids[i] + "',";
blockStr += "'" + ids[ids.length - 1] + "')";
return blockStr;
* 批量更新
* 用于审核,激活等操作
* @param ids
* @param property
* @param value
public void update(String[] ids, String property, int value) {
String hql = " update " + getEntityClass().getName() + " set "
+ property + "=" + value + " where "
+ getIdName(getEntityClass()) + " in "
+ StringUtils.createBlock(ids);
* map (key 为数据库字段 value 为修改的值) ids为空表示修改所有
* 根据主建批量更新 支持多字段
* 支持修改字段类型int long String byte
public void update(long[] ids, Map<String, Object> param) {
if (param != null) {
int index = 0;
StringBuffer hql = new StringBuffer("update "
+ getEntityClass().getName() + " set ");
Iterator<String> params = param.keySet().iterator();
while (params.hasNext()) {
String temp =;
hql.append(temp + "=? ,");
hql.deleteCharAt(hql.length() - 1);
if (ids != null) {
hql.append("where ");
for (long id : ids) {
.append(getIdName(getEntityClass()) + "=" + id
+ " and ");
int end = hql.lastIndexOf("and");
Query query = getSession().createQuery(
end != -1 ? hql.substring(0, end) : hql.toString());
params = param.keySet().iterator();
while (params.hasNext()) {
String temp =;
query.setParameter(index, param.get(temp));
* 获取最大SN序号
* @return
public int selectMaxSn() {
Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(getEntityClass());
List list = criteria.list();
if (list == null || list.get(0) == null)
return 0;
return (Integer) list.get(0);
* HQL分页查询数据
* @param map 压入一些需要的参数
* @return
public List findByPage(final Map map) {
final int curPageNum = (Integer) map.get(PageConstant.CUR_PAGE_NUM);
final int pageSize = (Integer) map.get(PageConstant.PAGE_SIZE);
final String hql = getHql(map);
final int startIndex = Page.getStartOfPage(curPageNum, pageSize);
List list = getHibernateTemplate().executeFind(new HibernateCallback() {
public Object doInHibernate(Session session)
throws HibernateException, SQLException {
List result = session.createQuery(hql).setFirstResult(
return result;
return list;
* HQL分页 查询数据
* @param map 压入一些需要的参数
* @param hql 查询语句
* @return
public List findByPage(final Map map, StringBuffer hql) {
List paramList=new ArrayList();
likeHql(hql, paramList, map);
map.put(PageConstant.HQL, hql.toString());
return findByPage(map);
* HQL查询所有记录的数量
* @param map 压入需要的基本参数
* @return
public long getRowCount(Map map) {
final String hql = (String) map.get(PageConstant.HQL);
long ret = (Long) getHibernateTemplate().execute(
new HibernateCallback() {
public Object doInHibernate(Session session)
throws HibernateException, SQLException {
return session.createQuery(hql).uniqueResult();
return ret;
* HQL分页 查询数据
* @param map 压入一些需要的参数
* @param hql 查询语句
* @return
public long getRowCount(Map map, StringBuffer hql) {
likeHql(hql, null, map);
map.put(PageConstant.HQL, hql.toString());
return getRowCount(map);
* hql语句进行order by 排序
* @param map
* @return
public String getHql(final Map map) {
final String orderByField = (String) map
final String orderByDesc = (String) map.get(PageConstant.ORDER_BY_DESC);
String hql = (String) map.get(PageConstant.HQL);
if (ParamValidate.isNotEmpty(orderByField)
&& ParamValidate.isNotEmpty(orderByDesc)) {
hql += (ParamValidate.isNotEmpty(orderByField) ? " order by "
+ orderByField : "")
+ " " + orderByDesc;
return hql;
* HQL查询分页语句
* @param map
* @param objects List 对象 需要传入参数防止注入时使用
* @return
public List findByPage(final Map map, final List objects) {
final int curPageNum = (Integer) map.get(PageConstant.CUR_PAGE_NUM);
final int pageSize = (Integer) map.get(PageConstant.PAGE_SIZE);
final String hql = getHql(map);
final int startIndex = Page.getStartOfPage(curPageNum, pageSize);
List list = getHibernateTemplate().executeFind(new HibernateCallback() {
public Object doInHibernate(Session session)
throws HibernateException, SQLException {
Query query = createQuery(hql, objects);
List result = query.setFirstResult(startIndex).setMaxResults(
return result;
return list;
* 本地查询分页
* @param map 压入需要的基本参数
* @return
public List findBySQLPage(final Map map) {
final int curPageNum = (Integer) map.get(PageConstant.CUR_PAGE_NUM);
final int pageSize = (Integer) map.get(PageConstant.PAGE_SIZE);
final String hql = getHql(map);
final int startIndex = Page.getStartOfPage(curPageNum, pageSize);
List list = getHibernateTemplate().executeFind(new HibernateCallback() {
public Object doInHibernate(Session session)
throws HibernateException, SQLException {
List result = session.createSQLQuery(hql).setFirstResult(
return result;
return list;
* 本地查询分页
* @param map
* @param query对象
* @return
public List findByPage(final Map map, final Query query) {
final int curPageNum = (Integer) map.get(PageConstant.CUR_PAGE_NUM);
final int pageSize = (Integer) map.get(PageConstant.PAGE_SIZE);
final int startIndex = Page.getStartOfPage(curPageNum, pageSize);
List list = getHibernateTemplate().executeFind(new HibernateCallback() {
public Object doInHibernate(Session session)
throws HibernateException, SQLException {
List result = query.setFirstResult(startIndex).setMaxResults(
return result;
return list;
* 本地查询分页
* @param map 压入需要的基本参数
* @param List 对象
* @return
public List findBySQLPage(final Map map, final List objects) {
final int curPageNum = (Integer) map.get(PageConstant.CUR_PAGE_NUM);
final int pageSize = (Integer) map.get(PageConstant.PAGE_SIZE);
final String hql = getHql(map);
final int startIndex = Page.getStartOfPage(curPageNum, pageSize);
List list = getHibernateTemplate().executeFind(new HibernateCallback() {
public Object doInHibernate(Session session)
throws HibernateException, SQLException {
Query query = createSQLQuery(hql, objects);
List result = query.setFirstResult(startIndex).setMaxResults(
return result;
return list;
* 查询所有记录
public List<T> findAll() {
return findAll(getEntityClass());
* 进行排序
* @param hql
* @param map
* @return query 对象
public Query getHql(StringBuffer hql, final Map map) {
map.put(PageConstant.HQL, hql.toString());
return this.createQuery(getHql(map));
* 本地查询分页
* @param map
* @return
public long getRowSQLCount(Map map) {
final String hql = (String) map.get(PageConstant.HQL);
long ret = (Long) getHibernateTemplate().execute(
new HibernateCallback() {
public Object doInHibernate(Session session)
throws HibernateException, SQLException {
return session.createSQLQuery(hql).uniqueResult();
return ret;
* 在构造函数中将泛型T.class赋给entityClass.
public HibernateEntityDao() {
entityClass = com.framework.commons.utils.GenericsUtils
* 取得entityClass.JDK1.4不支持泛型的子类可以抛开Class<T> entityClass,重载此函数达到相同效果
protected Class<T> getEntityClass() {
return entityClass;
* 获取全部对象,带排序参
* @see HibernateGenericDao#getAll(Class,String,boolean)
public List<T> findAll(String orderBy, boolean isAsc) {
return findAll(getEntityClass(), orderBy, isAsc);
* 取得Entity的Criteria.
* @see HibernateGenericDao#createCriteria(Class,Criterion[])
public Criteria createCriteria(Criterion... criterions) {
return createCriteria(getEntityClass(), criterions);
* 取得Entity的Criteria,带排序参
* @see HibernateGenericDao#createCriteria(Class,String,boolean,Criterion[])
public Criteria createCriteria(String orderBy, boolean isAsc,
Criterion... criterions) {
return createCriteria(getEntityClass(), orderBy, isAsc, criterions);
* 根据属名和属性查询对
* @return 符合条件的对象列
* @see HibernateGenericDao#findBy(Class,String,Object)
public List<T> findBy(String propertyName, Object value) {
return findBy(getEntityClass(), propertyName, value);
* 根据属名和属性查询对,带排序参
* @return 符合条件的对象列
* @see HibernateGenericDao#findBy(Class,String,Object,String,boolean)
public List<T> findBy(String propertyName, Object value, String orderBy,
boolean isAsc) {
return findBy(getEntityClass(), propertyName, value, orderBy, isAsc);
* 根据属名和属性查询单个对
* @return 符合条件的唯对象 or null
* @see HibernateGenericDao#findUniqueBy(Class,String,Object)
public T findUniqueBy(String propertyName, Object value) {
return findUniqueBy(getEntityClass(), propertyName, value);
* 判断对象某些属的值在数据库中唯一.
* @param uniquePropertyNames
* 在POJO里不能重复的属列,以号分割"name,loginid,password"
* @see HibernateGenericDao#isUnique(Class,Object,String)
public boolean isUnique(Object entity, String uniquePropertyNames) {
return isUnique(getEntityClass(), entity, uniquePropertyNames);
* hibernate批量更新--(删除/修改)
* @param hql
public void batchUpdate(final String hql) {
getHibernateTemplate().execute(new HibernateCallback() {
public Object doInHibernate(Session session)
throws HibernateException, SQLException {
return null;
* 任意执行HQL
* @return 符合条件的唯对象 or null
* @author jichun
public List createHql(final String hql) {
List list = getHibernateTemplate().executeFind(new HibernateCallback() {
public Object doInHibernate(Session session)
throws HibernateException, SQLException {
List result = session.createQuery(hql).list();
return result;
return list;
* 字段like后HQL语句
* @param buffer
* @param list
* @param map
public List likeHql(StringBuffer buffer, List list, Map map) {
if (ParamValidate.isEmpty(list))
list = new ArrayList();
// buffer
String group = null;
String order=null;
if (buffer.lastIndexOf("group") != -1) {
group = buffer.substring(buffer.lastIndexOf("group"), buffer
buffer = buffer.replace(buffer.lastIndexOf("group"), buffer
.length(), "");
if (buffer.lastIndexOf("order") != -1) {
group = buffer.substring(buffer.lastIndexOf("order"), buffer
buffer = buffer.replace(buffer.lastIndexOf("order"), buffer
.length(), "");
String searchField = (String) map.get(PageConstant.SEARCH_FIELD);
String searchValue = (String) map.get(PageConstant.SEARCH_VALUE);
if (ParamValidate.isNotEmpty(searchField)) {
buffer.append(" and " + searchField + " like " + " ( ? ) ");
list.add(ParamValidate.isEmpty(searchValue) ? "%%": "%" + searchValue
+ "%");
if (group != null)
buffer.append(" "+group+" ");
if (order!=null)
buffer.append(" "+order+" ");
return list;
* 本地分页查询语句 支持列表控件搜索
* @return
public List findBySqlPage(Map map, List paramList, StringBuffer hql) {
likeHql(hql, paramList, map);
map.put(PageConstant.HQL, hql.toString());
return findBySQLPage(map, paramList);
* 本地查询方法 查找列表总数
* @param hql
* @param values
* @return
public long getRowSQLCount(StringBuffer hql, List<Object> paramList, Map map) {
likeHql(hql, paramList, map);
Query query = createSQLQuery(hql.toString(), paramList);
long num = ((BigInteger) query.uniqueResult()).longValue();
if (paramList != null)
return num;
* 本地查询方法 查找列表总数
* @param hql
* @param values
* @return
public long getRowCount(StringBuffer hql, List<Object> paramList, Map map) {
paramList=likeHql(hql, paramList, map);
Query query = createQuery(hql.toString(), paramList);
long num = (Long) query.uniqueResult();
if (paramList != null)
return num;
* 本地分页查询语句 支持列表控件搜索
* @return
public List findByPage(Map map, List paramList, StringBuffer hql) {
paramList=likeHql(hql, paramList, map);
map.put(PageConstant.HQL, hql.toString());
return findByPage(map, paramList);
* 本地查询方法 查找列表总数
* @param hql
* @param values
* @return
public long getRowSQLCount(String hql, List<Object> values) {
Query query = createSQLQuery(hql, values);
long num = ((BigInteger) query.uniqueResult()).longValue();
if (values != null)
return num;