
1. 关键帧类(KeyFrame类,所有下面的关键帧类的基础类):
- class_OgreExport KeyFrame : public AnimationAlloc
- { //关键帧类
- public:
- KeyFrame(const AnimationTrack* parent, Real time);
- //构造函数,应该是被AnimationTrack类的createKeyFrame方法来调用而不是直接产生的virtual ~KeyFrame() {}
- Real getTime(void)const { return mTime; }
- virtual KeyFrame* _clone(AnimationTrack* newParent)const;
- protected: //--------------------------一个关键帧中有时间(在动作轨迹中)和其所属的动作序列的指针
- Real mTime;
- const AnimationTrack* mParentTrack;
- };
2. 数值关键帧类(MunmericKeyFrame类,里面存储了数值)
- class_OgreExport NumericKeyFrame :public KeyFrame
- {//------------------------数值关键帧类,里面存储了数值
- public:
- NumericKeyFrame(const AnimationTrack* parent, Real time);
- ~NumericKeyFrame() {}
- virtualconst AnyNumeric& getValue(void)const;
- virtualvoid setValue(const AnyNumeric& val);
- KeyFrame* _clone(AnimationTrack* newParent)const;
- protected:
- AnyNumeric mValue;
- };
3. 变换关键帧类(TransformKeyFrame):其中存储了一个完整的该帧的数学变换
- class _OgreExport TransformKeyFrame :public KeyFrame
- {//变换关键帧:其中存储了一个完整的帧变换
- public:
- TransformKeyFrame(const AnimationTrack* parent, Real time);
- ~TransformKeyFrame() {}
- virtualvoid setTranslate(const Vector3& trans);
- //-----------------设置这个帧中的平移变换(用一个三维向量表示
- const Vector3& getTranslate(void)const;
- virtualvoid setScale(const Vector3& scale);
- //----------------用三维向量表示的此帧的缩放
- virtualconst Vector3& getScale(void)const;
- virtualvoid setRotation(const Quaternion& rot);
- //-----------------用四元数表示的此帧的旋转
- virtualconst Quaternion& getRotation(void)const;
- KeyFrame* _clone(AnimationTrack* newParent)const;
- protected:
- Vector3 mTranslate;
- Vector3 mScale;
- Quaternion mRotate;
- };
4. 点Morph关键帧类:存储了在一个完整缓存中点的绝对位置
- class _OgreExport VertexMorphKeyFrame :public KeyFrame
- { //点morph关键帧:存储了在一个完整缓存中点的绝对位置,用来在相同的动作轨迹中进行插值。
- public:
- VertexMorphKeyFrame(const AnimationTrack* parent, Real time);
- ~VertexMorphKeyFrame() {}
- void setVertexBuffer(const HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr& buf);
- //为当前帧设置点缓存,我们假设在位置来源中的前3个位置是这帧的位置
- const HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr& getVertexBuffer(void)const;
- KeyFrame* _clone(AnimationTrack* newParent)const;
- protected:
- HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr mBuffer;
- };
5. 动作点关键帧类:在使用Mesh的情况下存储vertex偏移量
- class _OgreExport VertexPoseKeyFrame :public KeyFrame
- {//点位置帧:因为使用mesh产生的动作,其内部存储了指定的影响级别(大概是mesh受点位置变化的影响程度)下该帧的偏移
- public:
- VertexPoseKeyFrame(const AnimationTrack* parent, Real time);
- ~VertexPoseKeyFrame() {}
- struct PoseRef//----------------参考的动作
- {
- ushort poseIndex;
- //------------------------动作索引(短整型)
- Real influence;
- PoseRef(ushort p, Real i) : poseIndex(p), influence(i) {}
- };
- typedef vector<PoseRef>::type PoseRefList;
- void addPoseReference(ushort poseIndex, Real influence);
- void updatePoseReference(ushort poseIndex, Real influence);
- void removePoseReference(ushort poseIndex);
- void removeAllPoseReferences(void);
- const PoseRefList& getPoseReferences(void)const;
- typedef VectorIterator<PoseRefList> PoseRefIterator;
- typedef ConstVectorIterator<PoseRefList> ConstPoseRefIterator;
- PoseRefIterator getPoseReferenceIterator(void);
- ConstPoseRefIterator getPoseReferenceIterator(void)const;
- KeyFrame* _clone(AnimationTrack* newParent) const;
- protected:
- PoseRefList mPoseRefs;
- };
1) 创建一个关键帧,传入这一帧所在的时间点:
KeyFrame *createKeyFrame(Real timePos);
2) 根据当前时间,得到插值计算出来的当前帧
KeyFrame getInterpolatedKeyFrame(Real timeIndex)const
3) 使用当前动画轨迹对其控制的节点产生作用,参数是当前时间点、权重和是否累计权重
Void apply(Real timePos,Real weight=1.0,bool accumulate=false)
- class_OgreExport AnimationTrack :public AnimationAlloc
- {//-----------------一个“轨迹”是指一个动作序列,因为最普遍的可动作物体是节点Node,所以当“apply”方法被使用的时候会自动的实现帧的更新
- public:
- class _OgreExport Listener
- { //----------------------------监听类,使用这个类可以允许你重写一个确定的运动轨迹
- public:
- virtual ~Listener() {}
- virtualbool getInterpolatedKeyFrame(const AnimationTrack* t,const TimeIndex& timeIndex, KeyFrame* kf) = 0;
- };
- /// Constructor
- AnimationTrack(Animation* parent,unsigned short handle);
- virtual ~AnimationTrack();
- unsignedshort getHandle(void)const { return mHandle; }
- //得到轨迹相关的句柄
- virtualunsigned short getNumKeyFrames(void)const;
- //得到这个动作轨迹中的帧数
- virtual KeyFrame* getKeyFrame(unsignedshort index) const;
- //通过特定索引来得到动画中的帧
- virtual Real getKeyFramesAtTime(const TimeIndex& timeIndex, KeyFrame** keyFrame1, KeyFrame** keyFrame2,
- unsignedshort* firstKeyIndex = 0) const;
- //-------------------------------返回介于KeyFrame1和KeyFrame2之间的帧,timeIndex是用于两帧之间时间标记,keyFrame1和KeyFrame2分别是用来构造新帧的帧模板,最后一个参数指向了形成的帧
- virtual KeyFrame* createKeyFrame(Real timePos);
- virtualvoid removeKeyFrame(unsignedshort index);
- virtual void removeAllKeyFrames(void);
- virtualvoid getInterpolatedKeyFrame(const TimeIndex& timeIndex, KeyFrame* kf)const = 0;
- //得到在timeIndex上的插值帧
- virtualvoid apply(const TimeIndex& timeIndex, Real weight = 1.0, Real scale = 1.0f) = 0;
- //-----------------在特定的目标上面使用该动作轨迹
- virtual void _keyFrameDataChanged(void) const {}
- //-------------------告知关键帧已经改变
- virtualbool hasNonZeroKeyFrames(void)const { return true; }
- //-------------------使用这个函数来说明是否这个序列中有可用帧
- virtualvoid optimise(void) {}
- virtualvoid _collectKeyFrameTimes(vector<Real>::type& keyFrameTimes);
- //----------------使用一个关键帧时间序列来定义特殊的帧轨迹
- virtualvoid _buildKeyFrameIndexMap(const vector<Real>::type& keyFrameTimes);
- //----------------通过定义一个关键帧时间序列来完成关键帧映射动画的建立
- virtualvoid setListener(Listener* l) { mListener = l; }
- Animation *getParent() const { return mParent; }
- protected:
- typedef vector<KeyFrame*>::type KeyFrameList;
- KeyFrameList mKeyFrames;
- Animation* mParent;
- unsignedshort mHandle;
- Listener* mListener;
- /// Map used to translate global keyframe time lower bound index to local lower bound index
- typedef vector<ushort>::type KeyFrameIndexMap;
- KeyFrameIndexMap mKeyFrameIndexMap;
- /// Create a keyframe implementation - must be overridden
- virtual KeyFrame* createKeyFrameImpl(Real time) = 0;
- /// Internal method for clone implementation
- virtualvoid populateClone(AnimationTrack* clone) const;
- };
B. 数值动作轨迹(NumericAnimationTrack)类:通过处理一般的动作数值来完成动作轨迹的建立(由上面提到的数值关键帧(NumeraicKeyFrame)来构成)
- class_OgreExport NumericAnimationTrack :public AnimationTrack
- { //数值动作轨迹:通过处理一般的动作数值来完成动作轨迹的建立
- public:
- /// Constructor
- NumericAnimationTrack(Animation* parent,unsigned short handle);
- /// Constructor, associates with an AnimableValue
- NumericAnimationTrack(Animation* parent,unsigned short handle,
- AnimableValuePtr& target);
- virtual NumericKeyFrame* createNumericKeyFrame(Real timePos);
- //由数值关键帧构成
- /// @copydoc AnimationTrack::getInterpolatedKeyFrame
- virtualvoid getInterpolatedKeyFrame(const TimeIndex& timeIndex, KeyFrame* kf)const;
- /// @copydoc AnimationTrack::apply
- virtualvoid apply(const TimeIndex& timeIndex, Real weight = 1.0, Real scale = 1.0f);
- void applyToAnimable(const AnimableValuePtr& anim,const TimeIndex& timeIndex,Real weight = 1.0, Real scale = 1.0f);
- virtual const AnimableValuePtr& getAssociatedAnimable(void)const;
- virtualvoid setAssociatedAnimable(const AnimableValuePtr& val);
- NumericKeyFrame* getNumericKeyFrame(unsignedshort index) const;
- NumericAnimationTrack* _clone(Animation* newParent)const;
- protected:
- /// Target to animate
- AnimableValuePtr mTargetAnim;
- /// @copydoc AnimationTrack::createKeyFrameImpl
- KeyFrame* createKeyFrameImpl(Real time);
- };
C. 节点动作轨迹(NodeAnimationTrack)类:主要是处理以节点为目标帧变换
- class_OgreExport NodeAnimationTrack :public AnimationTrack
- { //---------------------结点动作轨迹
- public:
- /// Constructor
- NodeAnimationTrack(Animation* parent,unsigned short handle);
- /// Constructor, associates with a Node
- NodeAnimationTrack(Animation* parent,unsigned short handle,
- Node* targetNode);
- /// Destructor
- virtual ~NodeAnimationTrack();
- virtual TransformKeyFrame* createNodeKeyFrame(Real timePos);
- virtual Node* getAssociatedNode(void)const;
- virtualvoid setAssociatedNode(Node* node);
- virtualvoid applyToNode(Node* node, const TimeIndex& timeIndex, Real weight = 1.0,Real scale = 1.0f);
- virtualvoid setUseShortestRotationPath(bool useShortestPath);
- virtualbool getUseShortestRotationPath() const;
- /// @copydoc AnimationTrack::getInterpolatedKeyFrame
- virtualvoid getInterpolatedKeyFrame(const TimeIndex& timeIndex, KeyFrame* kf)const;
- /// @copydoc AnimationTrack::apply
- virtualvoid apply(const TimeIndex& timeIndex, Real weight = 1.0, Real scale = 1.0f);
- /// @copydoc AnimationTrack::_keyFrameDataChanged
- void _keyFrameDataChanged(void)const;
- virtual TransformKeyFrame* getNodeKeyFrame(unsignedshort index) const;
- virtualbool hasNonZeroKeyFrames(void)const;
- virtualvoid optimise(void);
- NodeAnimationTrack* _clone(Animation* newParent)const;
- protected:
- /// Specialised keyframe creation
- KeyFrame* createKeyFrameImpl(Real time);
- // Flag indicating we need to rebuild the splines next time
- virtualvoid buildInterpolationSplines(void)const;
- // Struct for store splines, allocate on demand for better memory footprint
- struct Splines//里面保存了修改器
- {
- SimpleSpline positionSpline;
- SimpleSpline scaleSpline;
- RotationalSpline rotationSpline;
- };
- Node* mTargetNode;
- // Prebuilt splines, must be mutable since lazy-update in const method
- mutable Splines* mSplines;
- mutablebool mSplineBuildNeeded;
- /// Defines if rotation is done using shortest path
- mutablebool mUseShortestRotationPath ;
- };
D. 顶点动作轨迹(VertexAnimationTrack)类:用来处理变化顶点信息的类
- class_OgreExport VertexAnimationTrack :public AnimationTrack
- {//----------------------------顶点动作轨迹
- public:
- enum TargetMode
- {
- /// Interpolate vertex positions in software
- };
- /// Constructor
- VertexAnimationTrack(Animation* parent,unsigned short handle, VertexAnimationType animType);
- /// Constructor, associates with target VertexData and temp buffer (for software)
- VertexAnimationTrack(Animation* parent,unsigned short handle, VertexAnimationType animType,
- VertexData* targetData, TargetMode target = TM_SOFTWARE);
- VertexAnimationType getAnimationType(void)const { return mAnimationType; }
- virtual VertexMorphKeyFrame* createVertexMorphKeyFrame(Real timePos);
- virtual VertexPoseKeyFrame* createVertexPoseKeyFrame(Real timePos);
- virtualvoid getInterpolatedKeyFrame(const TimeIndex& timeIndex, KeyFrame* kf)const
- { (void)timeIndex; (void)kf; }
- /// @copydoc AnimationTrack::apply
- virtualvoid apply(const TimeIndex& timeIndex, Real weight = 1.0, Real scale = 1.0f);
- virtualvoid applyToVertexData(VertexData* data,
- const TimeIndex& timeIndex, Real weight = 1.0,
- const PoseList* poseList = 0);
- VertexMorphKeyFrame* getVertexMorphKeyFrame(unsignedshort index) const;
- VertexPoseKeyFrame* getVertexPoseKeyFrame(unsignedshort index) const;
- void setAssociatedVertexData(VertexData* data) { mTargetVertexData = data; }
- VertexData* getAssociatedVertexData(void)const { return mTargetVertexData; }
- /// Set the target mode
- void setTargetMode(TargetMode m) { mTargetMode = m; }
- /// Get the target mode
- TargetMode getTargetMode(void)const { return mTargetMode; }
- virtualbool hasNonZeroKeyFrames(void)const;
- virtualvoid optimise(void);
- VertexAnimationTrack* _clone(Animation* newParent)const;
- protected:
- /// Animation type
- VertexAnimationType mAnimationType;
- /// Target to animate
- VertexData* mTargetVertexData;
- /// Mode to apply
- TargetMode mTargetMode;
- /// @copydoc AnimationTrack::createKeyFrameImpl
- KeyFrame* createKeyFrameImpl(Real time);
- /// Utility method for applying pose animation
- void applyPoseToVertexData(const Pose* pose, VertexData* data, Real influence);
- };
1) 设置关键帧间的插值方式。参数IM_LNEAR代表线性插值、IM_SPLINE代表样条插值;
Void setInterpolationMode(InterpolationMode im)
2) 创建一个动画轨迹,第一个参数是这个动画轨迹的唯一标识,第二个参数指定应用这个动画轨迹的节点
AnimationTrack *createTrack(unsigned shor handle,Node *node);
3) 使得当前动画对其控制的节点产生作用(委托AnimationTrack进行),参数是当前时间点、权重和是否累计权重。
Void apply(Real timePos,Real weight=1.0,bool accumulate=false)
1) 设置动画是否可用
Void setEnabled(bool enabled);
2) 移动当前时间点,让动画状态在动画时间线上向前移动,参数为移动量。
Void addTime(Real offset)
1) 创建动画Animation,参数为动画名和长度(时间)
Virtual Animation *createAnimation(const string &name,Real length)
2) 创建动画状态AnimationState,参数是与动画对应的名称
Virtual AnimationState *createAnimationState(const String&animationName)