
*  jquery tui tablespan plugin 0.2
*  Copyright (c) 2010 china yewf
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
*   http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
*   http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
* Create: 2010-09-16 10:34:51 yewf $
* Revision: $Id: tui.tablespan.js  2010-09-21 10:08:36 yewf $ 
* Table rows or cols span

/* 行合并。索引从0开始,包含隐藏列,注意jqgrid的自动序号列也是一列。
$("#jqGridId").tuiTableRowSpan("3, 4, 8");
jQuery.fn.tuiTableRowSpan = function(colIndexs) {
    return this.each(function() {
        var indexs = eval("([" + colIndexs + "])");
        for (var i = 0; i < indexs.length; i++) {
            var colIdx = indexs[i];
            var that;
            $('tbody tr', this).each(function(row) {
                $('td:eq(' + colIdx + ')', this).filter(':visible').each(function(col) {
                    if (that != null && $(this).html() == $(that).html()) {
                        rowspan = $(that).attr("rowSpan");
                        if (rowspan == undefined) {

                            $(that).attr("rowSpan", 1);
                            rowspan = $(that).attr("rowSpan");
                        rowspan = Number(rowspan) + 1;
                        $(that).attr("rowSpan", rowspan); // do your action for the colSpan cell here
                        $(this).remove(); // .hide(); // do your action for the old cell here
                    } else {
                        that = this;
                    // that = (that == null) ? this : that; // set the that if not already set


/* 列表头合并。
    cols: [
        { indexes: "3, 4", title: "合并后的大标题" },
        { indexes: "6, 7", title: "合并后的大标题" },
        { indexes: "11, 12, 13", title: "合并后的大标题" }
2.jqgrid的table表头必须有aria-labelledby='gbox_tableid' 这样的属性;
var tuiJqgridColSpanInit_kkccddqq = false;
jQuery.fn.tuiJqgridColSpan = function(options) {
    options = $.extend({}, { UnbindDragEvent: true, cols: null }, options);

    if (tuiJqgridColSpanInit_kkccddqq) {

    // 验证参数
    if (options.cols == null || options.cols.length == 0) {

    // 传入的列参数必须是顺序列,由小到大排列,如3,4,5
    var error = false;
    for (var i = 0; i < options.cols.length; i++) {
        var colIndexs = eval("([" + options.cols[i].indexes + "])");

        for (var j = 0; j < colIndexs.length; j++) {
            if (j == colIndexs.length - 1) break;

            if (colIndexs[j] != colIndexs[j + 1] - 1) {
                error = true;

        if (error) break;

    if (error) {

    // 下面是对jqgrid的表头进行改造
    var resizing = false,
    currentMoveObj, startX = 0;

    var tableId = $(this).attr("id");
    // thead
    var jqHead = $("table[aria-labelledby='gbox_" + tableId + "']");
    var jqDiv = $("div#gbox_" + tableId);

    var oldTr = $("thead tr", jqHead);
    var oldThs = $("thead tr:first th", jqHead);

    // 在原来的th上下分别增加一行,下面这行克隆,上面这行增加且height=0
    var ftr = $("<tr/>").css("height", "auto").addClass("ui-jqgrid-labels").attr("role", "rowheader").insertBefore(oldTr);
    var ntr = $("<tr/>").addClass("ui-jqgrid-labels").attr("role", "rowheader").insertAfter(oldTr);
    oldThs.each(function(index) {
        var cth = $(this);
        var cH = cth.css("height"), cW = cth.css("width"),
        nth = $("<th/>").css("height", cH),
        fth = $("<th/>").css("height", 0);
        // 在IE8或firefox下面,会出现多一条边线,因此要去掉。
        if (($.browser.msie && $.browser.version == "8.0") || $.browser.mozilla) {
            fth.css({ "border-top": "solid 0px #fff", "border-bottom": "solid 0px #fff" });

        if (cth.css("display") == "none") {
            nth.css({ "display": "none", "white-space": "nowrap", "width": 0 });
            fth.css({ "display": "none", "white-space": "nowrap", "width": 0 });
        else {
            nth.css("width", cW);
            fth.css("width", cW);

            // 这里增加一个事件,解决列的拖动
            var res = cth.children("span.ui-jqgrid-resize");
            res && res.bind("mousedown", function(e) {
                currentMoveObj = $(this);
                startX = getEventPos(e).x;

                resizing = true;
                document.onselectstart = new Function("return false");
        // 增加第一行
        fth.addClass(cth.attr("class")).attr("role", "columnheader").appendTo(ftr);

        // 增加第三行
        nth.addClass(cth.attr("class")).attr("role", "columnheader").appendTo(ntr);

    // 列合并。注意:这里不放在上面的循环中处理,因为每个遍历都要执行下面的操作。
    for (var i = 0; i < options.cols.length; i++) {
        var colIndexs = eval("([" + options.cols[i].indexes + "])");
        var colTitle = options.cols[i].title;

        var isrowSpan = false;
        for (var j = 0; j < colIndexs.length; j++) {
            oldThs.eq(colIndexs[j]).attr({ "colSpan": colIndexs.length, "rowSpan": "1" });

            // 把被合并的列隐藏,不能remove,这样jqgrid的排序功能会错位。
            if (j != 0) {
                oldThs.eq(colIndexs[j]).attr("colSpan", "1").hide();

            // 标记删除clone后多余的th
            $("thead tr:last th", jqHead).eq(colIndexs[j]).attr("tuidel", "false");

            // 增加列标题
            if (j == 0) {
                var div = oldThs.eq(colIndexs[j]).find("div.ui-jqgrid-sortable");
                var divCld = div.children();

    // 移除多余列
    $("thead tr:last th[tuidel!='false']", jqHead).remove();
    // 对不需要合并的列增加rowSpan属性
    oldThs.each(function() {
        if ($(this).attr("colSpan") == 1) {
            $(this).attr("rowSpan", 2);

    var jqBody = $(this);
    // 绑定拖动事件
    $(document).bind("mouseup", function(e) {
        var ret = true;
        if (resizing) {
            var parentTh = currentMoveObj.parent();
            var currentIndex = parentTh.parents("tr").find("th").index(parentTh);

            var width, diff;
            var tbodyTd = $("tbody tr td", jqBody);
            var currentTh = $("thead tr:first th", jqHead).eq(currentIndex);

            // 先使用td的宽度,如果td不存在,则使用事件宽度
            if (tbodyTd.length > 0) {
                diff = 0;
                width = parseInt(tbodyTd.eq(currentIndex).css("width"));
            else {
                diff = getEventPos(e).x - startX;
                width = parseInt(currentTh.css("width"));

            var lastWidth = diff + width;
            currentTh.css("width", lastWidth + "px");

            resizing = false;
            ret = false;
        document.onselectstart = new Function("return true");
        return ret;

    // 设置为已初始化
    tuiJqgridColSpanInit_kkccddqq = true;

    // 适应不同浏览器获取鼠标坐标
    getEvent = function(evt) {
        evt = window.event || evt;

        if (!evt) {
            var fun = getEvent.caller;
            while (fun != null) {
                evt = fun.arguments[0];
                if (evt && evt.constructor == Event)
                fun = fun.caller;

        return evt;

    getAbsPos = function(pTarget) {
        var x_ = y_ = 0;

        if (pTarget.style.position != "absolute") {
            while (pTarget.offsetParent) {
                x_ += pTarget.offsetLeft;
                y_ += pTarget.offsetTop;
                pTarget = pTarget.offsetParent;
        x_ += pTarget.offsetLeft;
        y_ += pTarget.offsetTop;
        return { x: x_, y: y_ };

    getEventPos = function(evt) {
        var _x, _y;
        evt = getEvent(evt);
        if (evt.pageX || evt.pageY) {
            _x = evt.pageX;
            _y = evt.pageY;
        } else if (evt.clientX || evt.clientY) {
            _x = evt.clientX + (document.body.scrollLeft || document.documentElement.scrollLeft) - (document.body.clientLeft || document.documentElement.clientLeft);
            _y = evt.clientY + (document.body.scrollTop || document.documentElement.scrollTop) - (document.body.clientTop || document.documentElement.clientTop);
        } else {
            return getAbsPos(evt.target);
        return { x: _x, y: _y };
